Σάββατο 15 Οκτωβρίου 2016

5.2 Richter earthquake in Epirus

5.2 Richter earthquake in Epirus

Strong earthquake occurred late Saturday night, which was particularly noticeable in Epirus, Corfu, but other areas of the Ionian Sea and western Greece.

According to the announcement of the Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory of Athens at 23:14 GMT, the seismographs recorded a strong earthquake with magnitude 5.2 on the Richter scale, from a distance of 330 kilometers northwest of Athens.

The focus of vibration located 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Ioannina. The earthquake was superficial, with a focal depth of only 5 kilometers.

The residents of the prefecture of Ioannina, especially of Pogoni villages and Zitsa, fearful thrown out of their homes.

The earthquake lasted, which was preceded by rumbling. There was a strong aftershock sequence as followed immediately two aftershocks at 23:18 and 23:22, with a magnitude of 4.1 and 3.5 points respectively.

The inhabitants of the villages came to squares, while the Civil Protection Service was mobilized to areas where the focus is. According to reports, they have not reported serious damage to homes and other buildings.





Os EUA condenam novo teste de míssil, vencida pela Coreia do Norte

Os EUA condenam novo teste de míssil, vencida pela Coreia do Norte

Os EUA detectou falhou no teste de médio alcance de mísseis da Coréia do Norte, o Pentágono anunciou.

Os EUA condenam severamente o teste de míssil norte-coreano recente, pretende levantar a questão junto das Nações Unidas e exortando Pyongyang a evitarem uma nova ação semelhante mencionado no aviso de Defesa ypyorgeiou americano.

The US dæma nýja, misheppnaður eldflaugum próf með Norður-Kóreu

The US dæma nýja, misheppnaður eldflaugum próf með Norður-Kóreu

The US hefur fundið mistekist próf miðlungs-svið eldflaugum Norður-Kóreu, Pentagon tilkynnt.

The US dæma alvarlega nýleg Norður-Kóreu eldflaugum próf, ætlar að hækka útgáfu hjá Sameinuðu þjóðunum og kalla á Pyongyang til að forðast frekari svipuðum aðgerðum sem nefnd eru í tilkynningu American ypyorgeiou varnarmálaráðherra.

Gli Stati Uniti condanniamo nuova, test missilistico non riuscito di Corea del Nord

Gli Stati Uniti condanniamo nuova, test missilistico non riuscito di Corea del Nord

Gli Stati Uniti hanno rilevato fallito test di missile a medio raggio la Corea del Nord, il Pentagono ha annunciato.

Gli Stati Uniti Condanniamo fortemente la recente test missilistico della Corea del Nord, in programma di sollevare la questione presso le Nazioni Unite e invitando Pyongyang ad astenersi da ulteriori azioni simili menzionato nel bando della Difesa ypyorgeiou americano.

Les États-Unis condamnent une nouvelle épreuve, de missiles échoué par la Corée du Nord

Les États-Unis condamnent une nouvelle épreuve, de missiles échoué par la Corée du Nord

Les USA ont détecté échoué à moyenne portée essai de missiles en Corée du Nord, le Pentagone a annoncé.

Les États-Unis condamnons sévèrement l'essai nord-coréen de missiles récente, l'intention de soulever la question à l'Organisation des Nations Unies et demandant à Pyongyang à éviter toute nouvelle action similaire mentionnée dans l'avis de la Défense de ypyorgeiou américain.

Die USA verurteilen neue, nicht erfolgreich Raketentest durch Nordkorea

Die USA verurteilen neue, nicht erfolgreich Raketentest durch Nordkorea

Der US-Test nicht bestanden Mittelstreckenrakete Nordkorea erkannt hat, kündigte das Pentagon.

Die USA verurteilen streng die jüngsten nordkoreanischen Raketentest planen die Frage bei den Vereinten Nationen und forderte Pjöngjang zu erhöhen von weiteren ähnlichen Aktion in der Bekanntmachung der amerikanischen ypyorgeiou Verteidigung erwähnt zu verzichten.

