Τετάρτη 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

We will reduce our own taxes, do not let the European Union to tell us what to cut," said Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, in today's interview with Italian radio Rtl 102,5.

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

"We will reduce our own taxes, do not let the European Union to tell us what to cut," said Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, in today's interview with Italian radio Rtl 102,5.

More specifically, the Italian prime minister said: "When I have to talk about immigration in Brussels are all holidays. When discussing taxes, they wake up together. Their taxes would reduce our own. We will not allow the European Union to tell us what to cut. " "Results seem, and this year in Brussels made a great heat," he added meaningfully Renzo.

The intervention relates to stop community leaders who, in the past days, let it leak that the priority for Italy, is to reduce taxes on labor rather than that of real estate.

In relation to migration, the head of the Italian Government added that there have been two debates in bright tone in the European session, while those who stated that "Italy wanted to put his gun on his temple other countries", he replied: "If there was Italy, the European ideal would have died. Hence, before talk about our country should wash their mouths. "

The Matteo Renzi finally advocated one single policy that can save the lives of migrants to repatriate anyone who is not entitled to asylum and to provide for the proper slot. "

Θα μειώσουμε μόνοι μας τους φόρους, δεν αφήνουμε να μας πει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση τι πρέπει να κόψουμε», δήλωσε ο Ιταλός πρωθυπουργός Ματέο Ρέντσι, σε σημερινή συνέντευξή του στο ιταλικό ραδιόφωνο Rtl 102,5.

«Θα μειώσουμε μόνοι μας τους φόρους, δεν αφήνουμε να μας πει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση τι πρέπει να κόψουμε», δήλωσε ο Ιταλός πρωθυπουργός Ματέο Ρέντσι, σε σημερινή συνέντευξή του στο ιταλικό ραδιόφωνο Rtl 102,5.
Πιο αναλυτικά, ο Ιταλός πρωθυπουργός τόνισε: «Όταν πρέπει να μιλήσουμε για την μετανάστευση, στις Βρυξέλλες είναι όλοι διακοπές. Όταν γίνεται συζήτηση για φόρους, ξυπνούν όλοι μαζί. Τους φόρους τους θα τους μειώσουμε μόνοι μας. Δεν θα αφήσουμε να μας πει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση τι να κόψουμε» . «Απ΄ότι φαίνεται, και φέτος, στις Βρυξέλλες, έκανε μεγάλη ζέστη», πρόσθεσε με νόημα ο Ρέντσι. 
Η παρέμβασή του αυτή αναφέρεται στην στάση κοινοτικών ιθυνόντων οι οποίοι, τις περασμένες ημέρες, άφησαν να διαρρεύσει ότι η προτεραιότητα, για την Ιταλία, είναι η μείωση των φόρων στον τομέα της εργασίας και όχι σε εκείνο των ακινήτων. 
Σε σχέση με το μεταναστευτικό, ο επικεφαλής της ιταλικής κυβέρνησης πρόσθεσε ότι υπήρξαν δυο συζητήσεις σε έντονο τόνο στην ευρωπαϊκή σύνοδο, ενώ σε όσους δήλωναν ότι «η Ιταλία ήθελε να βάλει το πιστόλι στον κρόταφο άλλων χωρών», ο ίδιος απάντησε: «Αν δεν υπήρχε η Ιταλία, το ευρωπαϊκό ιδεώδες θα είχε πεθάνει. 'Αρα, πριν μιλήσουν για την χώρα μας πρέπει να πλύνουν το στόμα τους».

Ο Ματέο Ρέντσι, τέλος, τάχθηκε υπέρ μίας ενιαίας πολιτικής, η οποία να σώζει τις ζωές των μεταναστών, να επαναπατρίζει όποιον δεν δικαιούται άσυλο και να προβλέπει και την πρέπουσα υποδοχή». 

Τρίτη 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Deforested the hospital of Komotini transfers and assignments

Deforested the hospital of Komotini transfers and assignments

Already signed 10 decisions without provision for replacing the voids created
Satisfactions massive redeployment and secondment requests in Komotini hospital because the election campaign denouncing the employees of the hospital, noting that the pretext is the application of law 4223/2013 mnimoniakou in Art. 54 which provides for "Switching from border to border ...".

