Δευτέρα 14 Νοεμβρίου 2016

N. Zealand agreement will be released from Kaikoura 1,200 tourists

N. Zealand agreement will be released from Kaikoura 1,200 tourists

The emergency services and military personnel began removing hundreds of tourists and residents of the town of Kaikoura, South Island of New Zealand yesterday, a day after a powerful earthquake hit the area, killing two people.

The earthquake measuring 7.8 degrees which occurred after midnight Sunday, destroyed farms, threw windows and building materials of skyscrapers in the capital Wellington, and suspended the traffic on the roads and railway network in the northeastern side of the island with its wild beauty.

The Kaikoura, a popular resort for excursions by boat for whale watching, located about 150 km northeast of Christchurch and close to the epicenter, completely cut off from huge tracts of landslides.

Four large helicopters defense used with ship navy for aero medical transportation of people eklovistei the region. Among located and some 1,200 tourists.

Marc Solomon, leader of the local Maori tribe, Ngai Tacoma, which deals with tourism businesses and fish, said the local center of Maori meeting hosted 1,000 people yesterday morning. Many slept in the great hall of the building or in cars. The tribe fed those caught with crayfish, considered special product of town. With the interruption of electricity, the pumps in the tanks holding expensive crustaceans stopped functioning. "It is better to use the food than to throw in the trash, so we send it to (center) to feed the world," Solomon told Reuters agency by telephone.

Rescuers struggled from strong winds and rain, while hundreds of aftershocks continued to shake the area.

The country also received help from the US Navy two helicopters took off from aircraft carrier and the assistance of the Japanese army.

P. Primpous: The Trump is ready to rule the country

P. Primpous: The Trump is ready to rule the country

President-elect Donald Trump is ready to govern America and Congress, controlled by Republicans, is absolutely willing to work with him, said this morning that the future of Staff House Raina Primpous White.

In the first 100 days of his presidency, Trump will be priorities to tackle illegal immigration, to cut taxes, think the US position in the world by defining the main lines of foreign policy and to reform the law Obamacare for health insurance .

"I think we are going to do all this because we have the House of Representatives and the Senate and Congress have a hurry to do this job," said Raina Primpous in an interview with ABC.

"What we see is a president who prepares" even said Primpous. "The team in New York is very busy in order to make the best possible job for the American people. And I see a president very calm and relaxed, serene. He is ready to lead the American people. "

Optimistic despite the division of American voters gave most votes to Hillary Clinton despite the defeat of the electors, the Rhein Primpous predicted that "in 20 or 30 years will be written books about this president (the Trump) for successes and how to fulfill his promises. And how the amerikankos people will assess the work done by President Trump. "

The Mn. Obama departs Washington for a last trip to Europe, with the first stop in Greece and next in Germany, where US President will try to reassure allies after the shock of the election of Dora. Trump the American presidency .

USA: Steve Bannon, the "right alternative" to the White House Donald Trump

US-Mexico: Obama and Peña Nieto discussed the bilateral relationship, the White House announced

Germany: Chancellor Merkel calls on its citizens to remain "open-minded"

Denmark: Authorities banned the breeding birds in the countryside, an outbreak of the dangerous bird flu detected in Israel

Verhoogd 67% hate crimes tegen moslims in 2015

Verhoogd 67% hate crimes tegen moslims in 2015

Het aantal haatmisdrijven steeg met ongeveer 6,7% vorig jaar in de VS, maar het aantal misdrijven tegen moslims steeg als steeg met 67%, volgens de federale politie die vandaag vrijgegeven.

Organisaties van de civiele en politieke rechten te verdedigen hadden hun bezorgdheid geuit over de reacties tegen de moslims, voordat ze scoorde de terreur aanslagen in Parijs en San Bernardino, in het najaar van 2015. De periode waarop het FBI-rapport heeft betrekking op het kalenderjaar 2015 maar het publiek op een moment dat de spanningen opgenomen enkele dagen na de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen.

Sinds afgelopen dinsdag gemeld racistische incidenten die verontwaardiging in de Verenigde Staten hebben veroorzaakt. Op een keer, de leerlingen van een school scandeerden de slogan "white power" en in een andere, in Chicago, een groep van Afro-Amerikanen sloeg een blanke man, terwijl omstanders schreeuwde "stem voor Trump!". In 2008, na de verkiezing van Barack Obama als president, ze hadden ook melding gemaakt van enkele gevallen van haatmisdrijven in verband met de verkiezingen.

На 67% увеличилось преступлений на почве ненависти в отношении мусульман в 2015 году

На 67% увеличилось преступлений на почве ненависти в отношении мусульман в 2015 году

Число преступлений на почве ненависти увеличилось примерно на 6,7% в прошлом году в США, но число преступных деяний против мусульман взлетела, как увеличился на 67%, по данным федеральной полиции, которые освобождены сегодня.

