Πέμπτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Merkel: not allowed relaxation on the road of European reforms

Merkel: not allowed relaxation on the road of European reforms

The German Chancellor "Angela Merkel, speaking at the Federal Parliament for the European Council made it clear in all directions. You may not slacken in our efforts to continue reforms in Europe, based on the same national responsibility and European solidarity, especially in countries affected by the crisis, he said.

And refined by the following example: Have just spent a few weeks the situation in Greece kept us all into "steam and characterize daily titles (enn.sta SMEs). Meanwhile, it appears to have gone, here 'eternities ". Nevertheless we must not relax our efforts to continue reforms in Europe. Ms Merkel also mentioned the need to address the structural problems, especially in view of the challenges in the areas of foreign policy and security.

Also not allowed to relax - we have on "no means reached the end - to restore the structural faults of the economic and monetary union. We must continue to work for the improvement and intensification of economic coordination. Because the common currency is, as any other decision of the European integration process, representative of how and how loud we can impose worldwide our values ​​and interests. And this especially at a time of serious, very serious foreign and security challenges, said the Chancellor.

Merkel: Ne dopustiti opuštanje na putu europskih reformi

Merkel: Ne dopustiti opuštanje na putu europskih reformi

Njemačka kancelarka "Angela Merkel, govoreći u Federalnom parlamentu za Europsko vijeće jasno u svim smjerovima. Vi ne možete popustiti u naše napore za nastavak reformi u Europi, na temelju iste nacionalne odgovornosti i europske solidarnosti, posebno u zemljama pogođenim krizom, rekao je on.

A oplemenjena sljedećem primjeru: Upravo sam proveo nekoliko tjedana situacija u Grčkoj sve nas čuvaju u "paru i okarakterizirati dnevne naslove (enn.sta MSP). U međuvremenu, čini se da su otišli, ovdje vječnosti ". Ipak, ne smijemo se opustiti naše napore za nastavak reformi u Europi. Merkel je također spomenuo potrebu za rješavanje strukturnih problema, posebno s obzirom na izazove u području vanjske politike i sigurnosti.

Također nije dozvoljeno da se opustite - imamo o "ne znači do kraja - za vraćanje strukturnih nedostataka ekonomske i monetarne unije. Moramo nastaviti raditi na poboljšanju i intenziviranje gospodarske koordinacije. Budući da je zajednička valuta, kao i svaka druga odluka u procesu europskih integracija, predstavnik kako i koliko glasno možemo nametnuti svijetu svoje vrijednosti i interese. I to pogotovo u vrijeme ozbiljnih, vrlo ozbiljnih stranih i sigurnosne izazove, kazao je kancelar.

Merkel: Avrupa reformların yolda gevşeme izin verilmiyor

Merkel: Avrupa reformların yolda gevşeme izin verilmiyor

Avrupa Konseyi Federal Parlamento konuşan Almanya Başbakanı "Angela Merkel, her yöne açık yaptı. Özellikle krizden etkilenen ülkelerde aynı ulusal sorumluluk ve Avrupa dayanışması dayalı, Avrupa'daki reformları devam çabalarımızı olarak gevşetmek olmayabilir söyledi.

Ve aşağıdaki örnekte rafine: Sadece buhar içine "Yunanistan'da durum hepimizi muhafaza birkaç hafta geçirdi ve günlük başlıkları (enn.sta KOBİ) karakterize var. Bu arada, burada 'Ebediyet "gitmiş gibi görünüyor. Yine de biz Avrupa'da reformlara devam etmek çabalarımızı dinlenmek gerekir. Merkel ayrıca, özellikle dış politika ve güvenlik alanlarında zorluklar göz önüne alındığında, yapısal sorunları çözmek için gereğini belirtti.

Ayrıca dinlenmek için izin verilmez - ekonomik ve parasal birliğin yapısal hataların geri - biz hiçbir şekilde sonuna ulaştınız "var. Biz ekonomik koordinasyon iyileştirilmesi ve yoğunlaştırılması için çalışmaya devam etmeliyiz. Ortak para birimi olduğundan, biz dünya çapında değerlerini ve çıkarlarını empoze nasıl ve ne kadar yüksek sesle herhangi bir diğer Avrupa entegrasyon sürecinin kararı, temsilcisi olarak. Ve bu özellikle ciddi, çok ciddi dış politika ve güvenlik sorunları bir anda, Şansölye dedi.

Cameron: début Novembre présentera les changements souhaités dans la relation avec l'UE REUTERS

Cameron: début Novembre présentera les changements souhaités dans la relation avec l'UE
Au début de Novembre présentera le Premier ministre britannique, David Cameron, les changements souhaités par Londres comme une contribution à l'Union européenne.
Comme il le dit, à son arrivée au sommet à Bruxelles jeudi, la renégociation des conditions d'autorisation de la Grande-Bretagne va accélérer dans les prochains mois. "Je vais soulever à nouveau les quatre domaines clés où nous avons besoin de changement, montrant les changements que nous voulons au début de Novembre," at-il dit.
"Ainsi, à accélérer le rythme et d'accélérer ces négociations au Conseil de Décembre", a même dit le Premier ministre britannique, se référant au prochain sommet qui se tiendra les 17 et 18 Décembre.
"Je suis convaincu que nous pouvons obtenir un bon accord pour la Grande-Bretagne, pour corriger ces choses qui doivent être corrigées et je suis convaincu que ce processus a commencé pour de bon et prend note des progrès," at-il ajouté.

Cameron: Anfang November werden die gewünschten Änderungen im Zusammenhang mit EU präsentieren REUTERS

Cameron: Anfang November werden die gewünschten Änderungen im Zusammenhang mit EU präsentieren
Anfang November präsentiert der britische Premierminister, David Cameron, die Änderungen von London als Beitrag zur Europäischen Union gewünscht.
Wie er sagte, nach seiner Ankunft auf dem Gipfel am Donnerstag in Brüssel, die Neuverhandlung der britischen Genehmigungsauflagen werden in den kommenden Monaten zu beschleunigen. "Ich werde wieder anzuheben, die vier Schlüsselbereiche, wo wir brauchen Veränderung und zeigt die Veränderungen, die wir Anfang November will", sagte er.
"Damit das Tempo und beschleunigen diese Verhandlungen bis zur Dezembertagung des Rates", sagte auch der britische Premierminister, die sich auf dem nächsten Gipfel am 17. und 18. Dezember stattfinden.
"Ich bin überzeugt, dass wir ein gutes Angebot für Großbritannien zu bekommen, um die Dinge, die korrigiert werden müssen korrigieren und ich bin überzeugt, dass dieser Prozess für eine gute gestartet und stellt gute Fortschritte", fügte er hinzu.

Cameron: early November will present the desired changes in the relationship with EU REUTERS

Cameron: early November will present the desired changes in the relationship with EU
In early November will present British Prime Minister, David Cameron, the changes desired by London as a contribution to the European Union.
As he said, upon his arrival at the summit in Brussels on Thursday, the renegotiation of Britain's permit conditions will accelerate in the coming months. "I will raise again the four key areas where we need change, showing the changes we want in early November," he said.
"Thus accelerate the pace and accelerate these negotiations up to the December Council ', even said British Prime Minister, referring to the next summit to be held on 17 and 18 December.
"I am convinced that we can get a good deal for Britain, to correct those things that need to be corrected and I am convinced that this process has started for good and notes good progress," he added.

