Τρίτη 18 Οκτωβρίου 2016





調査対象となった18-35歳の1247の若者の半数以上(53%)が、彼らはハルマゲドンを好むだろうが、大統領執務室にドナルド・トランプを参照すると述べました。 3人に1人(34%)ヒラリー・クリントンよりも、地球の破壊を好みます。


10の4つの(39%)が生活のために社長自らを宣言するのではなくトランプでホワイトハウスの鍵を引き渡すためにバラク・オバマをしたいと思います。 26%はまた、抽選によりその次期大統領を選ぶために、国のために良いだろうと述べました。

Among Clinton Trump, young Americans prefer ... the destruction of the planet by meteor

Among Clinton Trump, young Americans prefer ... the destruction of the planet by meteor

Young Americans are so unhappy with the choices in the presidential elections that almost one in four said in a poll they would rather destroy the Earth by a huge meteorite rather see Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump at the White House.

Posing this question the Pollsters intended to appreciate the discontent of Americans with the options for the elections of November 8, according to Joshua Dyck, the co-director of UMass Lowell's Center for Public Opinion conducted the survey in collaboration with Odyssey Millennials .

More than half (53%) of the 1,247 young people aged 18-35 years surveyed said they would prefer Armageddon but to see Donald Trump in the Oval Office. One in three (34%) prefer the destruction of the planet than Hillary Clinton.

When you have to choose between the three, namely Trump, Clinton or meteor, 23% prefer the end of the world.

Four in ten (39%) would like Barack Obama to proclaim himself president for life rather than to hand over the keys of the White House in Trump. 26% also said that it would be better for the nation to choose its next president by drawing lots.

Unter Clinton Trump, bevorzugen junge Amerikaner ... die Zerstörung des Planeten durch Meteor

Unter Clinton Trump, bevorzugen junge Amerikaner ... die Zerstörung des Planeten durch Meteor

Junge Amerikaner sind so unglücklich mit den Entscheidungen bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen, die man fast in vier in einer Umfrage sagten, sie würden lieber die Erde von einem riesigen Meteoriten zerstören lieber sehen, Hillary Clinton oder Donald Trump im Weißen Haus.

Aufstellung dieser Frage die Meinungsforscher soll die Unzufriedenheit der Amerikaner mit den Optionen für die Wahlen vom 8. November nach Joshua Dyck zu schätzen, unter der Leitung der Co-Direktor des UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion die Umfrage in Zusammenarbeit mit Odyssey Millennials .

Mehr als die Hälfte (53%) der 1247 jungen Alter von 18-35 Jahre Befragten sagten, sie würden es vorziehen, Armageddon, aber Donald Trump im Oval Office zu sehen. Einer von drei (34%) bevorzugen die Zerstörung des Planeten als Hillary Clinton.

Wenn Sie zwischen den drei, nämlich Trump, Clinton oder Meteor zu wählen haben, bevorzugen 23% das Ende der Welt.

Vier von zehn (39%) möchte Barack Obama selbst zum Präsidenten auf Lebenszeit zu verkünden und nicht auf die Schlüssel des Weißen Hauses in Trump übergeben. 26% sagten auch, dass es besser wäre, für die Nation durch das Los seiner nächsten Präsidenten zu wählen.







四成(39%)希望奥巴马宣布自己为总统的生活,而不是交出白宫特朗普的钥匙。 26%还表示,这将是更好地为国家以抽签方式选择它的下一任总统。

Forças policiais desdobrados na cidade Ntiren onde tiros ouvido: Alemanha

Forças policiais desdobrados na cidade Ntiren onde tiros ouvido: Alemanha

forças policiais fortes bloquearam o centro da cidade Ntiren, no oeste da Alemanha depois que um homem abriu fogo dentro de um cabeleireiro e medos que mantém pelo menos um refém.

Segundo o jornal Aachener Zeitung, o tiro suspeito pelo menos uma vez no salão de beleza. Então ele saiu e tem tampourothei em um apartamento. Até agora não foi esclarecido se por tiros ninguém ficou ferido.

Fontes policiais disseram ao jornal que o atirador poderia estar segurando uma refém. No entanto, o suspeito não apresentou qualquer pedido. Há indícios de que o ataque foi premeditado.

A polícia bloqueou uma parte do centro da cidade e evacuados de um centro comercial e um banco.

Tyskland: indsatte politistyrker i Ntiren by, hvor skyderi hørt

Tyskland: indsatte politistyrker i Ntiren by, hvor skyderi hørt

Stærke politistyrker har blokeret bymidten Ntiren, i det vestlige Tyskland, efter en mand åbnede ild inde i en frisør og frygt, der holder mindst ét ​​gidsel.

Ifølge avisen Aachener Zeitung, den mistænkte skudt mindst én gang i salonen. Så forlod han og har tampourothei i en lejlighed. Indtil videre har det ikke afklaret, om af skud ingen kom til skade.

Politiets kilder fortalte avisen, at pistolmanden kunne holde et gidsel. Imidlertid har den mistænkte ikke fremlagt nogen anmodning. Der er tegn på, at angrebet var overlagt.

Politiet blokerede en del af byens centrum og evakueret et indkøbscenter og en bank.







