Σάββατο 9 Απριλίου 2016

Beaux pour les photojournalistes - publié des arrestations violentes de la police

Beaux pour les photojournalistes - publié des arrestations violentes de la police

Le photojournaliste espagnol valeurs Lopez a reçu une amende de EUR 601, telle que publiée sur Twitter, pas de «prendre congé» des photographies représentant les arrestations policières violentes de manifestants à une marche de militants basques, a déclaré hier le magazine basque Argia, où photojournalistes travaillant.

Le Lopez couvert journalistiquement les manifestations de magazines en Eimpar ville au début de Mars, quand il a accroché dans le compte maintenu sur Twitter une photo de la police violente arrestation d'un activiste politique.

La photo propagation "non autorisé" à l'avance, selon les autorités espagnoles et réimprimé sur Internet et dans les médias.

Il a été impliqué et photo tir de Lopez représentant l'arrestation de l'activiste politique pour l'indépendance du Pays basque Naro Arithnampareta.

«Les officiers de police impliqués dans cette opération peuvent être identifiés par ces photos, ce qui pose une menace pour leur sécurité," la déclaration de ministère de l'Intérieur.
Le Lopez a dit que lui et le magazine convenu de ne pas payer l'amende.

La Fédération espagnole des journalistes a condamné la décision, disant que c'est le second cas, qui est devenu connu, dans lequel un journaliste a été condamné à une amende, bien que dans le premier cas, l'amende a été annulée.

La loi sur la «sécurité publique», déposée par le parti au pouvoir conservateur et est entré en vigueur le 1er Juillet, 2015, la «loi - muselés" comme la caractéristique de ses critiques, a été ciblé par les partis d'opposition, des experts les Nations Unies et organisations des droits humains, qui soutiennent que cela limite la liberté de réunion et la liberté d'expression. Les partis d'opposition ont dit que éliminerait, si prendre le pouvoir.

La loi, entre autres choses, permet l'expulsion des immigrants qui entrent illégalement dans les enclaves espagnoles en Afrique du Nord, prévoit des amendes élevées (jusqu'à 600 000 EUR) pour les démonstrations effectuées par le Parlement et n'ont pas été autorisée par les autorités et permet des amendes les journalistes et les organisations de presse qui publient sans autorisation, les photos dans lesquelles la police sont présentées.

La mesure a été adoptée après une vague de manifestations organisées contre le gouvernement en 2012.

Belle per i fotogiornalisti - pubblicato arresti della polizia violenti

Belle per i fotogiornalisti - pubblicato arresti della polizia violenti

Il fotoreporter spagnolo valori Lopez è stato multato 601 euro, come pubblicato in Twitter, no "congedarsi" fotografie che ritraggono gli arresti della polizia violente dei manifestanti in marcia attivisti basca, ha detto ieri la rivista basca Argia, dove fotogiornalisti di lavoro.

La Lopez coperto giornalisticamente le manifestazioni rivista in città Eimpar ai primi di marzo, quando ha appeso nel conto mantenuto su Twitter una foto della polizia violenti arrestare un attivista politico.

La diffusione della foto "non è concesso in licenza" in anticipo, secondo le autorità spagnole e ristampato su Internet e nei media.

E 'stato coinvolto e la foto tiro di Lopez raffigurante l'arresto di un attivista politico per l'indipendenza dei Paesi Baschi Naro Arithnampareta.

"Gli agenti di polizia coinvolti in questa operazione possono essere identificati attraverso queste foto, che rappresenta una minaccia per la loro sicurezza," la dichiarazione del ministero degli interni.
La Lopez ha detto che lui e la rivista ha accettato di non pagare la multa.

La Federazione spagnola dei giornalisti ha condannato la decisione, dicendo che questo è il secondo caso, che è diventato noto, in cui un giornalista è stato condannato a una multa, anche se nel primo caso la multa è stata annullata.

La legge sulla "sicurezza pubblica", presentato dal partito di governo conservatore ed è entrato in vigore il 1 ° luglio 2015, la "Legge - la museruola", come la caratteristica dei suoi critici, è stato preso di mira dai partiti di opposizione, gli esperti le organizzazioni delle Nazioni Unite e dei diritti umani, che sostengono che limita la libertà di riunione e la libertà di espressione. I partiti di opposizione hanno detto che eliminerebbe, se prendere il potere.

