About 20 Republican (LR) and right-wing Democrat and Independent Union (UDI), including Allen Zippe and Bruno Le Mer, are of the opinion that their respective "political families" should "respond to the hand President "Emmanuel Makron, with the appointment of Edward Philip in prime minister.
This appointment "is a political act of great significance," and "the right and the center should understand the political transformation that is taking place in their eyes," the 22 elected members emphasize in their joint statement. Among other things, the text is signed by MP Benoua Apari and Senator Fabien Keller (adjacent to Zippe), Ms Thierry Soler (adjacent to Bruno Le Mer) and Turkish mayor Gerald Darmanen, a former associate of Nicolas Sarkozy and the Republican mayor Of Nice Cristian Estroe.
"Instead of anxieties, caricatures, exclusions, we formally ask our political family to stand up to the circumstances and expectations of the French who, on the day of the election of Emmanuel Macron, expect us to make an appointment for the general interest "Our political families on the right and the center have to respond to the hand that the President of the Republic tends them to," the text continues.