Forces de police déployées dans Ntiren ville où des coups de feu entendus: Allemagne

Forces de police déployées dans Ntiren ville où des coups de feu entendus: Allemagne

les forces de police fortes ont bloqué le centre-ville Ntiren, dans l'ouest de l'Allemagne après un homme a ouvert le feu dans un salon de coiffure et des craintes qui détient au moins un otage.

Selon le journal Aachener Zeitung, le tir suspect au moins une fois dans le salon. Puis il est parti et a tampourothei dans un appartement. Jusqu'à présent, il n'a pas précisé si par des tirs n'a été blessé.

Des sources policières ont déclaré au journal que le tireur pourrait être tenue en otage. Cependant, le suspect n'a pas présenté de demande. Il semble que l'attaque a été préméditée.

La police a bloqué une partie du centre-ville et évacué un centre commercial et une banque.

Forze di polizia dispiegate nella città di Ntiren dove spari sentito: Germania

Forze di polizia dispiegate nella città di Ntiren dove spari sentito: Germania

le forze di polizia forti hanno bloccato il centro della città Ntiren, nella Germania occidentale dopo che un uomo ha aperto il fuoco all'interno di un parrucchiere e teme che detiene almeno un ostaggio.

Secondo il giornale Aachener Zeitung, il colpo sospetto almeno una volta nel salone. Poi ha lasciato e ha tampourothei in un appartamento. Finora non ha chiarito se da colpi nessuno è rimasto ferito.

Fonti della polizia hanno detto al giornale che il killer potrebbe essere in possesso di un ostaggio. Tuttavia, il sospetto non ha presentato alcuna richiesta. Ci sono indicazioni che l'attacco è stato premeditato.

La polizia ha bloccato una parte del centro della città ed evacuato un centro commerciale e una banca.

Deutschland: Polizeikräfte in Ntiren Stadt, wo Schüsse zu hören

Deutschland: Polizeikräfte in Ntiren Stadt, wo Schüsse zu hören

Starke Polizeikräfte haben das Stadtzentrum Ntiren, in West-Deutschland blockiert, nachdem ein Mann Feuer in einem Friseur geöffnet und Ängste, die mindestens eine Geisel hält.

Nach Angaben der Zeitung Aachener Zeitung, der Verdächtige Schuss mindestens einmal im Salon. Dann verließ er und hat in einer Wohnung tampourothei. Bisher ist es nicht geklärt, ob durch Schüsse niemand verletzt wurde.

Polizei Quellen sagte der Zeitung, dass der Schütze konnte eine Geisel abhalten. Allerdings hat der Verdächtige keinen Antrag eingereicht. Es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass der Angriff vorsätzlich wurde.

Die Polizei blockiert einen Teil des Stadtzentrums und evakuiert, um ein Einkaufszentrum und eine Bank.

Germany: Police Forces deployed in Ntiren city where gunfire heard

Germany: Police Forces deployed in Ntiren city where gunfire heard

Strong police forces have blocked the city center Ntiren, in western Germany after a man opened fire inside a hairdresser and fears that holds at least one hostage.

According to the newspaper Aachener Zeitung, the suspect shot at least once in the salon. Then he left and has tampourothei in an apartment. So far it has not clarified whether by shots no one was injured.

Police sources told the newspaper that the gunman could be holding a hostage. However, the suspect has not submitted any request. There are indications that the attack was premeditated.

The police blocked a part of the city center and evacuated a shopping center and a bank.







Δευτέρα 17 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Libya: Dozens of airstrikes against jihadists in Sirte

Libya: Dozens of airstrikes against jihadists in Sirte

Aircraft US proceeded to nearly 40 strikes in the last three days against the positions of the jihadist organization Islamic State (IR) in Sirte, where forces loyal to the Government of National Unity (GNU) continued to try to oust members of IK members from the past parts of the city they control, the US military announced today.

The pro-government forces are close to completion of the operation that began six months ago for the recapture of Sirte. The IR had taken over the city a year ago and now, taking advantage of the chaos in Libya after the fall of the Muammar Gaddafi regime in 2011.

These forces, mainly paramilitaries from Misrata continue to recover slowly in soil testing as they face stiff resistance from snipers and bombers-kamikaze. Since August, they have the US air support, while also coordinated with small groups of men of Special Forces Western states operating in the field.

Last Sunday the forces of SPS recaptured Cabo and hairstyles underground tunnels used by jihadists to hide and ambush. Under their control also set a field hospital. In this jihadist they discovered charred corpses killed in airstrikes.

A Reuters reporter in the field reported that the forces of SPS were faced with various traps, which grenades and rifle grenades were used.

"Right now the forces are preparing to enter the Giza district Bachrigia" said Isa Reed, spokesman of the pro-government forces.

The US Air Force carried out 36 strikes Friday and Saturday, targeting mainly the IR positions, but also a car-bomb, according to a statement of the African Command (USAFRICOM).

The IK had used the Sirte as a springboard to launch attacks on oil fields and ports, but also the forces in Misrata.

The forces from Misrata leading enterprise in Sirte and support the Western-backed government and the UN, which attempts to unite the various armed groups. But Gen. Khalifa Chaftar rejects the possibility to join the forces of the government in Tripoli and moved to extend its influence.