Τρίτη 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

De politieke onrust in het Congres na het ontslag van Michael Flynn

Politieke onrust veroorzaakt het Amerikaanse Congres ontwikkelingen rond het geval van Michael Flynn die leidde tot zijn ontslag uit de positie van de Amerikaanse Veiligheidsraad gisteravond laat.

Verschillende leden van het Congres die behoren tot de Democratische Partij verzocht om vertrouwelijke informatie door leden van de Amerikaanse regering om een ​​gedetailleerde uitleg van precies wat er gebeurd is ontvangen. ; Het is gericht aan zowel het Ministerie van Justitie en de FBI? Ze zeiden dat de leden van de Democratische Partij in het Huis van Afgevaardigden John Koniers uit Michigan en Elia Cummings van Maryland.

De Democraat Adam Schiff, ook een lid van het Huis van Afgevaardigden uit Californië, terwijl irrelevant binnen de permanente speciale commissie voor de Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten, zei dat het ontslag Flynn niet een einde aan vragen met betrekking tot de contacten met de gezet Russen.

; De Trump overheid moet duidelijk maken wie werd geïnformeerd over de besprekingen van Flynn met de Russische ambassadeur, maar hoewel hij in opdracht van de president of andere ambtenaren, of dat de gesprekken gehandeld om leidinggevenden perceptie Trump personeel was gekomen? zei Schiff.

turbulência política no Congresso após a renúncia de Michael Flynn

A agitação política causada os desenvolvimentos Congresso dos Estados Unidos em todo o caso de Michael Flynn que levou à sua renúncia ao cargo do Conselho de Segurança US tarde na noite passada.

Vários membros do Congresso pertencentes ao Partido Democrático solicitou informações confidenciais por membros do governo dos Estados Unidos a fim de receber uma explicação detalhada sobre exatamente o que aconteceu. ; Dirige-se tanto o Departamento de Justiça, e com o FBI,? Eles disseram que membros do Partido Democrata na Câmara dos Representantes John Koniers do Michigan e Elijah Cummings de Maryland.

O democrata Adam Schiff, também membro da Câmara dos Representantes da Califórnia, enquanto irrelevante dentro da comissão especial permanente para as agências de inteligência dos EUA, disse que a renúncia Flynn não pôr fim a questões relacionadas com os contactos com o russos.

; O governo Trump deve esclarecer quem foi informado sobre as discussões de Flynn com o embaixador russo, mas se ele agiu sob as ordens do presidente ou outros funcionários ou se as conversações tinha chegado à percepção executivos equipe Trump,? disse Schiff.

suaitheadh ​​Polaitiúil san Comhdháil tar éis éirí as Michael Flynn

corraíl pholaitiúil ba chúis leis na forbairtí US Comhdháil ar fud an cás Michael Flynn ba chúis leis a éireoidh sé as an seasamh na Comhairle Slándála Poist déanach aréir.

D'iarr roinnt ball den Chomhdháil a bhaineann leis an Páirtí Daonlathach faisnéis rúnda ag daoine den rialtas SAM chun a fháil míniúchán mionsonraithe de go díreach cad a tharla. = Tá sé dírithe chuig an dá Roinn Dlí agus Cirt, agus don FBI,? Dúirt baill den Pháirtí Daonlathach i dTeach na nIonadaithe John Koniers ó Michigan agus Elijah Cummings Maryland.

An Democrat Adam Schiff, ina bhall de Theach na nIonadaithe ó California, cé nach mbaineann le hábhar laistigh den choiste speisialta buan do gníomhaireachtaí faisnéise US, dúirt an t-éirí Ní Flynn deireadh a chur ceisteanna a bhaineann le teagmhálacha leis an Rúiseach.

= Ba chóir don rialtas Trump shoiléiriú Cuireadh in iúl a mar gheall ar an bplé na Flynn leis an ambasadóir na Rúise, ach cé ghníomhaigh sé faoi orduithe an uachtarán nó oifigigh eile nó an bhfuil na cainteanna a bhí tagtha chun feidhmeannaigh dearcadh foirne Trump,? Dúirt Schiff



属于民主党国会的一些成员要求美国政府的成员,才能收到究竟发生了什么事情的详细解释机密信息。 ;它是写给法官的两个部,联邦调查局,?他们说,在密歇根和马里兰利亚卡明斯众议院约翰Koniers民主党的成员。



마이클 플린의 사임 후 의회에서 정치적 혼란

정치 불안은 미국 ​​안전 보장 이사회의 위치 지난 밤 그의 사임했다 마이클 플린의 경우 주위에 미국 의회의 발전을 일으켰습니다.