The US condemn new, unsuccessful missile test by North Korea

The US condemn new, unsuccessful missile test by North Korea

The US has detected failed test medium-range missile North Korea, the Pentagon announced.

The US condemn severely the recent North Korean missile test, plan to raise the issue at the United Nations and calling on Pyongyang to refrain from further similar action mentioned in the notice of American ypyorgeiou Defence.





Οι ΗΠΑ καταδικάζουν νέα, αποτυχημένη, δοκιμή πυραύλου από την Βόρεια Κορέα

Οι ΗΠΑ καταδικάζουν νέα, αποτυχημένη, δοκιμή πυραύλου από την Βόρεια Κορέα

Οι ΗΠΑ ανίχνευσαν αποτυχημένη δοκιμή πυραύλου μεσαίου βεληνεκούς της Βόρειας Κορέας, ανακοίνωσε το Πεντάγωνο.

Οι ΗΠΑ καταδικάζουν με δριμύτητα την τελευταία βορειοκορεατική πυραυλική δοκιμή, σχεδιάζουν να εγείρουν το θέμα στα Ηνωμένα Εθνη και καλούν την Πιονγκγιάνγκ να απόσχει από περαιτέρω ανάλογες ενέργειες, αναφέρεται στην ανακοίνωση του αμερικανικού υπυοργείου Αμυνας.

Nanoelectrónica conferência internacional sobre a Síria em Lausanne

Nanoelectrónica conferência internacional sobre a Síria em Lausanne

A conferência internacional em Lausanne sobre a Síria, com a participação da Rússia, os Estados Unidos e as principais potências regionais envolvidas no conflito sírio, completou, anunciou oficial dos EUA.

Depois de conversas mais de quatro horas, muitos ministros deixaram o hotel Beau-Rivage sem fazer declarações.

A reunião para a qual os EUA participaram, Rússia, Qatar, Turquia, Arábia Saudita, Irã, Egito, Iraque e Jordânia, eo enviado da ONU à Síria foi destinado a encontrar formas para parar o abate.

Comhdháil idirnáisiúnta nanaileictreonaic maidir leis an tSiria i Lausanne

Comhdháil idirnáisiúnta nanaileictreonaic maidir leis an tSiria i Lausanne

An chomhdháil idirnáisiúnta i Lausanne maidir leis an tSiria, le rannpháirtíocht na Rúise, na Stáit Aontaithe agus na cumhachtaí réigiúnacha móra páirteach sa choimhlint Siria, i gcrích, d'fhógair oifigiúla Poist.

Tar éis cainteanna níos mó ná ceithre huaire an chloig, d'fhág go leor airí an t-óstán Beau-Rivage gan ráitis a dhéanamh.

An cruinniú lena mbaineann Poist páirt, an Rúis, Catar, an Tuirc, an Araib Shádach, an Iaráin, an Éigipt, an Iaráic agus an Iordáin, agus an Toscaire na NA a tSiria bhí dírithe ar bhealaí a aimsiú chun stop a chur leis an marú.......

Comhdháil idirnáisiúnta nanaileictreonaic maidir leis an tSiria i Lausanne

Comhdháil idirnáisiúnta nanaileictreonaic maidir leis an tSiria i Lausanne

An chomhdháil idirnáisiúnta i Lausanne maidir leis an tSiria, le rannpháirtíocht na Rúise, na Stáit Aontaithe agus na cumhachtaí réigiúnacha móra páirteach sa choimhlint Siria, i gcrích, d'fhógair oifigiúla Poist.

Tar éis cainteanna níos mó ná ceithre huaire an chloig, d'fhág go leor airí an t-óstán Beau-Rivage gan ráitis a dhéanamh.

An cruinniú lena mbaineann Poist páirt, an Rúis, Catar, an Tuirc, an Araib Shádach, an Iaráin, an Éigipt, an Iaráic agus an Iordáin, agus an Toscaire na NA a tSiria bhí dírithe ar bhealaí a aimsiú chun stop a chur leis an marú.