Πέμπτη 13 Απριλίου 2017

Some things that Turkish citizens will decide on April 16 need to know about the referendum

On April 16th, Turkish citizens will decide with the referendum whether to change the country's constitution and strengthen the powers of President Erdogan. The referendum has brought to light the deep rift that exists inside and outside Turkey. Here are some important information about the referendum:


The referendum will change the Turkish political system from parliamentary to presidential. The Prime Minister's office will be abolished and the president, who will be directly elected by the people, will now be the head of the government's executive arm as well as the head of the state.

The President will gain additional powers, including the right to draw up the budget, appoint and dismiss ministers and, in some cases, issue decrees.

The president will also be allowed to maintain a relationship with a political party.

Under the current system, the president is required to at least virtually cut his party ties and to rule as "neutral".

In short, if the president gains great powers under the proposed changes, the referendum is a vote for President Erdogan himself.

Erdogan is attempting to redefine the role of the president since 2005. His plan was reinforced after the failed coup against him in the summer of 2016, which allowed him to contend more convincingly that radical changes are needed. But the referendum has proved highly divisive.


Reasonably those who favor "evet" (yes) are the supporters of Erdogan's AKP. They argue that constitutional reforms are necessary to rationalize the Turkish government so that it can cope with the demands of the modern political environment.

More surprising is the support of the far-right MHP (Party of National Action) towards constitutional reforms as MHP has traditionally been opposed to the idea of ​​a presidential system.

Rumors want party leader Develet Bakhcheli to have served as vice president in exchange for his co-operation.

The Turkish parliament has already voted for constitutional changes, but they need to be passed by popular vote to become law.


The referendum finds the two other major Turkish parties, with the exception of the ruling party, the opposite: the Kemalist and Social Democratic Republican People's Party (CHP) and the left-wing pro-Kurdish People's Party (HDP).

Human Rights Defenders and Promotion Societies also say "hayir" (no) to the referendum. They argue that the proposed constitutional changes will essentially allow Erdogan to rule as a dictator.

In the event that yes, the referendum will allow Erdogan to claim two terms of office in the presidency during the next national elections in Turkey in 2019. He may therefore remain in power until 2029.


This depends on who is asked to answer. The proposed changes allow some safeguards. For example, parliament may in some cases circumvent presidential decisions, carry out investigations, and even refer the president to a two-thirds majority.

However, even under the current system, the Erdogan government has significantly undermined the Republic in Turkey. Opposition politicians and journalists have been imprisoned and harassed, while Erdogan has dismissed 2,700 judges in the wake of a failed summer coup d'état.

It is hard to imagine Turkey becoming more democratic if the current president gains more power. The European Commission has condemned the concentration of powers on the Turkish presidency and has described the proposed "excessive" changes.


Whatever the outcome, the period before it has been a major blow to Turkey's relations with the rest of Europe. The Turkish government was watching Turkish citizens living in European countries and Erdogan accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other European leaders of "Nazi practices."

This alone is enough to put the already stamped attempt to join Turkey in the EU. And if the yes in the referendum prevails, Erdogan's critics are sure to argue that Turkey does not meet the required accession criteria Democratic stability.

But NATO is another question

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Οι προδότες, άθεοι, ανθέλληνες, εθνομηδενιστές, κλέφτες και απατεώνες έχουν ένα σκοπό μόνο: Την ολοκληρωτική καταστροφή της Ελλάδας και την υποδούλωση των Ελλήνων.
Όλα ΑΥΤΑ γίνονται μπροστά στα μάτια μας, αλλά εμείς δυστυχώς κοιμόμαστε ...
... Και όταν θα ξυπνήσουμε ... θα είμαστε δούλοι!

Traidores, ateus, anti-gregos, ethnomidenistes, ladrões e fraudadores têm apenas um objetivo: a destruição total da Grécia e a escravização dos gregos. Tudo isso é feito diante de nossos olhos, mas infelizmente dormimos ... ... E quando você acordar ... seremos escravos!

Förrädare, ateister, anti-grekiska, ethnomidenistes, tjuvar och bedragare har bara ett syfte: den totala förstörelsen av Grekland och förslavning av grekerna . Allt detta sker inför våra ögon, men tyvärr har vi sov ... ... Och när du vaknar ... vi kommer slavar!

Verraders, atheïsten, anti-Grieks, ethnomidenistes, dieven en fraudeurs hebben slechts één doel: de totale vernietiging van Griekenland en de slavernij van de Grieken. Dit alles wordt gedaan voor onze ogen, maar helaas we sliepen ... ... En als je wakker wordt ... we zullen slaven zijn!

ギリシャの総破壊とギリシャ人の奴隷化:抗ギリシャ裏切り者、無神論者、ethnomidenistes、泥棒や詐欺師は、唯一の目的を持っています。 このすべては、私たちの目の前に行われるが、残念ながら我々は眠っていました... ...そして、あなたが目を覚ますとき...私たちは奴隷になります!

그리스의 총 파괴와 그리스의 노예 : 안티 - 그리스어 반역자, 무신론자, ethnomidenistes, 도둑과 사기꾼은 하나의 목적을 가지고있다. 이 모든 것은 우리의 눈앞에서 이루어집니다,하지만 불행히도 우리는 잠 ... ... 그리고 당신이 났을 때 ... 우리는 노예가 될 것입니다!

Tá traitors, atheists, frith-Gréigis, ethnomidenistes, thieves agus chaimiléirí ach amháin chun críche: an scrios iomlán na Gréige agus an daor a dhéanamh den Gréagaigh. Gach seo a dhéanamh os comhair ár súl, ach ar an drochuair slept againn ... ... Agus nuair a dúisigh tú suas ... beidh muid sclábhaithe!

汉奸,无神论者,反希腊,ethnomidenistes,小偷和骗子的目的只有一个:希腊的总破坏和希腊人的奴役。 所有这一切都在我们的眼前完成的,但不幸的是我们睡... ...当你醒来......我们将奴隶!

Οι προδότες, άθεοι, ανθέλληνες, εθνομηδενιστές, κλέφτες και απατεώνες έχουν ένα σκοπό μόνο: Την ολοκληρωτική καταστροφή της Ελλάδας και την υποδούλωση των Ελλήνων. Όλα ΑΥΤΑ γίνονται μπροστά στα μάτια μας, αλλά εμείς δυστυχώς κοιμόμαστε ... ... Και όταν θα ξυπνήσουμε ... θα είμαστε δούλοι!

Traîtres, athées, anti-grecs, ethnomidenistes, les voleurs et les fraudeurs ont un seul but: la destruction totale de la Grèce et l'asservissement des Grecs. Tout cela se fait sous nos yeux, mais malheureusement, nous avons dormi ... ... Et quand vous vous réveillez ... nous serons esclaves!

Verrätern, Atheisten, anti-Griechisch, ethnomidenistes, Diebe und Betrüger haben nur ein Ziel: die totale Zerstörung von Griechenland und die Versklavung der Griechen. All dies wird vor unseren Augen gemacht, aber leider haben wir geschlafen ... Und ... wenn Sie aufwachen ... werden wir Sklaven sein!

Traitors, atheists, anti-Greeks, ethnologists, thieves and crooks only have a purpose: the total destruction of Greece and the enslavement of the Greeks. Everything is done in front of our eyes, but we unfortunately sleep ... ... And when we wake up ... we'll be slaves!