Clinton a prévalu dans les débats

Clinton a prévalu dans les débats
Mme Clinton a réussi à repousser les attaques de sénateur du Vermont, Bernie Sanders, l'exercice a également critiqué l'administration Obama -et indirectement au vice-président Joe Bainten- pour négligence envers l'agression russe renouvelée.
Apparence réussi à les débats ont eu lieu jusqu'ici entre les candidats à l'investiture démocrate Hillary Clinton, montrant qu'il reste bien formé devant la conférence du parti pour les élections présidentielles de 2016.

Clinton setzte sich in den Debatten Frau Clinton gelang es, die Angriffe der Senator von Vermont, Bernie Sanders abstoßen, Ausübung kritisierte auch die Obama-Regierung -und indirekt mit dem Vizepräsident Joe Bainten- wegen Fahrlässigkeit gegen die erneute russische Aggression. REUTERS Erfolgreicher Auftritt bei den Debatten statt bisher zwischen den Kandidaten für die demokratische Nominierung Hillary Clinton, die zeigen, dass es noch vor dem Parteitag für die Präsidentschaftswahlen 2016 gut ausgebildet

Clinton prevailed in debates Mrs. Clinton managed to repel the attacks of Senator of Vermont, Bernie Sanders, exercising also criticized the Obama administration -and indirectly to the Vice President Joe Bainten- for negligence towards the renewed Russian aggression. REUTERS Successful appearance at the debates held so far between the candidates for the Democratic nomination Hillary Clinton, showing that it remains well-trained ahead of the party conference for the 2016 presidential elections.

Unbelievable: The OECD calls for the passengers caught without a ticket!

Unbelievable: The OECD calls for the passengers caught without a ticket!
The "I do not pay", died! The Executive Director of OASA, Gregory Dimitriadis, suggested tightening punishment of free riders suggested during his hearing for polynomoschedio the Committee of the House and did not budge sheet!
Mr. Dimitriadis speaking the Commission called upon the substance being arrested who are caught without a ticket in Transportation. The proposal, that of Mr. Gregory Dimitriadis when they heard did not cause absolutely no reaction, even by members of SYRIZA who once poured blood racing ... for free movement without tickets and the movements of "I do not pay."
Typically, inter alia, that proposed to curb free riders in Mass Transportation, was "not the offenders punished at fault level but to a degree misdemeanor"!
What is the difference between fault and misdemeanor for someone who caught without "cut" ticket?
According to lawyers:
Fault: Provides a penalty of detention or a fine. Detention ranges from one day to one month. Today the law against free riders OASA only provides for a fine, about 60 times the fare.
Misdemeanor: The culprit will be punished with imprisonment from three to five years. The offender will either be driven into Flagrant or will be tried by a regular court session by the One Misdemeanor. If the accused wishes to appeal the judgment at first instance would be tried in the Three-Member Misdemeanors. The offender to be found guilty of a misdemeanor, is required to have intent (intent), unless the law will be punished expressly provides and negligence.

Unglaublich: Die OECD fordert die Passagiere ohne Ticket erwischt!

Unglaublich: Die OECD fordert die Passagiere ohne Ticket erwischt!
Das "Ich glaube nicht zahlen", gestorben! Der Exekutivdirektor der OASA, Gregory Dimitriadis, schlug Anziehen Bestrafung der Trittbrettfahrer bei seiner Anhörung zum polynomoschedio dem Ausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses und rührte sich nicht Blatt vorgeschlagen!
Herr Dimitriadis spricht die Kommission von der Substanz namens verhaftet, die ohne Fahrkarte in Transporter gefangen werden. Der Vorschlag, der von Mr. Gregory Dimitriadis, als sie hörten nicht verursacht absolut keine Reaktion, auch von Mitgliedern der SYRIZA, der einmal gegossen Blutrenn ... zur Förderung der Freizügigkeit ohne Tickets und die Bewegungen der "Ich weiß nicht bezahlen."
Typischerweise unter anderem, die Trittbrettfahrer in Mass Transportation einzudämmen vorgeschlagen, sei "nicht die Täter schuld Ebene, sondern bis zu einem Grad Vergehen bestraft!"
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Fehler und Vergehen für jemanden, der ohne "Schnitt" Ticket erwischt?
Laut Juristen:
Fehler: Stellt eine Vertragsstrafe von Haft oder einer Geldstrafe. Detention im Bereich von einem Tag bis zu einem Monat. Heute ist das Gesetz gegen Trittbrettfahrer OASA bietet nur für eine schöne, etwa 60-mal den Fahrpreis.
Vergehen: Der Täter wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei bis fünf Jahren bestraft werden. Der Täter wird entweder in Flagrant angetrieben werden oder wird durch einen regulären Gerichtssitzung vom One Misdemeanor versucht werden. Wenn der Angeklagte wünscht, um zu appellieren das erstinstanzliche Urteil würde in den Drei-Mitglied Kleinigkeiten ausprobiert werden. Der Täter eines Vergehens schuldig zu finden ist, ist erforderlich, um der Absicht (Absicht) zu haben, es sei denn, das Gesetz ausdrücklich, bestraft werden und bietet Fahrlässigkeit.

Incroyable: L'OCDE appelle les passagers pris sans billet!

Incroyable: L'OCDE appelle les passagers pris sans billet!
Le "je ne paie pas", est mort! Le directeur exécutif de l'OASA, Gregory Dimitriadis, a suggéré de serrage punition des resquilleurs proposées lors de son audition pour polynomoschedio le Comité de la Chambre et ne bougea feuille!
M. Dimitriadis parlant la Commission a demandé la substance étant arrêté qui sont pris sans billet dans les transports. La proposition, celle de M. Gregory Dimitriadis quand ils ont entendu n'a pas causé absolument aucune réaction, même par les membres de SYRIZA qui, une fois déversés course de sang ... pour la libre circulation sans billets et les mouvements de "je ne paie pas."
Typiquement, entre autres, qui a proposé de limiter les resquilleurs dans les transports de masse, était "pas les délinquants punis au niveau de défaut, mais pour un délit de degré"!
Quelle est la différence entre la faute et délit pour quelqu'un qui a attrapé sans "couper" billet?
Selon les avocats:
Défaut: Fournit une peine d'emprisonnement ou d'une amende. Détention varie de un jour à un mois. Aujourd'hui, la loi contre les resquilleurs OASA prévoit seulement une amende, à environ 60 fois le tarif.
Misdemeanor: Le coupable sera puni d'un emprisonnement de trois à cinq ans. Le délinquant sera soit entraînée dans Flagrant ou sera jugé par un tribunal ordinaire de la session par le Un délit. Si l'accusé souhaite faire appel du jugement en première instance serait jugé dans les délits de trois membres. Le délinquant soit reconnu coupable d'un délit, est tenu d'avoir l'intention (intention), sauf si la loi sera puni prévoit expressément et de négligence.

NeveroJatna: OECD povikuva na patnici fateni bez bilet!