La legge, tra le altre cose, permette l'espulsione degli immigrati che entrano illegalmente le enclave spagnole in Nord Africa, fornisce elevate multe (fino a 600.000 euro) per le dimostrazioni effettuate dal Parlamento e non sono state autorizzate dalle autorità e permette multe giornalisti e organi di informazione che pubblicano senza permesso, fotografie in cui vengono mostrati polizia.

Il provvedimento è stato adottato dopo l'ondata di manifestazioni organizzate contro il governo nel 2012.

Fine do photojournalists - foilsithe gabhálacha póilíní foréigneach

Fine do photojournalists - foilsithe gabhálacha póilíní foréigneach

Is mór ag an photojournalist Spáinne Gearradh fíneáil Lopez EUR 601, mar a phost i Twitter, níl "ghlacadh saoire" grianghraif a thaispeánann na gabhálacha póilíní foréigneach de taispeántóirí i gníomhaithe máirseáil Bascais, dúirt inné an iris mBascach Argia, i gcás ina photojournalists oibre.

An Lopez clúdaithe journalistically na taispeántais iris i gcathair Eimpar luath i mí Márta, nuair a tá sé crochadh sa chuntas coinnithe ar Twitter grianghraf de na póilíní foréigneach ghabháil gníomhaí polaitiúil.

Leathadh grianghraf "nach ceadúnaithe" roimh ré, de réir údaráis na Spáinne agus athchló ar an Idirlíon agus sna meáin.

Bhí baint agus lámhaigh grianghraf ag Lopez thaispeánann ghabháil gníomhaí polaitiúil chun neamhspleáchas na mBascach Naro Arithnampareta.

"Is féidir leis an oifigigh póilíní a bhfuil baint an oibríocht a aithint trí na grianghraif, ar bagairt a shlándáil," an ráiteas aireacht istigh.
An Lopez dúirt gur aontaigh sé féin agus an iris nach bhfuil an fhíneáil a íoc.

An Chónaidhm na Spáinne na nIriseoirí dhaoradh an cinneadh, ag rá go bhfuil sé seo an dara cás, arb í ar eolas, inar pianbhreith iriseoir fíneáil, cé sa chéad chás cuireadh ar ceal an fhíneáil.

An dlí maidir le "sábháilteacht an phobail", a chuir an páirtí rialú Coimeádach agus tháinig sé i bhfeidhm an 1 Iúil, 2015, an "Dlí - féasrach" mar an tréith a léirmheastóirí, tá dírithe ag páirtithe freasúra, saineolaithe eagraíochtaí na Náisiún Aontaithe agus cearta an duine, a mhaíomh go teorainneacha sé an saoirse tionóil agus saoirse cainte. páirtithe Freasúra Tá sé ráite go mbeadh deireadh, cumhacht má ghlacann.

An dlí, i measc rudaí eile, ceadaíonn an díbirt na n-inimirceach ag teacht isteach go neamhdhleathach ar an enclaves Spáinnis i Afraic Thuaidh, soláthraíonn fíneálacha ard (suas go dtí EUR 600,000) do taispeántais a rinne Parlaiminte agus ní arna n-údarú ag na húdaráis agus ceadaíonn fíneálacha tuairisceoirí agus eagraíochtaí nuachta a fhoilsiú gan chead, grianghraif ina póilíneachta taispeáint.

Glacadh leis an mbeart tar éis tonn de léirsithe eagraithe in aghaidh an rialtais sa bhliain 2012.

Obama: Il a appelé la convergence du Conseil de sécurité nationale

Obama: Il a appelé la convergence du Conseil de sécurité nationale
Le président des États-Unis de Barack Obama Amérique a demandé la convocation du Conseil national de la sécurité du pays, qui se tiendra la semaine prochaine au siège de la CIA, sur l'évaluation de la lutte contre les djihadistes de l'État islamique, a annoncé hier la Maison Blanche.
La réunion, qui se tiendra le mercredi intervient alors que le gouvernement américain envisage un plan pour augmenter le nombre des forces spéciales de l'armée américaine en Syrie, dans un effort pour promouvoir les récentes victoires contre islamique Kratos.O chef d'état-major général des forces armées américaines , le général Joe Dunford a dit qu'il travaille sur les options à présenter à Obama des États-Unis d'augmenter les forces en Irak qui soutiendront les forces irakiennes se préparent à une vaste offensive contre l'organisation djihadiste à Mossoul.
Obama a fait des réunions similaires au Pentagone et le Département d'Etat sur la lutte contre IK.
«Il n'y a aucune raison opérationnelle particulière pour le Président de tenir la réunion, (pp CIA), a dit la porte-parole Maison Blanche Jen Friedman a dit aux journalistes." Ceci est juste l'autre dans une série de ces réunions ", at-il ajouté.