Workers point out that in the 'design Healthcare Charter country "gradually disappears from this problematic border region of Komotini, since the hospital deforested by staff. Characteristics note that "the Minister with great ease and without taking into account the already 70 organic spaces of Nursing Services of Komotini Hospital has signed 10 such decisions may come to ...

The remaining workers are resentful of Komotini Hospital who promised help through recruitment before the elections of January 2015, asking the signatory Mr. Kouroumpli:
1) How will the replacement of permanent posts arising from them? Should the same time signed to remove staff from the hospital of Komotini, their replacement by others, other border regions.
2) What kind of health services they can provide to proven local community of Law. Rodopi?
3) These moves are part of a coordinated contraction plan and ultimately extinction of this hospital?

Brussels: Anisychia for the actions of Ankara against the press

Brussels: Anisychia for the actions of Ankara against the press

The European Union expressed its concern about the arrest of two journalists in Turkey, working for the Vice News.

"Our concern not only the company held this morning against companies linked to the group Koza Ipek and considered suspect that finance terrorism, but also for example the recent arrests of Vice News Turkey under categories linked to terrorism "said the briefing of journalists Maja Kocijancic, EU representative for foreign affairs.

At the expense of these two journalists and their Iraqi translator were brought Monday, accusations by a court of Diyarbakir, in southeastern Turkey, for "participation in terrorist activities" on behalf of the jihadist organization Islamic State. The three profylakisthikan.

The Vice News, a news channel on the Internet whose headquarters are in the USA, reported that the two journalists are Jake Chanrachan and Philip Pentlmperi, both British citizenship.

"The EU recalls above all the importance of the presumption of innocence and the right to an independent and transparent investigation (...) with full respect for the rights of defense," insisted Kocijancic.

Turkish police also held in Ankara today raided offices belonging to a media group which criticize islamosyntiritiko regime of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and adjacent the preacher Fethullah Gülen.
This operation, which was aimed at 23 companies in the group Koza Ipek, «part of the investigation of terrorism conducted against Fethullah Gülen," reported the pro-government news agency East.

Turkey is since 2005 a candidate for EU membership, but negotiations have been blocked.

"Every country negotiating its accession to the EU should guarantee respect for Human rights, including freedom of expression under the European Convention on Human Rights," recalled the spokesman.

The Tayyip Erdogan accuses the movement "Chizmet" ("Service" in Turkish) of Fethullah Gülen, who is in exile in the US, that it wanted to topple his government exyfainontas crackdown on corruption held in the winter of 2013-2014 against facial and political environment.

France: Different aid depending on the country to refugees

France: Different aid depending on the country to refugees

People seeking asylum in Europe, the number of which increased sharply in 2015 due to the war in Syria, entitled Different assistance, depending on the country that will accept them.

In 2014 the number of asylum seekers rose by 44%, reaching 625,000 this year but is expected to break all records. Only Germany is preparing to welcome 800,000 people from 200,000 last year.

In Sweden, the country where the number of asylum seekers is by far the largest in the European Union compared to the country's population (8.4 per 1,000 inhabitants compared to 1.2 for the entire EU in 2014), all those who have no resource life are entitled to receive an amount up to consider their application: from 60-225 euros each adult (depending on family circumstances and the type of facility where he lives) and from 36 to 159 per month per child. The refugees are accommodated in special centers or find themselves taking accommodation rent subsidy ranging from 37 euros per month for single persons up to 89 euros to families.

In Britain, which last year received 31 745 applications for asylum, six times less than those in Germany, the authorities can provide accommodation to applicants, but rarely in London or south-east England. Each person may also receive a weekly allowance of £ 36.95 (about 50 euros). Larger grants are given to pregnant women (412 euros before birth) and young children. Applicants are entitled to access NHS and their children attending public schools.

In Germany, where since the beginning of the year have filed 218 221 applications (from 202 834 last year throughout the year), the "basic needs" of people (housing, food, clothing, medical care) kalyptonai of the centers 'first asylum'. Applicants additionally receive 143 euros a month for "personal needs" them. The Syrians are entitled to greater protection: Chancellor Angela Merkel announced last week that those who apply for asylum will not be sent back to their country of first entry in Europe.