NeveroJatna: OECD povikuva na patnici fateni bez bilet!
"Jas ne plaḱaat", počina! Izvršniot direktor na Oasa, Gregori Dimitriadis, sugeriraše zategnuvanje kaznuvanje na slobodni Javači predloženo vreme na negovoto soslušuvanje za polynomoschedio Komitetot na Pretstavničkiot dom i ne popušti list!
G-din Dimitriadis zemeno KomisiJata povika supstanciJa bidat uapseni koi se fateni bez bilet vo transportot. Predlogot, deka na g-din GrigoriJ Dimitriadis koga slušnaa, ne predizvika nikakva reakciJa, duri i od strana na členovite na SIRIZA, koJ ednaš isturi derbito krv ... za slobodno dviženje bez bileti i dviženjata na "Jas ne plaḱaat."
Tipično, meǵu drugoto, deka predloženite da go zaprat besplatno velosipedisti vo masovniot transport, "ne storitelite kazneti na nivo na vina, no do odreden stepen prekršok"!
KoJa e razlikata pomeǵu vina i prekršočni za nekoJ koJ fateni bez "seče" bilet?
Spored advokatite:
Vina: Ovozmožuva so kazna zatvor ili parična kazna. Pritvor se dviži od eden den do eden mesec. Denes zakonot protiv slobodnite vozači Oasa predviduva samo parična kazna, okolu 60 pati poveḱe od cenata.
Prekršočna: Vinovnikot ḱe se kazni so zatvor od tri do pet godini. Storitelot ili ḱe bidat vodeni vo flagrantno ili ḱe mu se sudi od strana na redovna sudska sednica od strana na Eden prekršoci. Dokolku obvinetiot saka da podnese žalba na presudata na prvostepeniot sud ḱe mu bide sudeno vo tričlenoto prekršocite. Storitelot da bide proglasen za vinoven za prekršok, se bara da imaat namera (namera), osven ako so zakon ḱe bidat kazneti izrečno propišuva i nebrežnost.

Inacreditável: A OCDE apela para os passageiros apanhados sem bilhete!

Inacreditável: A OCDE apela para os passageiros apanhados sem bilhete!
O "eu não presto", morreu! O director executivo da OASA, Gregory Dimitriadis, sugeriu aperto punição dos free riders sugeridas durante a sua audição para polynomoschedio do Comité da Câmara e não se mexeu folha!
Sr. Dimitriadis falando a Comissão convidou a substância ser preso que for pego sem um bilhete em Transporte. A proposta, a do Sr. Gregory Dimitriadis quando ouviram não causou absolutamente nenhuma reação, até mesmo por membros do SYRIZA, que uma vez derramado sangue correndo ... de livre circulação sem bilhetes e os movimentos de "eu não pagar."
Normalmente, inter alia, que propôs a reduzir caronas em Transporte de Massa, foi "não os infratores punidos em nível de falha, mas para uma contravenção grau"!
Qual é a diferença entre culpa e contravenção para alguém que pego sem "cortar" bilhete?
De acordo com advogados:
Falha: Fornece uma pena de prisão ou multa. A retenção varia de um dia a um mês. Hoje a lei contra caronas OASA apenas prevê uma multa, a cerca de 60 vezes a tarifa.
Contravenções: O culpado será punido com pena de prisão de três a cinco anos. A ofensor ou será conduzido em flagrante ou vai ser julgado por um tribunal sessão regular pela One contravenção. Se o acusado querer recorrer da decisão de primeira instância seriam julgados nas três membros Misdemeanors. A ofensor para ser considerado culpado de um delito, é necessário ter a intenção (intenção), a menos que a lei será punido prevê expressamente e negligência.

Mị̀ ǹā cheụ̄̀x thī̀: OECD reīyk r̂xng h̄ı̂ p̄hū̂doys̄ār cạb doy mị̀mī tạ̌w!

Mị̀ ǹā cheụ̄̀x thī̀: OECD reīyk r̂xng h̄ı̂ p̄hū̂doys̄ār cạb doy mị̀mī tạ̌w!
Ẁā"p̄hm mị̀ c̀āy" s̄eīy chīwit! P̄hū̂ xảnwy kār brih̄ār k̄hxng OASA ke rk xrī̀ Dimitriadis næa lngthos̄ʹ krachạb k̄hxng p̄hū̂ k̄hạbk̄hī̀ frī næanả rah̄ẁāng kār phicārṇā khdī k̄hxng k̄heā s̄ảh̄rạb polynomoschedio khṇa krrmkār k̄hxng b̂ān læa mị̀ k̄hyạb k̄heyụ̄̀ xn p̄hæ̀n!
Nāy Dimitriadis phūd reīyk r̂xng h̄ı̂ s̄ảnạkngān khṇa krrmkār kảkạb s̄ār thī̀ t̄hūk cạbkum ca t̄hūk cạb doy mị̀mī tạ̌w nı kār k̄hns̄̀ng k̄ĥx s̄enx thī̀ nāy ke rk xrī̀ Dimitriadis meụ̄̀x phwk k̄heā dị̂yin nận mị̀ dị̂ thảh̄ı̂ keid pt̩ikiriyā xỳāng mị̀mī mæ̂ doy s̄māchik k̄hxng SYRIZA thī̀ khey k̄hæ̀ng the leụ̄xd... S̄ảh̄rạb kār khelụ̄̀xnh̄ịw frī doy mị̀ t̂xng tạ̌w læa kār khelụ̄̀xnh̄ịw k̄hxng"p̄hm mị̀ t̂xng c̀āy."
Doy pkti xnụ̀ng thī̀ s̄enx h̄ı̂ rangạb kār k̄hạbk̄hī̀ frī k̄hns̄̀ng mwlchn"mị̀chı̀ p̄hū̂ krathả p̄hid lngthos̄ʹ nı radạb khwām p̄hid tæ̀ radạb khwām p̄hid thāng xāỵā"!
Khwām tæk t̀āng rah̄ẁāng khwām p̄hid læa khwām p̄hid thāng xāỵā s̄ảh̄rạb khn thī̀ cạb dị̂ doy mị̀ t̂xng"tạd" tạ̌w khụ̄x xarị?
Tām thī̀ thnāykhwām:
Khwām p̄hid phlād: H̄ı̂ thos̄ʹ k̄hxng kār khwbkhum tạw h̄rụ̄x prạb pĕn kạkkạn tậngtæ̀ h̄nụ̀ng wạn h̄nụ̀ng deụ̄xn wạn nī̂ kḍh̄māy kạb p̄hū̂ k̄hạbk̄hī̀ frī OASA pheīyng tæ̀ h̄ı̂ s̄ảh̄rạb kār prạb pramāṇ 60 khrậng kh̀ā doys̄ār
khwām p̄hid thāng xāỵā: P̄hū̂ krathả p̄hid ca t̂xng rawāng thos̄ʹcả khuk 3-5 pī thī̀ p̄h̀ān mā p̄hū̂ krathả p̄hid xỳāng dı xỳāng h̄nụ̀ng ca t̄hūk p̄hlạk dạn k̄hêā s̄ū̀ chạd «h̄rụ̄x ca phyāyām doy ṣ̄āl ses̄chạ̀n pkti doy h̄nụ̀ng nı khwām p̄hid thāng xāỵā h̄āk p̄hū̂ t̄hūk kl̀āwh̄ā mī khwām pras̄ngkh̒ thī̀ ca xuthṭhrṇ̒ khả tạds̄in nı krṇī ræk ca phyāyām xāchỵākrrm nı s̄ām s̄māchik p̄hū̂ krathả p̄hid thī̀ ca phb khwām p̄hid k̄hxng khwām p̄hid thāng xāỵā thī̀ ca t̂xng mī cetnā (cetnā) wêntæ̀ kḍh̄māy ca t̄hūk lngthos̄ʹ h̄ı̂ chạd læa khwām pramāth

Anghredadwy: Y OECD yn galw am y teithwyr dal heb docyn!