Организации, защищающие гражданские и политические права выражали озабоченность по поводу реакции против мусульман, прежде чем они забили теракты в Париже и Сан-Бернардино, в конце 2015 года период, к которому в докладе ФБР охватывает календарный год 2015 но публика в то время, когда напряженность записанном через несколько дней после президентских выборов в США.

Так как в прошлый вторник сообщалось расистских инцидентов, которые вызвали возмущение в США. В одном случае, студенты школы скандировали лозунг "власть белых", а в другом, в Чикаго, группа афро-американцев избили белого человека в то время как прохожие кричали "голосовать за Трампа!". В 2008 году, после избрания Барака Обамы на пост президента, они также сообщали некоторые случаи преступлений на почве ненависти, связанных с выборами.

Na 67% wzrosła przestępstw z nienawiści wobec muzułmanów w 2015 roku

Na 67% wzrosła przestępstw z nienawiści wobec muzułmanów w 2015 roku

Liczba przestępstw z nienawiści wzrosła o około 6,7% w ubiegłym roku w Stanach Zjednoczonych, ale liczba przestępstw przeciwko muzułmanom wzrosła tak wzrosła o 67%, według policji federalnej, który wydany dzisiaj.

Organizacje broniące praw obywatelskich i politycznych, wyraził obawy o reakcje przeciwko muzułmanom, zanim zdobył ataków terrorystycznych w Paryżu i San Bernardino, pod koniec 2015 roku okresie, którego dotyczy raport FBI roku kalendarzowym 2015 ale publiczne w czasie, gdy napięcie nagrany kilka dni po wyborach prezydenckich w USA.

Od ostatniego wtorku odnotowano incydentów rasistowskich, które spowodowały oburzenie w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Z jednej okazji, uczniowie szkoły skandowali hasło "White Power", aw drugim, w Chicago, grupa Afroamerykanów pokonać białego człowieka, podczas gdy osoby postronne krzyczała "głos na Trump!". W 2008 roku, po wyborze Baracka Obamy na prezydenta, mieli również odnotowano kilka przypadków przestępstw z nienawiści związanych z wyborami.

Em 67% o aumento de crimes de ódio contra os muçulmanos em 2015

Em 67% o aumento de crimes de ódio contra os muçulmanos em 2015

O número de crimes de ódio aumentou cerca de 6,7% no ano passado em os EUA, mas o número de atos criminosos contra os muçulmanos dispararam quanto aumentou 67%, de acordo com a polícia federal que lançou hoje.

Organizações de defesa dos direitos civis e políticos expressaram preocupações sobre as reações contra os muçulmanos, antes que marcou os ataques terroristas em Paris e San Bernardino, no final de 2015. O período a que o relatório do FBI abrange o ano civil de 2015 mas público num momento em que as tensões registradas apenas alguns dias após as eleições presidenciais norte-americanas.

Desde terça-feira passada relataram incidentes racistas que provocaram indignação em os EUA. Em uma ocasião, os alunos de uma escola cantou o slogan "poder branco" e, em outro, em Chicago, um grupo de afro-americanos bater um homem branco, enquanto os espectadores gritavam "voto para Trump!". Em 2008, após a eleição de Barack Obama como presidente, tinham também relatou alguns casos de crimes de ódio relacionados com as eleições.

Al 67% ha aumentato i crimini d'odio contro i musulmani nel 2015

Al 67% ha aumentato i crimini d'odio contro i musulmani nel 2015

Il numero di crimini d'odio è aumentato di circa il 6,7% lo scorso anno negli Stati Uniti, ma il numero di atti criminali contro i musulmani è salito come un aumento del 67%, secondo la polizia federale che ha rilasciato oggi.

Le organizzazioni di difesa dei diritti civili e politici avevano espresso preoccupazioni circa le reazioni contro i musulmani, prima che ha segnato gli attacchi terroristici a Parigi e San Bernardino, verso la fine del 2015. Il periodo in cui il rapporto dell'FBI riguarda l'anno civile 2015 ma pubblico in un momento in cui le tensioni registrate pochi giorni dopo le elezioni presidenziali degli Stati Uniti.

Dallo scorso Martedì riferito episodi di razzismo che hanno provocato indignazione negli Stati Uniti. In una occasione, gli studenti di una scuola hanno scandito lo slogan "potere bianco" e in un altro, a Chicago, un gruppo di afro-americani hanno picchiato un uomo bianco, mentre gli spettatori gridavano "Vota per Trump!". Nel 2008, dopo l'elezione di Barack Obama come presidente, avevano anche riportato alcuni casi di crimini d'odio relativi alle elezioni.





自从上周二报道称,已经在美国引起众怒种族主义事件。有一次,一所学校的学生们高呼的口号是“白电”,并在另一个,在芝加哥,一群非裔美国人的殴打一名白人男子,而旁观者哭喊着:“特朗普票!”。 2008年,奥巴马当选为总统后,他们还报告与选举有关的仇恨犯罪的一些情况。