민주당에 속하는 의회의 몇몇 회원들은 일이있다 정확히에 대한 자세한 설명을 수신하기 위해 미국 정부의 구성원에 의해 기밀 정보를 요청했다. ; 그것은 정의의 두학과에 해결하고, 연방 수사 국 (FBI)에있다? 그들은 미시간 주와 메릴랜드의 엘리야 커밍스에서 하원의 존 Koniers에서 민주당의 구성원 말했다.

민주당 아담 쉬프, 캘리포니아 하원도 회원, 미국의 정보 기관에 대한 영구 특별위원회에서 잠시 무관는 사임 플린이와 연락처에 관한 질문에 종지부를 찍을하지 않습니다 말했다 러시아.

; 트럼프 정부는 러시아 대사와 플린의 토론에 대한 정보를했다 명확히해야하는 사람들, 그러나 그는 대통령이나 다른 공무원 또는 회담 여부의 명령에 따라 행동하지만, 경영진의 인식 트럼프 직원에 왔었다? 쉬프는 말했다.



民主党に属する議会のいくつかのメンバーが起こったまさにの詳細な説明を受けるために米国政府のメンバーによる機密情報を要求しました。 ;これは、司法省の両方に、そしてFBIにアドレス指定されていますか?彼らは、ミシガン州とメリーランド州のイライジャ・カミングスから衆議院のジョンKoniersで民主党のメンバーと述べました。



Politische Unruhen im Kongress nach dem Rücktritt von Michael Flynn

Politische Unruhen verursacht der US-Kongress die Entwicklungen rund um den Fall von Michael Flynn, der von der Position des US-Sicherheitsrat spät in der Nacht zu seinem Rücktritt führte.

Mehrere Mitglieder des Kongresses der Demokratischen Partei angehören fordert, vertrauliche Informationen von Mitgliedern der US-Regierung, um eine detaillierte Erklärung genau zu erhalten, was passiert ist. ; Es ist sowohl mit dem Justizministerium und dem FBI, angesprochen? Sie sagten, dass die Mitglieder der Demokratischen Partei im Repräsentantenhaus John Koniers aus Michigan und Elijah Cummings von Maryland.

Der Demokrat Adam Schiff, auch ein Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses aus Kalifornien, während irrelevant im ständigen Sonderausschusses für die US-Geheimdienste, sagte der Rücktritt Flynn kein Ende Fragen zu Kontakten mit der damit verbundenen nicht gesetzt Russen.

, Sollte die Trump Regierung klären, wer über die Diskussionen von Flynn mit dem russischen Botschafter informiert wurde, aber obwohl er unter dem Befehl des Präsidenten oder anderen Beamten oder ob die Gespräche waren gekommen, um Führungskräfte Wahrnehmung Trump Mitarbeiter handelte,? sagte Schiff.

Political turmoil in Congress after the resignation of Michael Flynn

Political unrest caused the US Congress developments around the case of Michael Flynn that led to his resignation from the position of the US Security Council late last night.

Several members of Congress belonging to the Democratic Party requested confidential information by members of the US government in order to receive a detailed explanation of exactly what has happened. ; It is addressed to both the Department of Justice, and to the FBI ,? They said members of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives John Koniers from Michigan and Elijah Cummings of Maryland.

The Democrat Adam Schiff, also a member of the House of Representatives from California, while irrelevant within the permanent special committee for US intelligence agencies, said the resignation Flynn does not put an end to questions related to contacts with the Russians.

; The Trump government should clarify who was informed about the discussions of Flynn with the Russian ambassador, but though he acted under orders of the president or other officials or whether the talks had come to executives perception Trump staff ,? said Schiff.

La agitación política en el Congreso tras la renuncia de Michael Flynn

El malestar político hizo que los desarrollos del Congreso de Estados Unidos en torno al caso de Michael Flynn que condujo a su renuncia a la posición del Consejo de Seguridad de Estados Unidos a finales del pasado la noche.

Varios miembros del Congreso pertenecientes al Partido Demócrata solicitaron información confidencial de los miembros del gobierno de Estados Unidos con el fin de recibir una explicación detallada de exactamente lo que ha sucedido. ; Se dirige tanto al Departamento de Justicia y el FBI,? Se dijo que los miembros del Partido Demócrata en la Cámara de Representantes John Koniers de Michigan y Elijah Cummings de Maryland.