Anghredadwy: Y OECD yn galw am y teithwyr dal heb docyn!
Mae'r "Dydw i ddim yn talu", bu farw! Awgrymodd y Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol OASA, Gregory Dimitriadis, tynhau cosb o feicwyr rhad ac am ddim a awgrymir yn ystod ei glyw am polynomoschedio Pwyllgor y Tŷ ac nid oedd yn Budge daflen!
Mr. Dimitriadis yn siarad y Comisiwn galw ar y sylwedd yn cael ei arestio sy'n cael eu dal heb docyn yn Chludiant. Mae'r cynnig, nid yw Mr Gregory Dimitriadis pan glywsant yn achosi unrhyw adwaith gwbl, hyd yn oed gan aelodau SYRIZA a oedd unwaith yn tywallt gwaed ... rasio ar gyfer symud yn rhydd heb docynnau a symudiadau "Dydw i ddim yn talu."
Yn nodweddiadol, ymhlith pethau eraill, a gynigir i ffrwyno beicwyr am ddim yn Offeren Cludiant, oedd "nad oedd y troseddwyr cosbi ar lefel fai ond i gamymddygiad gradd"!
Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng fai a camymddygiad i rywun sy'n dal heb "torri" tocyn?
Yn ôl i gyfreithwyr:
Fault: Yn darparu cosb o gadw neu ddirwy. Cadw yn amrywio o un diwrnod i un mis. Heddiw, mae'r gyfraith yn erbyn marchogion am ddim OASA yn unig yn darparu ar gyfer dirwy, tua 60 gwaith y pris.
Camymddygiad: Bydd y troseddwr yn cael eu cosbi gyda garchar o dri i bump blynedd. Bydd y troseddwr naill ai'n cael ei yrru i mewn ddigywilydd neu a fydd yn eu rhoi ar brawf gan sesiwn llys rheolaidd gan yr Un camymddygiad. Os bydd y sawl a gyhuddir yn dymuno apelio byddai'r dyfarniad yn y lle cyntaf yn cael eu rhoi ar brawf yn y-Aelod Tri gamymddygiad. Mae'r troseddwr yn euog o gamymddygiad, mae'n ofynnol iddo gael bwriad (fwriad), oni bai y bydd y gyfraith yn cael ei gosbi yn benodol yn darparu ac esgeulustod.

Utrolig: OECD etterlyser passasjerene fanget uten billett!

Utrolig: OECD etterlyser passasjerene fanget uten billett!
Den "Jeg betaler ikke», døde! Den daglige lederen av Oasa, Gregory Dimitriadis, foreslo innstramming avstraffelse av gratispassasjerer foreslåtte under sin høring for polynomoschedio komiteen av huset og ikke rikke ark!
Mr. Dimitriadis snakker Kommisjonen oppfordret stoffet å bli arrestert som blir tatt uten billett i Transport. Forslaget, som Mr. Gregory Dimitriadis da de hørte ikke forårsake absolutt ingen reaksjon, selv av medlemmer av SYRIZA som en gang strømmet blod racing ... for fri bevegelse uten billetter og bevegelser "Jeg betaler ikke."
Vanligvis blant annet at foreslått å dempe gratispassasjerer i Mass Transport, var "ikke lovbrytere straffes på feil nivå, men til en viss grad forseelse"!
Hva er forskjellen mellom skyld og forseelse for noen som fanget uten "cut" billett?
Ifølge advokater:
Feil: Gir en straff på fengsel eller en bot. Detention varierer fra en dag til en måned. I dag loven mot gratispassasjerer Oasa gir bare for en fin, ca 60 ganger prisen.
Forseelse: Den skyldige vil bli straffet med fengsel fra tre til fem år. Lovbryteren vil enten bli drevet inn i Flagrant eller vil bli stilt for en vanlig domstol sesjon av One forseelse. Dersom den tiltalte ønsker å anke dommen i første instans vil bli prøvd i tre medlemmer forseelser. Lovbryteren å bli funnet skyldig i en forseelse, er nødvendig for å ha forsett (hensikt), med mindre loven vil bli straffet uttrykkelig gir og uaktsomhet.

Anghredadwy: Y OECD yn galw am y teithwyr dal heb docyn!

Anghredadwy: Y OECD yn galw am y teithwyr dal heb docyn!
Mae'r "Dydw i ddim yn talu", bu farw! Awgrymodd y Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol OASA, Gregory Dimitriadis, tynhau cosb o feicwyr rhad ac am ddim a awgrymir yn ystod ei glyw am polynomoschedio Pwyllgor y Tŷ ac nid oedd yn Budge daflen!
Mr. Dimitriadis yn siarad y Comisiwn galw ar y sylwedd yn cael ei arestio sy'n cael eu dal heb docyn yn Chludiant. Mae'r cynnig, nid yw Mr Gregory Dimitriadis pan glywsant yn achosi unrhyw adwaith gwbl, hyd yn oed gan aelodau SYRIZA a oedd unwaith yn tywallt gwaed ... rasio ar gyfer symud yn rhydd heb docynnau a symudiadau "Dydw i ddim yn talu."
Yn nodweddiadol, ymhlith pethau eraill, a gynigir i ffrwyno beicwyr am ddim yn Offeren Cludiant, oedd "nad oedd y troseddwyr cosbi ar lefel fai ond i gamymddygiad gradd"!
Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng fai a camymddygiad i rywun sy'n dal heb "torri" tocyn?
Yn ôl i gyfreithwyr:
Fault: Yn darparu cosb o gadw neu ddirwy. Cadw yn amrywio o un diwrnod i un mis. Heddiw, mae'r gyfraith yn erbyn marchogion am ddim OASA yn unig yn darparu ar gyfer dirwy, tua 60 gwaith y pris.
Camymddygiad: Bydd y troseddwr yn cael eu cosbi gyda garchar o dri i bump blynedd. Bydd y troseddwr naill ai'n cael ei yrru i mewn ddigywilydd neu a fydd yn eu rhoi ar brawf gan sesiwn llys rheolaidd gan yr Un camymddygiad. Os bydd y sawl a gyhuddir yn dymuno apelio byddai'r dyfarniad yn y lle cyntaf yn cael eu rhoi ar brawf yn y-Aelod Tri gamymddygiad. Mae'r troseddwr yn euog o gamymddygiad, mae'n ofynnol iddo gael bwriad (fwriad), oni bai y bydd y gyfraith yn cael ei gosbi yn benodol yn darparu ac esgeulustod.

Turchia: 12 arresti messaggi su Twitter circa la carneficina

Turchia: 12 arresti messaggi su Twitter circa la carneficina

Il primo ministro turco Ahmet Davutoglu ha detto oggi che 12 persone sono state arrestate per i loro messaggi su Twitter circa l'attentato Sabato scorso ad Ankara con 99 morti.

Il primo ministro turco ha dato questa dichiarazione in una trasmissione in diretta della rete televisiva TGRT.

Ma non ha fatto i dettagli ancora noti i motivi precisi per gli arresti.

L'attentato è avvenuto doppio suicidio nei pressi della principale stazione ferroviaria della città prima della pace percorso dall'inizio ha condotto il suo pro-curdo Partito democratico del popolo (HDP) con altri partiti e organizzazioni della sinistra, come l'agenzia di stampa di Atene ha riferito.

La marcia della pace è stato progettato per chiedere la fine del sanguinoso conflitto tra le forze turche e militanti curdi nel sud-est della Turchia.

Ieri, il primo ministro ha detto agenzia Reuters che alcuni dei sospetti in attacco aveva vissuto per diversi mesi in Siria e può essere associata con lo Stato islamico o militanti del PKK curdo.

Turska: 12 hapšenja poruke na Tvitter o pokolju

Turska: 12 hapšenja poruke na Tvitter o pokolju

Turski premijer Ahmet Davutoglu izjavio je danas da je 12 ljudi uhapšeno zbog svojih postova na Tvitter o terorističkom napadu prošle subote u Ankari sa 99 mrtvih.