Obama: Ha chiamato convergenza Consiglio di Sicurezza Nazionale

Obama: Ha chiamato convergenza Consiglio di Sicurezza Nazionale
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti di Barack Obama l'America ha chiesto la convocazione del Consiglio nazionale del paese di sicurezza, che si terrà la prossima settimana presso la sede della CIA, sulla valutazione della battaglia contro i jihadisti dello Stato Islamico, ha annunciato ieri la Casa Bianca.
L'incontro, che si terrà Mercoledì, si presenta come il governo degli Stati Uniti sta considerando un piano per aumentare il numero delle forze speciali dell'esercito degli Stati Uniti in Siria, in uno sforzo per promuovere le recenti vittorie contro islamica Kratos.O capo di stato maggiore delle forze armate degli Stati Uniti , il generale Joe Dunford ha detto che sta lavorando sulle opzioni da presentare a Obama di aumentare le forze in Iraq che sosterranno le forze irachene si stanno preparando per una vasta offensiva contro l'organizzazione jihadista a Mosul Uniti.
Obama ha fatto simili incontri al Pentagono e il Dipartimento di Stato sulla battaglia contro IK.
"Non c'è alcuna ragione operativa particolare per il Presidente di tenere la riunione lì (pp in CIA), ha detto la portavoce Casa Bianca Jen Friedman ha detto ai giornalisti." Questo è solo il prossimo in una serie di tali incontri ", ha aggiunto.

Obama: D'iarr sé chóineasú Náisiúnta Chomhairle Slándála

Obama: D'iarr sé chóineasú Náisiúnta Chomhairle Slándála
An t-uachtarán na Stát Aontaithe Barack Obama America iarr thionól an Chomhairle Náisiúnta Slándála tíre, a bheidh ar siúl an tseachtain seo chugainn ag ceanncheathrú an CIA, ar an measúnú ar an cath in aghaidh an Jihadists an Stáit Ioslamach, inné d'fhógair an Teach Bán.
Tagann an cruinniú, a bheidh ar siúl Dé Céadaoin, mar go bhfuil an rialtas SAM ag smaoineamh plean chun cur le líon na fórsaí speisialta an Arm na Stát Aontaithe sa tSiria, in iarracht na victories déanaí i gcoinne Ioslamach Kratos.O Ceann Foirne Ginearálta ar na fórsaí armtha de Stáit a chur chun cinn , tá Gen Joe Dunford sin tá sé ag obair ar roghanna a chur faoi bhráid Obama a mhéadú fórsaí san Iaráic a thacóidh le fórsaí na hIaráice ag ullmhú le haghaidh ionsaitheacha leathan i gcoinne an eagraíocht jihadist i Mosul Poist.
Obama déanta cruinnithe den chineál céanna ag an Pentagon agus an Roinn Stáit ar an cath in aghaidh IK.
"Níl aon chúis oibriúcháin ar leith don Uachtarán bheith i seilbh an gcruinniú ann (pp in CIA), dúirt an Teach spokeswoman Jen Bán Friedman tuairisceoirí a dúirt." Is é seo ach an chéad cheann eile i sraith cruinnithe den sórt sin, "a dúirt sé.

