Τετάρτη 9 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Taispeántais i SAM le linn an toghcháin uachtaránachta Trump

Taispeántais i SAM le linn an toghcháin uachtaránachta Trump

Tharla Taispeántais ar siúl i gcathracha SAM le linn na toghadh Donald Trump ar an uachtaránacht na Stát Aontaithe, mar agóid taispeántóirí in aghaidh an reitric uachtaránachta ionsaitheach faoi inimircigh, Muslims agus grúpaí sóisialta eile agus mionlaigh.

Sa Nua-Eabhrac, na mílte de taispeántóirí a bailíodh ar na sráideanna na lárnach Manhattan, i dtreo an Túr Trump, Ascaill 5, cé go na céadta níos bailíodh i Manhattan pháirc, leis an mana: ". Níl sé mo uachtarán"

Go lárnach Chicago, a bailíodh thart ar 1,800 agóide taobh amuigh den ostán Trump Idirnáisiúnta Óstán, manaí shouting "No to Trump!" "Níl racists sna Stáit Aontaithe."

Póilíní i Chicago cosc ​​le saorghluaiseacht i limistéar thart ar an t-óstán blocála an cosán ar an taispeántóirí, cé nach raibh aon tuarascálacha láithreach gabhálacha nó foréigean.

Demonstrationen in den USA während der Präsidentschaftswahl Trump

Demonstrationen in den USA während der Präsidentschaftswahl Trump

Demonstrationen fanden in US-Städten während der Wahl von Donald Trump auf die US-Präsidentschaft, als Demonstranten gegen die aggressive Rhetorik des Präsidenten über Einwanderer protestieren, Muslimen und anderen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen und Minderheiten.

In New York versammelten sich Tausende von Demonstranten in den Straßen im Zentrum von Manhattan für den Trump Tower, 5th Avenue Überschrift, während Hunderte in Manhattan Park versammelten sich mehr mit dem Slogan: ". Es ist nicht mein Präsident ist"

Im Zentrum von Chicago versammelten sich etwa 1.800 Demonstranten vor dem Hotel Trump International Hotel, Slogans "No to Trump!" "Nein Rassisten in den USA zu schreien."

Die Polizei in Chicago verbot den Verkehr in der Gegend um das Hotel den Weg der Demonstranten blockiert, während es keine unmittelbaren Berichte von Verhaftungen und Gewalt waren.

Le manifestazioni negli Stati Uniti durante le elezioni presidenziali Trump

Le manifestazioni negli Stati Uniti durante le elezioni presidenziali Trump

Le manifestazioni si sono svolte in città degli Stati Uniti durante l'elezione di Donald Trump sulla presidenza degli Stati Uniti, come i manifestanti protestano contro la retorica presidenziale aggressiva sugli immigrati, musulmani e altri gruppi sociali e minoranze.

A New York, migliaia di manifestanti si sono riuniti nelle strade del centro di Manhattan, dirigendosi verso la Trump Tower, 5th Avenue, mentre altre centinaia si sono riuniti in un parco di Manhattan, con lo slogan: ". Non è il mio presidente"

Nel centro di Chicago, circa 1.800 manifestanti si sono riuniti davanti all'hotel Trump International Hotel, gridando slogan "No alla Trump!" "Non ci sono razzisti negli Stati Uniti."

La polizia di Chicago vietato la circolazione nella zona intorno all'hotel bloccando il percorso dei manifestanti, mentre non ci sono al momento notizie di arresti o di violenza.

대통령 선거 트럼프 동안 미국에서 데모

대통령 선거 트럼프 동안 미국에서 데모

시위대는 이민자, 무슬림과 다른 사회 집단과 소수 민족에 대한 적극적인 대통령의 발언에 대해 항의로 시위가 미국 대통령에 부동산 재벌 도널드 트럼프의 선거 기간 동안 미국의 도시에서 열렸다.