In France (with 37 919 applications in the first seven months of 2015) last year there was a decrease in the number of people seeking asylum (-5% versus + 44% for the whole EU). There are two forms of support: for adults who can not be accommodated in reception centers (Cada) given a monthly allowance of 340.50 euros during the period considered their application. Those staying in reception centers receive from 91 to 718 euros, depending on their marital status and the benefits available to the center. They are also entitled to medical care and children aged 6-16 years old compulsory in school.

In Italy, where applications increased by 143% in 2014 (totaled 64 625) the amount and benefits vary according to reception centers where they receive from the state 35 per day per person. Applicants are entitled to free meals, medical care, Italian lessons and assistance. After six months they are given residence permits and the right to work until a final decision on their status.

In Austria, one of the countries also increased significantly (+ 60% a year earlier) applications, refugees are entitled to free medical care and a monthly allowance of 40 euros if staying in a reception center that provides them with accommodation and food. There may however be employed only in seasonal work.

Only nine donors has NBG sperm Britain, one year after the start of the operation, as stated by the director of the Laura Ouitzens, calling men to show goodwill.

The United Kingdom looks ... sperm donors

Only nine donors has NBG sperm Britain, one year after the start of the operation, as stated by the director of the Laura Ouitzens, calling men to show goodwill.

In an effort to fill the gap, the agency will launch this month a new communication campaign aimed to achieve a sufficient number of donors over three to five years, says the same today in the British newspaper Guardian.

To convince men to donate their sperm, the bank will follow the campaign of the Danish recipe, which brought together numerous volunteers flattering the male ego says the Ouitzens.

"The products are exported, they say, the beer, the Lego (...) and semen. It is a reason of pride, "he says.

"If we say 'gentlemen prove your worth, show how far it can reach your benevolence, we will have hundreds of donors," he adds.

This bank, an independent organization that is also subsidized by the state, opened its doors last year in Birmingham, central England, with the aim to respond to a lack of donations.

Donors receive a fee of 35 pounds (about 48 euros), a moderate amount, which is not intended to increase.

"Certainly we would have had more if donors were paying 50 or £ 100 donation. But money corrupts ... if one knows that he can pull 200 pounds a week for four months, and may be tempted to conceal information about his health, "concludes Laura Ouitzens.

Papastaurou: tomorrow the Prosecutor Testifies the case of the list Lagarde

Papastaurou: tomorrow the Prosecutor Testifies
the case of the list Lagarde

Mr. Papastaurou summoned by the assistant prosecutor I.Dragatsi financial deposit with the status of suspect for committing the offenses of tax evasion and money laundering, crimes relating to involvement in behalf of approximately 5.5 million euros bank HSBC contained in the material of the "Lagarde list".

Mr. Papastaurou reportedly argues that the surveyed amount in Swiss bank is not his capital, but that relates to business entrepreneur Saba Mionis and that he had merely administering the account.

The controversial bill was also co-beneficiaries father of Mr. Papastaurou, who has died, but his mother, which is also called to explain the same offenses.
Controlled by economic prosecutors and Mr. Mionis, which is required as Mr. Papastaurou to provide proxies or other data and documents for the money and the persons involved in the disputed bank account.

Germany: Up to 3.3 billion. Euros the cost for hosting refugees

Germany: Up to 3.3 billion. Euros the cost for hosting refugees

The German authorities are ready to house refugees, but the move will cost the country 1.8 billion. Euros to 3.3 billion. Euro 2016, said today Andrea Nales, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Germany.
The costs will primarily cover the safety and social spending, German language courses, help in finding legal employment and social benefits for the unemployed, the minister said in the online news magazine Focus.
These costs are likely to grow at about 7 billion. Euros by 2019, predicted the minister.
In August, the German Interior Ministry said he expects 800chiliades asylum seekers and refugees arriving in the country by the end of the year, a figure almost four times higher than in 2014.
Earlier today, a new wave of 2,500 refugees arrived by train from Hungary and Austria in the cities of Munich and Rosenchaim.