Obama: Er nannte Sicherheitsrat Konvergenz Nationale

Obama: Er nannte Sicherheitsrat Konvergenz Nationale
Der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Barack Obama Amerika die Einberufung des Nationalrates des Landes Sicherheit gebeten, zur nächsten Woche in der Zentrale der CIA über die Beurteilung der Schlacht gegen die Dschihadisten des Islamischen Staates stattfinden wird, hat gestern bekannt gegeben, das Weiße Haus.
Die Sitzung, statt Mittwoch werden, kommt wie die US-Regierung einen Plan zur Erhöhung der Anzahl von Spezialeinheiten der US-Armee in Syrien, in dem Bemühen, unter Berücksichtigung der jüngsten Siege gegen den islamischen Kratos.O Chef des Generalstabs der US-Streitkräfte zu fördern General Joe Dunford, hat gesagt, er arbeitet an Optionen zur Verfügung, um Obama zu US-Truppen im Irak zu erhöhen, dass die irakischen Streitkräfte bereiten sich auf eine breite Offensive gegen die Dschihad-Organisation in Mosul unterstützen wird.
Obama hat ähnliche Treffen im Pentagon und dem State Department auf den Kampf gegen IK.
"Es gibt keine besondere betriebliche Gründe für den Präsidenten der Sitzung dort (pP im CIA) zu halten, das Haus Sprecherin Jen Weiß Friedman sagte Reportern erzählt." Das ist nur der nächste in einer Reihe solcher Treffen ", fügte er hinzu.

Obama: He called convergence National Security Council

Obama: He called convergence National Security Council
The president of the United States of Barack Obama America requested the convening of the National Council of the country Security, to be held next week at the headquarters of the CIA, on the assessment of the battle against the jihadists of the Islamic State, yesterday announced the White House.
The meeting, to be held Wednesday, comes as the US government is considering a plan for increasing the number of special forces of the US Army in Syria, in an effort to promote the recent victories against Islamic Kratos.O Chief of General Staff of the US armed forces , Gen. Joe Dunford has said he is working on options to be presented to Obama to increase US forces in Iraq that will support the Iraqi forces are preparing for a broad offensive against the jihadist organization in Mosul.
Obama has made similar meetings at the Pentagon and the State Department on the battle against IK.
"There is no particular operational reason for the President to hold the meeting there (pp in CIA), told the House spokeswoman Jen White Friedman told reporters." This is just the next in a series of such meetings, "he added.

Obama: Llamó la convergencia Consejo Nacional de Seguridad

Obama: Llamó la convergencia Consejo Nacional de Seguridad
El presidente de los Estados Unidos de Barack Obama América pidió la convocatoria del Consejo Nacional de la Seguridad país, que tendrá lugar la próxima semana en la sede de la CIA, en la evaluación de la batalla contra los yihadistas del Estado Islámico, anunció ayer la Casa Blanca.
El encuentro, que se realizará el miércoles, se produce mientras el gobierno de Estados Unidos está considerando un plan para aumentar el número de las fuerzas especiales del Ejército de Estados Unidos en Siria, en un esfuerzo por promover las recientes victorias contra islámica Kratos.O Jefe de Estado Mayor de las fuerzas armadas de los EE.UU. , el general Joe Dunford ha dicho que está trabajando en las opciones que se presentará a Obama para aumentar las fuerzas en Irak que apoyarán las fuerzas iraquíes se preparan para una amplia ofensiva contra la organización yihadista en Mosul Estados Unidos.
Obama ha hecho reuniones similares en el Pentágono y el Departamento de Estado en la batalla contra IK.
"No hay ninguna razón operativo particular para el Presidente de celebrar la reunión allí (pp en la CIA), dijo el portavoz de la Casa Blanca Jen Friedman a la prensa." Esto es sólo el siguiente en una serie de tales reuniones ", agregó.

Mikrosymplokes en el rally antirracista Pireo con miembros de la Golden Dawn Trucos SYRIZA en la estación de policía