뉴욕에서 시위대 수천 수백 더 맨하탄 공원에 모여 동안 슬로건과, 트럼프 타워, 5 번가로 향하고, 중앙 맨해튼의 거리에 모여 ". 그것은 나의 대통령이 아니다"

중앙 시카고에서 약 1,800 시위대는 "아니 트럼프로!"구호를 외치고 없다 "미국의 어떤 인종 차별 주의자를, 호텔 트럼프 인터내셔널 호텔 외부 모였다."

체포 또는 폭력의 즉각적인보고가 없었다 동안 시카고 경찰은 시위대의 경로를 차단 호텔 주변 지역에서 유통을 금지했다.

Demonstrations in the US during the presidential election Trump

Demonstrations in the US during the presidential election Trump

Demonstrations took place in US cities during the election of Donald Trump on the US presidency, as demonstrators protest against the aggressive presidential rhetoric about immigrants, Muslims and other social groups and minorities.

In New York, thousands of demonstrators gathered in the streets of central Manhattan, heading for the Trump Tower, 5th Avenue, while hundreds more gathered in Manhattan park, with the slogan: "It is not my president."

In central Chicago, about 1,800 protesters gathered outside the hotel Trump International Hotel, shouting slogans "No to Trump!" "No racists in the US."

Police in Chicago banned the circulation in the area around the hotel blocking the path of the demonstrators, while there were no immediate reports of arrests or violence.

Las manifestaciones en los EE.UU. durante la elección presidencial de Trump

Las manifestaciones en los EE.UU. durante la elección presidencial de Trump

Las manifestaciones tuvieron lugar en ciudades de Estados Unidos durante la elección de Donald Trump en la presidencia de Estados Unidos, mientras los manifestantes protestan contra la agresiva retórica presidencial sobre los inmigrantes, musulmanes y otros grupos sociales y minorías.

En Nueva York, miles de manifestantes se reunieron en las calles del centro de Manhattan, en dirección a la Torre Trump, 5th Avenue, mientras que cientos más se reunieron en el parque de Manhattan, con el lema: "No es mi presidente".

En el centro de Chicago, cerca de 1.800 manifestantes se reunieron fuera del hotel Trump International Hotel, gritando consignas "No a Trump!" "No hay racistas en los EE.UU.".

La policía de Chicago prohibieron la circulación en la zona alrededor del hotel que bloquea el camino de los manifestantes, mientras que no hubo reportes inmediatos de detenciones o violencia.







Arrested Turkish judge of the United Nations involvement in the coup attempt

Arrested Turkish judge of the United Nations involvement in the coup attempt

A Turkish judge the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, legal UN body dealing with the unfinished business of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was arrested in Turkey on charges connected with the failed coup July 15, said the president of the court.

Turkey has ignored the requests of the UN to visit Aydin Sentaf A and after the arrest on 21 September, despite diplomatic immunity, which may be a violation of judicial independence, said President Theodor Meron in UN General Assembly .

"The UN Legal Affairs Office called for the release and the cessation of legal proceedings against him," said Meron. The arrest is believed to be the first case of violation of the immunity of a UN judge.

At the moment of conception of the A and was expected to consider the appeal of a politician from Rwanda who had been sentenced in 2012 to 35 years in prison for his role in the genocide in the country in 1994.

"As a result of the arrest, the case trial proceedings stopped" said Meron.

The A and former diplomat, was appointed in 2009 a judge at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and later became a judge on the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals.

The staff of Trump does not preclude appointed special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton

The staff of Trump does not preclude appointed special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton

The head of the election campaign of Donald Trump did not rule today whether to set special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton, stressing however has recently discussed this issue with the elected president and that this will happen "in the" hour.

The Trump and the elected vice president Mike Pens "seeking to unite the country, but we have not discussed (pp judicial investigation of Hillary Clinton Affairs) in recent days and I think that this will be the right time," said Kelly Conway in an interview on MSNBC television network.

In another interview, on ABC, the Conway stated that Trump has not discussed this issue with Clinton in a telephone conversation they had after the announcement of the election results.