Turski premijer je dao ovu izjavu u direktan prenos na televizijskoj mreži TGRT.

Ali nije gotovo poznate detalje o preciznim razlozima hapšenja.

Dvostruki samoubilački napad dogodio u blizini glavne železničke stanice u grad pre nego što je mirovni početak put sproveo svoju prokurdsku Demokratska narodna partija (HDP) sa drugim strankama i organizacijama levice, kao novinska agencija u Atini prijavio.

Mirovni marš Planirano je da zatraži okončanje krvavog sukoba između turskih snaga i kurdskih militanata u jugoistočnoj Turskoj.

Juče je premijer rekao je Rojtersu agenciju da su neki od osumnjičenih u napadu živeo nekoliko meseci u Siriji i mogu biti povezane sa islamskom državom ili kurdskih militanata PKK.

Turska: 12 uhićenja postovi na Twitteru o krvoprolića

Turska: 12 uhićenja postovi na Twitteru o krvoprolića

Turski premijer Ahmet Davutoglu izjavio je danas da je 12 osoba uhićeno zbog svoje postove na Twitteru o terorističkom napadu prošle subote u Ankari s 99 mrtvih.

Turski premijer je dao ovu izjavu u izravnom prijenosu na televizijske mreže TGRT.

No, ne radi još poznate detalje o točnim razlozima uhićenja.

Dvostruko samoubojstvo Napad se dogodio u blizini glavne željezničke stanice u grad prije početka mir put provela svoj prokurdske Demokratske pučke stranke (HDP) s drugim strankama i organizacijama ljevice, kao Atena tiskovna agencija prijavljen.

Mir ožujak je planirano zatražiti na kraj krvavog sukoba između turskih snaga i kurdskih militanata u jugoistočnoj Turskoj.

Jučer, premijer je izjavio za Reuters agenciju da su neki od osumnjičenih u napadu je živio za nekoliko mjeseci u Siriji, a može biti povezan s islamskom državom ili kurdskih militanata PKK.

Türkiye: katliam hakkında Twitter'da 12 tutuklama mesajlar

Türkiye: katliam hakkında Twitter'da 12 tutuklama mesajlar

Türk Başbakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu 12 kişi 99 ölü Ankara'daki terör saldırısı geçen Cumartesi ilgili Twitter'da görevlerinden için tutuklandıklarını bugün söyledi.

Türk Başbakanı televizyon ağı TGRT canlı yayında bu ifadeyi verdim.

Ama tutuklama için kesin nedenleri henüz bilinen ayrıntıları bitmiş değil.

Başlangıç ​​yolu barış, diğer parti ve Sol örgütler ile Kürt yanlısı Demokratik Halk Partisi'ni (HDP) yürütülen önce Atina Haber Ajansı bildirilen çifte intihar saldırısı, ana tren istasyonu yakınında şehir oluştu.

Barış yürüyüşü Türkiye'nin güneydoğusunda Türk kuvvetleri ve Kürt militanlar arasındaki kanlı çatışmalara son istemek için planlandı.

Dün, Başbakan saldırıda bazı şüphelilerin Suriye'de aylardır yaşamış ve İslam Devleti veya Kürt PKK militanları ile ilişkili olabilir Reuters ajansına verdiği demeçte.

טורקיה: 12 הודעות מעצרים בטוויטר על הקטל

טורקיה: 12 הודעות מעצרים בטוויטר על הקטל

ראש הממשלה טורקית, אחמט דוואטולו אמר היום כי 12 בני אדם נעצרו להודעות שלהם בטוויטר על הפיגוע בשבת שעברה באנקרה עם 99 הרוגים.

ראש ממשלת טורקיה, נתנה הצהרה זו בשידור חי של רשת הטלוויזיה TGRT.

אבל לא עשה פרטים ידועים עדיין הסיבות המדויקות למעצרים.

פיגוע ההתאבדות הכפול התרחש בסמוך לתחנת הרכבת המרכזית בעיר לפני תחילת דרך השלום שנערך מפלגתו הפרו-הכורדית הדמוקרטית העממית של (HDP) עם מפלגות וארגונים של השמאל אחרים, כמו סוכנות ידיעות אתונה דיווחה.

צעדת השלום תוכננה כדי לבקש סיום הסכסוך העקוב מדם בין כוחות תורכי וחמושים כורדים בדרום מזרח טורקיה.

אתמול, ראש הממשלה אמרה לסוכנות רויטרס כי חלק מהחשודים בתקיפה חי במשך כמה חודשים בסוריה ועשוי להיות קשורה עם המדינה האסלאמית או החמושים כורדי PKK.

Турция: 12 арести публикации в Twitter за касапницата

Турция: 12 арести публикации в Twitter за касапницата

Турският премиер Ахмет Давутоглу заяви днес, че 12 души са били арестувани за техните публикации в Twitter за терористичното нападение миналата събота в Анкара с 99 мъртви.

Турският премиер даде това изявление в живо предаване на телевизионна мрежа TGRT.

Но не е направено още известни подробности за точните причини за арестите.

Двоен самоубийствен атентат The настъпили в близост до централната жп гара на града, преди мира старт път извърши своя прокюрдската Демократична народна партия (ХДП) с други партии и организации на левицата, като Агенцията за Атина Press съобщава.

Марш на мира е било планирано да поиска прекратяване на кървавия конфликт между турските сили и кюрдските бунтовници в Югоизточна Турция.

Вчера премиерът заяви пред Ройтерс агенция, че някои от заподозрените в нападението е живял в продължение на няколко месеца в Сирия и може да бъде свързано с ислямската държава или кюрдските бунтовници от ПКК.

Tyrkland: 12 Handtökur innlegg á Twitter um carnage

Tyrkland: 12 Handtökur innlegg á Twitter um carnage

Tyrkneska forsætisráðherra Ahmet Davutoglu sagði í dag að 12 manns voru handteknir fyrir innlegg þeirra á Twitter um hryðjuverkaárás á laugardag í Ankara með 99 dauður.

Tyrkneska forsætisráðherra gaf þessa yfirlýsingu í beinni útsendingu á sjónvarp net TGRT.

En ekki gert enn vitað nákvæmlega í nákvæma grein fyrir ástæðum handtökur.

The tvöfaldur sjálfsvíg árás átti sér stað nálægt aðallestarstöðinni borgina fyrir upphaf leið friður fram Democratic Party sína atvinnumaður-kúrdíska fólksins (HDP) við aðra aðila og stofnanir af vinstri, sem Athens Press Agency greint.

Friður mars var ákveðið að óska ​​eftir að binda enda á blóðugum átökum milli tyrkneska herafla og kúrdíska militants í suðausturhluta Tyrklands.

Í gær, forsætisráðherra sagði Reuters fréttastofunni að sumir af grun í árás hafði lifað í nokkra mánuði í Sýrlandi og tengja má við íslamska ríki eða kúrdíska PKK militants.

Turkiet: 12 gripanden inlägg på Twitter om blodbad

Turkiet: 12 gripanden inlägg på Twitter om blodbad

Turkiets premiärminister Ahmet Davutoglu sade i dag att 12 personer greps för sina tjänster på Twitter om terroristattacken i lördags i Ankara med 99 döda.

Turkiets premiärminister gav detta uttalande i en direktsändning av TV-nätet TGRT.

Men inte gjort ännu kända uppgifter om de exakta skälen till arresteringarna.

Den dubbla självmordsattack inträffade nära centralstationen i staden innan banan fred genomförde sin pro-kurdiska Demokratiska folkpartiet (HDP) med andra partier och organisationer i vänstern, som Aten Press Agency rapporterade.