Mikrosymplokes en el rally antirracista Pireo con miembros de la Golden Dawn Trucos SYRIZA en la estación de policía
Mikrosymplokes entre un grupo de personas que participan en el rally antirracista en el centro de El Pireo y miembros de la Golden Dawn tener también la concentración, se produjo ayer por la tarde, cerca del Teatro Público. Según todos los testimonios que comenzó cuando un grupo de personas cuando se dio cuenta de un chrysafgiti atacado verbalmente y luego se llama el mismo sentir.
Había tensión entre los dos lados de la calle de la Universidad de los Héroes y no las peleas cuerpo carecía de un cuerpo. La intervención de la policía fue rápida que hace uso de granadas de aturdimiento y hasta el momento no hubo heridos ni detenciones.
La mayoría de las carreteras en el centro del Pireo bloqueados mientras que en la intersección de la Universidad de Héroes y el Rey Jorge ha puesto del cajón de la policía antidisturbios para evitar una nueva reunión "miembros" de las dos concentraciones. Se han tomado medidas en función de policía a cabo desde el puerto de Pireo estación eléctrica con el fin de no juzgar a los miembros de la Golden Dawn para marchar a sus zonas portuarias.
SYRIZA insinúa en la estación de policía
"Hoy en día, los batallones de asalto de la organización neonazi Amanecer Dorado, dirigidos por la infraestructura. Casposos, lo hicieron de nuevo su aspecto, no muy lejos del asesinato del P. sitio. Fyssas. La violencia contra los civiles, periodistas y equipos de televisión, lo que revela una vez más el verdadero rostro de una organización criminal ", dice la declaración de la Oficina de Prensa de SYRIZA, la corriente de la" concentración de odio "del Pireo.
"La condena de tales acciones fascistas es el deber de cada ciudadano democrático. Asegúrese de que los defensores de la disposición neonazi, que la República no tiene miedo de ellos ", señaló el comunicado del partido, mientras que toques izquierda y claras a la estación de policía: ??" Debido a que la actitud de la policía que asisten se refiere a períodos anteriores de cooperación leal entre MAT y ASE esperan investigar el caso a fondo, y respuestas convincentes a partir de la dirección política del ministerio. Sin actitud de tolerancia no puede ser aceptado. La democratización de las fuerzas de seguridad es una prioridad ", concluye la oficina de prensa de SYRIZA en un comunicado.
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Mikrosymplokes in antiracist Rallye Piräus mit Mitgliedern des Golden Dawn Tipps SYRIZA auf Polizeistation

Mikrosymplokes in antiracist Rallye Piräus mit Mitgliedern des Golden Dawn Tipps SYRIZA auf Polizeistation
Mikrosymplokes unter einer Gruppe von Personen, die in antirassistische Kundgebung im Zentrum von Piräus und die Mitglieder der Dämmerung mit Gold beteiligt auch Konzentration, ereignete sich gestern Nachmittag in der Nähe des Public Theatre. Nach allen Aussagen begann es, wenn eine Gruppe von Menschen, wenn sie einen chrysafgiti verbal angegriffen realisiert und dann rief er die gleichgesinnte.
Es gab Spannungen zwischen den beiden Seiten auf der University Street 'Helden und nicht der Körper kämpft einen Körper fehlte. Die Intervention der Polizei war schnell, welche den Einsatz von Blendgranaten und bisher keine Verletzungen oder Verhaftungen macht.
Die meisten Straßen im Zentrum von Piräus blockiert, während an der Kreuzung der Universität Helden und King George hat Kiste von der Bereitschaftspolizei legte eine neue "Begegnung" Mitglieder der beiden Konzentrationen zu vermeiden. Je polizeilichen Maßnahmen wurden aus dem Hafen von Piräus Electric Station genommen, um aus nicht an die Mitglieder des Golden Dawn versuchen zu marschieren, um ihre Gebiete beherbergen.
Hinweise SYRIZA auf Polizeistation
"Heute sind die Sturmbataillone der Neonazi-Organisation Golden Dawn, angeführt von Infrastruktur. Scurfy, tat wieder ihr Aussehen, nicht weit von dem Mord an P. Ort. Fyssas. Gewalt gegen Zivilisten, Journalisten und TV-Teams und enthüllt einmal mehr das wahre Gesicht einer kriminellen Vereinigung ", sagt Erklärung der Pressestelle von SYRIZA, die aktuelle" Hass Konzentration "von Piräus.
"Die Verurteilung solcher faschistischen Aktionen ist die Pflicht eines jeden demokratischen Bürger. Seien Sie sicher, dass die Befürworter der Neonazi-Anordnung, dass die Republik keine Angst vor ihnen ist ", so die Erklärung der Partei, während links und deutliche Hinweise auf die Polizeistation: ??" Weil die Haltung der anwesenden Polizei zu früheren Perioden der loyalen Zusammenarbeit bezieht sich zwischen MAT und ASE erwarten, den Fall gründlich und überzeugende Antworten aus der politischen Führung des Ministeriums untersuchen. Keine Toleranz Haltung kann nicht akzeptiert werden. Die Demokratisierung der Sicherheitskräfte hat oberste Priorität ", schließt die Pressestelle von SYRIZA in einer Erklärung.