El demócrata Adam Schiff, también miembro de la Cámara de Representantes de California, mientras irrelevante dentro del comité especial permanente para las agencias de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, dijo que la renuncia Flynn no pone fin a preguntas relacionadas con los contactos con el rusos.

; El gobierno Trump debería aclarar que fue informado sobre las discusiones de Flynn con el embajador ruso, pero a pesar de que actuó bajo las órdenes del presidente u otros funcionarios o si las conversaciones habían llegado a los ejecutivos de la percepción personal de Trump,? dijo Schiff.

Δευτέρα 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2017







組織Tzamaat Achrar尿素、パキスタンのタリバン運動に属する組織の代表者は、ロイター通信に電話で攻撃の責任を主張しました。 70以上の人が公共の公園で殺されたとき、同じ組織が、最後のイースター爆撃の責任を主張していました。



Pakistan: At least 10 dead, dozens injured in blast in Lahore

At least 10 people were killed and 60 injured when a powerful explosion occurred in the midst of a crowd of demonstrators in front of the local parliament building in Pakistan's Lahore today, broadcast by local media.

According to the online edition of the English-language Dawn newspaper and television Dubya network, which broadcasts in Urdu language Ten people were killed when an explosion hit a rally in which they were invited unions in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry of Pakistan.

The Dawn reported that the attack committed by a suicide-bomber who rode a motorcycle and that the explosion was outside the local parliament of Punjab state.

"It seems it was a suicide bomber-attack, but the police still investigating to determine" the cause of the explosion, said a spokesman of the police of Punjab, the Nagiamp Haider.

AFP reports that there are at least 60 wounded.
The Dawn reports that security forces have blocked the area and have developed forces of the army. Among the victims is reportedly a former senior officer of the traffic police.

A representative of the organization Tzamaat Achrar urea, an organization belonging to the Taliban Movement of Pakistan, claimed responsibility for the attack in phone call to the Reuters news agency. The same organization had claimed responsibility for a bombing last Easter, when more than 70 people were killed in a public park.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif said that the ongoing attacks will not dent the resolve of the country's authorities to continue the fight against extremism.

"We will continue the battle until you release our people from this carcinoma and take revenge on those who gave their lives for us," said Sharif in a statement released by his office.

파키스탄 라호르에서 폭발 부상 적어도 10 죽은, 수십

강력한 폭발이 현지 언론에 의해 방송 파키스탄의 라호르 오늘의 지방 의회 건물 앞에 시위대의 군중의 한가운데에 발생했을 때 최소한 10 명이 사망하고 60 부상을 당했다.

폭발들이 파키스탄의 화학 및 제약 산업에서 노동 조합을 초청하는 집회를 쳤을 때 10 명이 사망했다 우르두어 언어로 브로드 캐스팅하는 영어 새벽 신문과 텔레비전 부시 전 네트워크의 온라인 판에 따르면.

새벽은 폭발 오토바이를 타고 자살 폭격기에 의해 것을 약속 공격이 펀잡 국가의 지방 의회 밖에서이라고 보도했다.

"그것은이 자살 폭탄 공격했다 보이지만, 경찰은 아직 결정하기 위해 조사"폭발의 원인을, 펀 자브의 Nagiamp 하이더의 경찰 대변인은 말했다.

AFP는 적어도 60 명이 부상이 있음을보고합니다.
새벽은 보안군이 지역을 차단하고 군대의 힘을 개발했다고보고합니다. 희생자 중에는 보도 교통 경찰의 전직 고위 임원이다.

조직 Tzamaat Achrar 우레아의 대표는 파키스탄의 탈레반 운동에 속하는 조직은 로이터 통신에 전화 통화의 공격에 대한 책임을 주장했다. 같은 조직은 70 개 이상의 사람들 공공 공원에서 사망했다 폭격 지난 부활절에 대한 책임을 주장했다.

파키스탄 나와 즈 샤리프 총리는 지속적인 공격이 극단주의와의 싸움을 계속하는 국가의 당국의 해결 덴트하지 않을 것이라고 말했다.

"이 암으로부터 우리 국민을 해제하고 우리를 위해 목숨을 바친 사람들에게 복수를 할 때까지 우리는 전투를 계속 할 것"샤리프는 자신의 사무실 발표 한 성명에서 말했다.







该组织Tzamaat Achrar尿素的代表,属于巴基斯坦塔利班运动的组织,声称对打电话给路透社的袭击事件负责。同一组织声称对爆炸案最后的复活节,当超过70人在公园中丧生的责任。