Freds marschen planerades att begära ett slut på den blodiga konflikten mellan turkiska styrkor och kurdiska aktivister i sydöstra Turkiet.

Igår premiärministern berättade Reuters byrå som en del av de misstänkta i attacken hade bott i flera månader i Syrien och kan associeras med den islamiska staten eller kurdiska PKK militanter.

Turcyja: 12 aryštaŭ paviedamlienniaŭ na Twitter ab razni

Turcyja: 12 aryštaŭ paviedamlienniaŭ na Twitter ab razni

Premjer-ministr Turcyi Achmiet Davutohlu zajaviŭ sionnia, što 12 čalaviek byli aryštavanyja za svaje pasty na Twitter pra terakt ŭ minuluju subotu ŭ Ankary z 99 miortvych.

Premjer-ministr Turcyi daŭ hetuju zajavu ŭ pramym efiry teliekampanii TGRT.

Alie hetaha nie zrabili viadomyja padrabiaznasci ab dakladnych pryčynach aryštaŭ.

Napad adbylosia padvojnaje samahubstva niedalioka ad haloŭnaha čyhunačnaha vakzala horada, pierš čym sviet pačatak šliachu praviala pra-kurdskaj demakratyčnaj narodnaj partyi (HDP) z inšymi partyjami i arhanizacyjami lievych, jak paviedamliaje pres-ahienctva Afiny.

Mirny marš planavalasia zapytać kaniec kryvavamu kanfliktu pamiž tureckimi silami i kurdskimi bajavikami na paŭdniovym uschodzie Turcyi.

Učora premjer-ministr zajaviŭ ahienctvu Reuters, što niekatoryja z padazravanych u napadzie žyŭ na praciahu niekaĺkich miesiacaŭ u Siryi i moža być zviazanaja z dziaržavaj islamskaha abo kurdskich bajevikoŭ RPK.

Turquía: 12 arrestos mensajes en Twitter acerca de la carnicería

Turquía: 12 arrestos mensajes en Twitter acerca de la carnicería

El primer ministro turco, Ahmet Davutoglu, dijo hoy que 12 personas fueron detenidas por sus mensajes en Twitter sobre el ataque terrorista el pasado sábado en Ankara con 99 muertos.

El primer ministro turco dio esta declaración en una transmisión en vivo de la cadena de televisión TGRT.

Pero no se ha hecho detalles todavía conocidas de los motivos exactos de la detención.

El doble ataque suicida ocurrió cerca de la principal estación de tren de la ciudad antes de la paz senda inicio realizó su pro kurdo Partido Popular Democrático (HDP) con otros partidos y organizaciones de izquierda, como la Agencia de Prensa de Atenas informó.

La marcha por la paz fue planeado para pedir el fin de la sangrienta conflicto entre las fuerzas turcas y militantes kurdos en el sureste de Turquía.

Ayer, el primer ministro dijo a la agencia Reuters que algunos de los sospechosos en el ataque habían vivido durante varios meses en Siria y puede asociarse con el Estado islámico o militantes del PKK kurdo.

Turcja: 12 aresztowania posty na Twitterze o rzezi

Turcja: 12 aresztowania posty na Twitterze o rzezi

Turecki premier powiedział dziś Ahmet Davutoglu, że 12 osób zostało aresztowanych za swoich postów na Twitterze na temat ataku terrorystycznego w ostatnią sobotę w Ankarze z 99 zmarłych.

Turecki premier wydał to oświadczenie w transmisji na żywo w sieci telewizyjnej TGRT.

Ale nie zrobił jeszcze znane szczegóły dokładnych przyczyn aresztowania.

Podwójne samobójczy atak nastąpił w pobliżu głównego dworca kolejowego miasto przed pokojem ścieżka startu prowadził pro-kurdyjskiej Demokratycznej Partii Ludowej (HDP) z innych partii i organizacji lewicy, jak Ateny Agencja Prasowa SA poinformował.

Marsz pokoju było planowane do żądania kres krwawym konflikcie między siłami tureckimi i kurdyjskich bojowników w południowo-wschodniej Turcji.

Wczoraj premier powiedział agencji Reuters, że niektórzy z podejrzanych w ataku żył od kilku miesięcy w Syrii i może być związany z Islamskiego Państwa bojowników PKK lub kurdyjskich.

Turkki: 12 pidätyksiä viestit viserrys verilöyly

Turkki: 12 pidätyksiä viestit viserrys verilöyly

Turkin pääministeri Ahmet Davutoglu sanoi tänään, että 12 ihmistä pidätettiin heidän virkaa viserrys terrori-iskun viimeisenä lauantaina Ankarassa 99 kuollut.

Turkin pääministeri antoi tämän julkilausuman suorana lähetyksenä televisioverkon TGRT.

Mutta ei vielä valmis tunnettuja yksityiskohtia täsmälliset syyt pidätyksiä.

Kaksinkertainen itsemurhaisku tapahtui lähellä päärautatieasemaa kaupungin ennen polku rauhaan toteutti pro-kurdien demokraattinen kansanpuolue (HDP) muiden osapuolten ja järjestöjen vasemmiston, kuten Ateenan Press Agency raportoitu.

Rauha marssi suunniteltiin pyytää lopettamaan verisen konfliktin välillä Turkin joukkojen ja kurdien militantteja Kaakkois-Turkissa.

Eilen, pääministeri kertoi Reutersille virasto, joka joidenkin epäiltyjen hyökkäys oli asunut useita kuukausia Syyriassa ja saattaa liittyä islamilainen valtio tai kurdien PKK militantteja.

Türkei: 12 Festnahmen Beiträge auf Twitter über das Blutbad

Türkei: 12 Festnahmen Beiträge auf Twitter über das Blutbad

Der türkische Ministerpräsident Ahmet Davutoglu sagte heute, dass 12 Personen wurden für ihre Beiträge auf Twitter zu dem Terroranschlag am vergangenen Samstag in Ankara mit 99 Toten verhaftet.

Der türkische Ministerpräsident gab diese Anweisung in einer Live-Übertragung des TV-Netzwerk TGRT.

Aber noch nicht getan bekannten Details, die genauen Gründe für die Festnahmen.

Der Doppelselbstmordanschlag ereignete sich nahe dem Hauptbahnhof der Stadt, bevor der Startpfad Frieden mit anderen Parteien und Organisationen der Linken führte seine pro-kurdischen Demokratischen Volkspartei (HDP), da die Athener Nachrichtenagentur berichtet.

Der Friedensmarsch wurde geplant, um ein Ende der blutigen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen türkischen Truppen und kurdischen Kämpfer im Südosten der Türkei beantragen.

Gestern hat der Ministerpräsident sagte Reuters-Agentur, die einige der Verdächtigen im Angriff für mehrere Monate in Syrien gelebt und kann mit der islamischen Staates oder kurdische PKK-Kämpfer in Verbindung gebracht werden.

Turquie: 12 arrestations messages sur Twitter à propos du carnage

Turquie: 12 arrestations messages sur Twitter à propos du carnage

Le Premier ministre turc, Ahmet Davutoglu, a déclaré aujourd'hui que 12 personnes ont été arrêtées pour leurs messages sur Twitter à propos de l'attaque terroriste samedi dernier à Ankara avec 99 morts.

Le Premier ministre turc a fait cette déclaration dans une émission en direct de la chaîne de télévision TGRT.

Mais pas fait de détails encore connues des raisons précises de l'arrestation.

Le double attentat suicide a eu lieu près de la gare principale de la ville avant le chemin de la paix a effectué son début Parti démocratique populaire pro-kurde (HDP) avec d'autres partis et organisations de la gauche, l'Athènes de presse a rapporté l'agence.