El personal de Trump no excluye nombrado fiscal especial para Hillary Clinton

El personal de Trump no excluye nombrado fiscal especial para Hillary Clinton

El jefe de la campaña electoral de Donald Trump no descartó hoy si va a poner fiscal especial para investigar Hillary Clinton, subrayando sin embargo ha discutido recientemente esta cuestión con el presidente electo y que esto ocurrirá "en la" hora.

El Trump y el vicepresidente electo Mike Plumas ", que busca unir al país, pero no hemos discutido (pp investigación judicial de Asuntos Hillary Clinton) en los últimos días y creo que esto va a ser el momento adecuado", dijo Kelly Conway en una entrevista en la cadena de televisión MSNBC.

En otra entrevista, en ABC, el Conway dijo que Trump no ha discutido este asunto con Clinton en una conversación telefónica que tenían después del anuncio de los resultados de las elecciones.

Ní dhéanann an fhoireann na Trump bac ar ceaptha ionchúisitheoir speisialta do Hillary Clinton

Ní dhéanann an fhoireann na Trump bac ar ceaptha ionchúisitheoir speisialta do Hillary Clinton

Ní dhearna an ceann an fheachtais toghcháin Donald Trump riail sa lá atá inniu cé acu a chur ar bun ionchúisitheoir speisialta chun imscrúdú Hillary Clinton, cuireadh béim, áfach, Phléigh an cheist sin leis an uachtarán tofa agus go mbeidh sin tarlú "sa" uair an chloig.

An Trump agus an Leas-Uachtarán tofa Mike Pinn "ag iarraidh a aontú na tíre, ach ní mór dúinn a phlé (lgh imscrúdú breithiúnach Gnóthaí Hillary Clinton) le cúpla lá anuas agus sílim go mbeidh sé seo an t-am ceart," a dúirt Kelly Conway in agallamh ar an líonra teilifíse MSNBC.

In agallamh eile, ar ABC, dúirt an Conway nár Trump pléadh an cheist le Clinton sa chomhrá teileafóin a bhí acu i ndiaidh fógairt na torthaí toghcháin.

Il personale di Trump non preclude nominato procuratore speciale per Hillary Clinton

Il personale di Trump non preclude nominato procuratore speciale per Hillary Clinton

Il capo della campagna elettorale di Donald Trump non ha escluso oggi se impostare procuratore speciale per indagare Hillary Clinton, sottolineando però ha recentemente discusso la questione con il presidente eletto e che questo accadrà "all '" ora.

La Trump e il vice presidente eletto Mike Penne "che cercano di unire il paese, ma non abbiamo discusso (pp indagine giudiziaria di Hillary Clinton per gli affari) in questi ultimi giorni e credo che questo sarà il momento giusto", ha detto Kelly Conway in un'intervista alla rete televisiva MSNBC.

In un'altra intervista, su ABC, la Conway ha affermato che Trump non ha discusso la questione con Clinton in una conversazione telefonica che avevano dopo l'annuncio dei risultati delle elezioni.

Le personnel du Trump ne justifie pas nommé procureur spécial pour Hillary Clinton

Le personnel du Trump ne justifie pas nommé procureur spécial pour Hillary Clinton

Le chef de la campagne électorale de Donald Trump n'a pas exclu aujourd'hui l'opportunité de fixer le procureur spécial pour enquêter sur Hillary Clinton, en soulignant cependant a récemment discuté de cette question avec le président élu et que cela se produira "dans la" heure.

Le Trump et le vice-président élu Mike Pens "cherchant à unir le pays, mais nous avons pas discuté (pp enquête judiciaire sur Hillary Clinton Affaires) au cours des derniers jours et je pense que ce sera le bon moment», a déclaré Kelly Conway dans une interview sur la chaîne de télévision MSNBC.

Dans une autre interview, sur ABC, le Conway a déclaré que Trump n'a pas discuté de cette question avec Clinton dans une conversation téléphonique qu'ils avaient après l'annonce des résultats des élections.