Sharp declines in US stock

Sharp declines in US stock

By fall closed its session yesterday the stock market on Wall Street. Investors are scared because of bad macro-economic effects on the Chinese economy and fears that the "yellow fever" will infect the global economy.
The Dow Jones industrial index closed with a fall of 468.08 points (-2.84%) to 16058.35 units.
The Nasdaq, technology companies and shipping, closed with a fall 140.40 points (-2.94%) to 4636.11 points.
The broader index Standard & Poor's 500 ended with falling 58.16 points (-2.96%) to 1913.85 points.
C. Papandreou: There goes to the elections KIDISO
Poll Pulse: Unbelievable derby - Battle vote - vote give Syriza and New Democracy

Battle head to head give Syriza and New Democracy, according to a new poll by Pulse Company on behalf of the television station Action24.
In voting intentions, SYRIZA gathers 26% and ND 25%, ie the difference between the two parties has been limited to one percentage point.
Here are the Golden Dawn with 6%, PASOK, the KKE River and 5%, the Popular Unity with 4% and Centre Union with 3%.
Apart House seems that ANEL left taking only 2.5%.
The unclear vote calculated at 10.5%.

The intention by reduction on the valid, the corresponding percentages are as follows: SYRIZA 27.5%, ND 26.5%, 6.5% Golden Dawn, River 5,5%, KKE 5.5%, PASOK 5.5 % Popular Unity 4.5%, 3%, the Centre Union, ANEL 2.5%
However, citizens seem to Come of the outgoing government negatively assess 68% (50% definitely negative rather negative 18%) and a favorable opinion has a 28% (18% rather positive, 10% definitely positive) .The majority of respondents, 24%, wants to emerge from the national unity government elections SYRIZA, ND and the other parties. 21% wants a coalition government with first ND, 17% first coalition government with SYRIZA, while 17% wanted independence SYRIZA and 8% self-reliance ND.
The suitability for prime minister Alexis Tsipras leads with 36% versus 32% of Vangelis Meimarakis. (The percentage of Alexis Tsipras suitability as prime minister today, is exactly the same -36% - with what had Antonis Samaras to the latest poll by Pulse before January elections).
Finally, the winning show SYRIZA leads with 50%, versus 36% of the Southwest.
The intention by reduction on the valid, the corresponding percentages are as follows:
SYRIZA 27.5%
ND 26.5%
ASE 6.5%
River 5,5%
KKE 5.5%
LA.E. 4,5%
Centre Union 3%
AN.EL 2.5%
Negatively evaluate the vast majority of the seven-month coalition SYRIZA -ANEL by 68%, while positively evaluates 28%.
Important is the winning performance of SYRIZA 50%, against 36% ND.
To a question on the eve of the country to the euro for the drachma placed 22% of the electoral base of SYRIZA, the match on 25 January.

In Victoria Square overnight refugees

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

 In Victoria Square overnight refugees

Number of refugees, among them families with young children, are forced to sleep in Victoria Square as the center hosting Elaionas displays fullness and have nowhere to stay, as reported by the Greek Forum of Refugees.

About 100 refugees sleep in Victoria Square, while hundreds of others spend the day there and at night are forced to sleep in houses in miserable conditions, he explains to ANA-MPA, the president of the Greek Forum of Refugees Yonne Mohammadi. "The situation is dramatic," he says Jonas Mohammadi.

As described last night, following a complaint residents who were disturbed by the scenes refugees erected in the square, strong group of police drove people from the square and people slept in the surrounding streets.

To contact the Greek Forum of Refugees with the hosting center in Eleonas, there was information that there are no places available to accept world. "We sent it three families with young children who have nowhere else to go and received in Eleonas. But the positions vacated very few to receive so many people, "added the president of the Forum.

Telecommunications Pr. Pavlopoulos - Fr.. Hollande on immigration

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

 Telecommunications Pr. Pavlopoulos - Fr.. Hollande on immigration

The huge problems facing Greece, particularly in recent months because of the unprecedented migration flows and the efforts of the Government, in collaboration mainly with the competent European fora, to immediately complete the Greek plan addressing these problems, discussed during a telephone communication was now the President of the Republic. Prokopis Pavlopoulos with French President Francois Hollande.

The President stated, the French President's views on the need for comprehensive and integrated management of the immigration -both in terms of safety and, above all, in terms of protecting the rights of human-at the highest European level to be fully activated collective and effective implementation of the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum of 2008.

Communication made a very positive climate and will continue in the coming days with the same object.