La mars de paix a été prévu de demander une fin au conflit sanglant entre les forces turques et militants kurdes dans le sud de la Turquie.

Hier, le premier ministre a déclaré à l'agence Reuters que certains des suspects dans l'attaque avaient vécu pendant plusieurs mois en Syrie et peut être associée à l'État islamique ou militants kurdes du PKK.

Turkey: 12 arrests posts on Twitter about the carnage

Turkey: 12 arrests posts on Twitter about the carnage

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said today that 12 people were arrested for their posts on Twitter about the terrorist attack last Saturday in Ankara with 99 dead.

Turkish Prime Minister gave this statement in a live broadcast of the television network TGRT.

But not done yet known details of the precise reasons for the arrests.

The double suicide attack occurred near the main train station the city before the start path peace conducted its pro-Kurdish Democratic People's Party (HDP) with other parties and organizations of the Left, as the Athens Press Agency reported.

The peace march was planned to request an end to the bloody conflict between Turkish forces and Kurdish militants in southeastern Turkey.

Yesterday, the prime minister told Reuters agency that some of the suspects in the attack had lived for several months in Syria and may be associated with the Islamic State or Kurdish PKK militants.

Heavy rains hit yesterday by Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia have caused overflowing of rivers and flooding.

Heavy rains hit yesterday by Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia have caused overflowing of rivers and flooding.

In the northwestern part of Bosnia, cities Chaplin and Mostar, flooded homes and houses, as announced by the civil protection services of the Croat-Muslim Federation and the Republika Srpska.

The water torrents flooded homes and shops in Mostar. In the city Tsitlouk main streets were turned into lakes and vehicular traffic was interrupted.

From overflowing rivers flooded houses in the cities of Novi Grad, Prijedor, Kozarska Ntoumpitsa.

Bad weather with heavy rain and gale force winds caused major problems in cities in the province Sibenik - Knin in southern Croatia.

From the torrents water caused damage to the road surface in the main roads of the city Sibenik and flooded the building of the Municipal Library.

Bad weather caused damage to the electricity network on Danilo areas Perkovic, Zamporits and the island Kaprigie.

Shock: special education teacher had sex for three years with 12 year old

Shock: special education teacher had sex for three years with 12 year old

Shocking case of the young teacher special education which is accused took advantage of its position and had sex for three years, with a student just 12 years.

The end of the thread began to unfold when the student confessed his teachers at the new school.

As he said, he had synerefthei with the teacher at least 20 times. The teacher that has recently given birth are forced to accept to give the baby paternity test to determine if the 12 year old is the child's father.

Nightmare for 35 years: The "imprisoned" in the van and were issued to foreigners

The absolute horror lived a 35-year Fthiotida, which was under atypical hostage and was forced to have sex with foreigners against worthless for money.

The woman from the Bulgarian lived a nightmare in our country, as the national of 45, along with another man who convinced me to come to Greece promising a decent job, held prisoner and was publishing!

At least one month the two men had "captured" in a van, which perieferan in various areas and forced the 35-year get together sexually, mainly foreigners, who were paying 10-20 euros.

The martyrdom of the unfortunate woman stopped yesterday evening in Thebes, when the police after an incident prosigagan the 45-year Bulgarian and the victim of the case. From the preliminary investigation showed the drama lived in the hands of two of his compatriots.

The 45, arrested and searched and accomplice. In possession of the arrested person were found and seized a mobile phone and a wallet, which contained the funds of 840.000 rial (Iranian currency) and 50.50 euros.

"We are voting against the polynomoschedio" said the president of New Democracy, Vangelis Meimarakis, speaking in the House in the debate on the polynomoschedio for prerequisites.
"Neither mnimoniakoi nor played the anti-memorandum, the memorandum was mandatory policy to emerge from the crisis," said Vangelis Meimarakis in the House plenary.
Still, launched an attack against the government, accusing it another stop observing the elections and another after the elections.
"Day by day reveal the fraud policy of the government. How about the income tax that would be reduced and the ENFIA that will katargoutan after the elections and a number even of lies, "said the president of the New Republic.
"Mr. Tsipras, once they had signed the agreement had begun to promise equivalents", argued the president of New Democracy.
However, the opposition leader added that "everything he had said Tsipras was a lie. For this you now elections, "he said, addressing the government," lest the world know what you vote (pp bill) as urgent in August. "
Vangelis Meimarakis added that "come and others that will be much worse."
Red loans are negotiated with institutions, as pointed out by Finance Minister George Stathakis, with Vangelis Meimarakis highlight: "Do not dare to hand over the houses in the world in foreign funds. The New Republic is vertically opposed to it. We, thus, responsibility, patriotism will stand against any such practice. "
The president of the New Republic clarified that the party MPs will vote against the polynomoschedio the government brings to Parliament.
As he noted, among other things, the bill winks at professional fraudsters.
Moreover, "the regulation of 100 doses turns into a fiasco," said the president of New Democracy, explaining how they will come to trouble those who chose to join, since "the state is unilaterally changing the terms."
Increasing tax on farmers, liberalization of professions, abolishing the EKAS and increased taxation in education are among the main reasons that the opposition will not give its support to the government by voting against the polynomoschedio.
"Front forokataigida started, committed to dynamic opposition" features the president said ND. "We put back to leave the country in the euro, but to bring measures on social milestone. Now vote for yourself, because it is anti-social, "concluded Vangelis Meimarakis.

Δουλεμπορικό εμβόλισε σκάφος του Λιμενικού - Αγνοούνται 8 μετανάστες

Δουλεμπορικό εμβόλισε σκάφος του Λιμενικού βόρεια της Μυτιλήνης. Βυθίστηκε το πλοίο που μετέφερε τους μετανάστες. Μέχρι στιγμής έχουν διασωθεί 31 άνθρωποι και αγνοούνται 8.
Σύμφωνα με το Λιμενικό, το ξύλινο σκάφος που μετέφερε τους μετανάστες στην προσπάθειά του να αποφύγει το σκάφος της Ελληνικής Ακτοφυλακής εμβόλισε το πλοιάριο με αποτέλεσμα να βυθιστεί.
Το περιστατικό συνέβη μισό ναυτικό μίλι βόρεια του Μολύβου Μυτιλήνης.

CDU: "zdetronizować Merkel"

CDU: "zdetronizować Merkel"
Kanclerz Niemiec Angela Merkel nadal otrzymuje ogień z chrześcijańskich demokratów (CDU), bazy partii do rozmów podczas konferencji regionalnej w Saksonii, aby zamknąć granicę, podczas gdy niektórzy z uczestników wezwała do "detronizacji".
Wewnątrz CDU rosnącej krytyki wobec Merkel na temat polityki imigracyjnej poniżej. Podczas regionalnym zjeździe partii w Skointits Północnej Saksonii szef partii w państwie została brutalnie zaatakowana, a członkowie stowarzyszenia regionalnego CDU NRD oskarża Merkel o brak i ostrzegł "katastrofy narodowej", jeśli powstrzymać napływ uchodźców.
Niemniej jednak kanclerz Niemiec nie wydają się zmiany postaw: prawo do azylu i ochrony cywilnej i prześladowań jest prawo, że każdy człowiek powiedział.
Według niej, należy zaoferować im perspektywy dla ludzi, którzy mają duże szanse, aby pozostać w Niemczech.
Ale Merkel wydawała się do pewnych ustępstw zauważając, że większość uchodźców z strefach wojennych otrzyma azyl na trzy lata w Niemczech po wojnie będą mogli wrócić do swoich ojczyzn.
Wielu członków CDU nie zgadza się z imigracji niemieckiego rządu. Dużo Niemców nie słyszy slogan Merkel: "Czy możemy osiągnąć", powiedział jeden z około 1000 członków partii, który był obecny na konferencji, zgodnie z biura w Atenach.
Inni uczestnicy poprosił o zamknięciu granicy z Niemcami, ale także zmiany konstytucji niemieckiej. Rzeczywiście jedno miejsce podczas przemówienia Merkel transparent, na którym napisano: ". Zatrzymaj imigracji chaos- Przechowywać kulturę i axies- niemiecki zdetronizowany Merkel"
Inni ostrzegali o tworzenie "społeczeństwa równoległego" i wyraził swoją wściekłość: Merkel "otwarty" i wszyscy uchodźcy przyjść "w Niemczech, do krainy dobrobytu."
Członek CDU wyraziła troskę o przyszłość dzieci i wnuków i zażądał: "Pani kanclerz, proszę zamknąć granicę".
Tymczasem premier Bawarii i przewodniczący CSU) (Christianokoinoniston Horst Zeechofer zapytał ponownie, aby ograniczyć imigrację.
Zeechofer spotkał się z polityków z regionu w niemieckiej granicy z Austrią, gdzie ostatnie tygodnie osiągnęły tysiące uchodźców.
"Jesteśmy gotowi do wzięcia odpowiedzialności za tę sytuację", powiedział przewodniczący CSU. "Jeżeli polityka imigracyjna nie ustawić limity, a następnie ludność wprowadzi limity polityków," powiedział.
Dźwięki udać się w rządzie, coraz więcej członków CDU do podpisania listów za i przeciw postawie Merkel.
Po burzliwej debacie wtorek wewnątrz CDU na temat polityki imigracyjnej, wielu polityków partii stanął po kanclerza nie być ograniczony, na recepcji azylantów.
Oczekuje się, że dziś i jutro do głosowania w Bundestagu (niższej izby) i Bundesrat (izba wyższa) ustawy przewidujące zaostrzenia warunków azylu.

CDU: "destronar Merkel"

CDU: "destronar Merkel"
La canciller alemana Angela Merkel sigue recibiendo fuego de la Democracia Cristiana (CDU), la base del partido a las llamadas durante una conferencia regional en Sajonia para cerrar la frontera, mientras que algunos de los asistentes pidieron "el destronamiento".
Dentro de las crecientes críticas contra CDU de Merkel sobre la política de inmigración a continuación. Durante un congreso regional del partido en Skointits Norte Sajonia el jefe del partido en el estado fue brutalmente atacado, mientras que los miembros de la asociación regional de la CDU de Alemania Oriental acusaron Merkel de fracasar y advirtió de un "desastre nacional" si frenar la afluencia los refugiados.
Sin embargo, la canciller alemana no pareció cambiar actitudes: El derecho de asilo y la protección de los derechos civiles y la persecución es un derecho que todo hombre ha dicho.
Según ella, se les debe ofrecer perspectivas a las personas que tienen buenas posibilidades de permanecer en Alemania.
Pero Merkel parecía hacer algunas concesiones y señaló que la mayoría de los refugiados de las zonas de guerra recibirían asilo durante tres años en Alemania después de la guerra será capaz de regresar a sus países de origen.
Muchos miembros de la CDU no está de acuerdo con la inmigración del gobierno alemán. Gran parte de los alemanes ya no puede escuchar la consigna de Merkel: "¿Vamos a lograr", dijo uno de los aproximadamente 1.000 miembros del partido que estuvo presente en la conferencia de acuerdo con la agencia de Atenas.
Otros asistentes pidieron el cierre de la frontera con Alemania, sino también el cambio de la Constitución alemana. De hecho, uno que tuvo lugar durante su discurso de Merkel una pancarta en la que estaba escrito: "Deja de inmigración chaos- Mantenga la cultura y axies- alemán destronados Merkel."
Otros advirtieron acerca de la creación de la "sociedad paralela" y expresaron su rabia: Merkel abrió 'y todos los refugiados vienen "en Alemania, la tierra de la prosperidad."
Un miembro de la CDU expresó su preocupación por el futuro de hijos y nietos y exigió: "¡Señora Canciller, por favor cierre la frontera".
Mientras tanto, el primer ministro de Baviera y presidente de Christianokoinoniston (CSU), Horst Zeechofer pidieron nuevamente para limitar la inmigración.
El Zeechofer reunió con políticos de la región en la frontera de Alemania con Austria, donde las últimas semanas han llegado a miles de refugiados.
"Estamos dispuestos a asumir la responsabilidad de esta situación", dijo el presidente de la CSU. "Si la política de inmigración no establece límites, entonces la población pondrá límites a los políticos", dijo.
Los tonos suben dentro del gobierno, con más y más miembros de la CDU a firmar cartas favor y en contra de la actitud de Merkel.
Después de un acalorado debate Martes dentro de la CDU en la política de inmigración, muchos políticos del partido pusieron de parte del canciller no ser cubiertas en la acogida de los solicitantes de asilo.
Se espera que hoy y mañana a votar en el Bundestag (cámara baja) y el Bundesrat (cámara alta) un proyecto de ley por el que se endurecen las condiciones para el asilo.

CDU: "dethrone Merkel"

CDU: "dethrone Merkel"
German Chancellor Angela Merkel continues to receive fire from the Christian Democrats (CDU), the party's base to the calls during a regional conference in Saxony to close the border, while some of the attendees called for "the dethronement".
Inside the CDU growing criticism against Merkel on immigration policy below. During a regional party congress in Skointits Northern Saxony the head of the party in the state was brutally attacked, while members of the regional association of the CDU East Germany accused Merkel of failing and warned of "a national disaster" if stem the influx refugees.
Nevertheless the German chancellor did not appear to change attitudes: The right to asylum and protection of civil and persecution is a right that every man has said.
According to her, they should be offered prospects to people who have good chances to remain in Germany.
But Merkel seemed to make some concessions noting that most refugees from war zones would receive asylum for three years in Germany after the war will be able to return to their homelands.
Many members of the CDU does not agree with the immigration of the German government. Much of the Germans can no longer hear the slogan of Merkel: "Will we accomplish," said one of the approximately 1,000 members of the party who was present at the conference according to the Athens agency.
Other attendees asked for the closure of the German border, but also changing the German constitution. Indeed one held during her speech Merkel a banner on which was written: "Stop immigration chaos- Keep German culture and axies- dethroned Merkel."
Others warned about the creation of "parallel society" and expressed their rage: Merkel 'opened' and all refugees come "in Germany, the land of prosperity."
A member of the CDU expressed concern for the future of children and grandchildren and demanded: "Madam Chancellor, please close the border!".
Meanwhile, the prime minister of Bavaria and chairman of Christianokoinoniston (CSU) Horst Zeechofer asked again to limit immigration.
The Zeechofer met with politicians from the region in Germany's border with Austria, where recent weeks have reached thousands of refugees.
"We are ready to take responsibility for this situation," said the chairman of the CSU. "If the immigration policy does not set limits, then the population will put limits to the politicians," he said.
The tones go up within the government, with more and more Members of the CDU to sign letters for and against the attitude of Merkel.
After heated debate Tuesday inside the CDU on immigration policy, many politicians of the party sided with the chancellor not to be capped on the reception of asylum seekers.
Today and tomorrow are expected to vote in the Bundestag (lower house) and the Bundesrat (upper house) a bill whereby they toughen the conditions for asylum.