Mikrosymplokes in antiracist rally Piraeus with members of the Golden Dawn Hints SYRIZA on police station

Mikrosymplokes in antiracist rally Piraeus with members of the Golden Dawn Hints SYRIZA on police station
Mikrosymplokes among a group of persons involved in anti-racist rally in the center of Piraeus and members of the Golden Dawn having also concentration, occurred yesterday afternoon, near the Public Theatre. According to all testimonies it began when a group of people when they realized a chrysafgiti attacked verbally and then he called the likeminded.
There was tension between the two sides on the Heroes' University Street and not the body fights lacked a body. The police intervention was swift which makes use of stun grenades and so far no injuries or arrests.
Most roads in the center of Piraeus blocked while at the intersection of University Heroes and King George has placed crate of riot police to avoid a new "meeting" members of the two concentrations. Depending police measures have been taken out from the port of Piraeus Electric Station in order not to try members of the Golden Dawn to march to their areas harbor.
--Ypainigmoi SYRIZA on police station
"Today, the assault battalions of the neo-Nazi organization Golden Dawn, led by infrastructure. Scurfy, did again their appearance, not far from the murder of P. site. Fyssas. Violence against civilians, journalists and TV crews, revealing once again the true face of a criminal organization, "says statement of the Press Office of SYRIZA, the current" hate concentration "of Piraeus.
"The condemnation of such fascist actions is the duty of every democratic citizen. Be sure the advocates of neo-Nazi arrangement, that the Republic is not afraid of them, "noted the statement of the party, while left and clear hints to the police station: ??" Because the attitude of the attending police refers to previous periods of loyal cooperation between MAT and ASE expect investigate the case thoroughly, and convincing answers from the political leadership of the ministry. No tolerance attitude can not be accepted. The democratization of the security forces is a top priority, "concludes the press office of SYRIZA in a statement.

Παρασκευή 8 Απριλίου 2016

The main challenges for American military trainers in Afghanistan

The main challenges for American military trainers in Afghanistan

Colonel Jonathan Chang who heads the group of US military advisers in Helmand province of Afghanistan on education unit of the newly established Afghan army is well aware that time is pressing.

If Washington follow the timetable for the withdrawal of US troops, the NATO training program comes to an end until November.

This possibility is likely to happen despite the struggles of Afghan forces in order to face the spate of attacks carried out by Taliban, resulting in a drastic reduction of the time of their operational training.

"We still have substantial work to do. We must adapt to the requirements, "Chang said speaking to Reuters from the base Soramp in Helmand province, which is at the heart of Taliban attacks.

These attacks are designed to drop the Afghan government and the withdrawal of international forces that support it, while trying deemed particularly successful in recent months.

Corruption issues related to late payment, but also the forced presence on the battlefield to be treated the Taliban attacks have negatively affected the morale and operational effectiveness of the local army. "It is understood that it will not prevent to bring them to the level we want," says Chang who, however, has seen progress in the training of Afghans in the last two months.

In this situation, the US military forces deployed in Afghanistan is expected to fall to 5,500 soldiers in early 2017, from 9,800 currently.

If the decision of reduction achieved, the US military claim that the training program can not continue. However, the pressure holding time becomes stifling, as the new commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan prepare its report on safety issues before proceeding to the presentation of recommendations to Washington in June.

Gen. John Nicholson recently told Reuters that the training program was delayed due to heavy warfare and losses last year. The security risks posed by a possible reduction of the US military presence is unpredictable, given the surge in Taliban violence and soil loss of control to the Afghans recorded in 2015. Last year was the first year that the Afghan forces undertook to guarantee security without NATO support.

For their part, the Afghan army officers say that their military forces lag behind in providing air support, as well as aviation Afghanistan is in initial organization to implement air operations.

Meanwhile, Afghan forces have the necessary experience in technical support and management of their weapons systems. "The capabilities of our forces deployed now, while we have to do meaningful work. We need international assistance ", say senior sources in the Defense Ministry in Kabul.

One of the biggest challenges faced by NATO forces in Afghanistan is changing the way of thinking of the Afghan soldiers which NATO encourages them to become more aggressive in combat operations. "When found in an area of ​​interest, the first thing to do is to set up a military checkpoint.

After this, the soldiers do not want to turn away from the point, "says Chang describing the mentality of Afghan soldiers. They and his team are among 500 soldiers deployed in the region of Helmand to enhance the educational experience of the Afghan forces. The security situation in the province has reported significantly deteriorated in the last quarter.

Essential role in the soldiers training have Afghan officers under the guidance of instructors Americans, while education includes educational items like the survival of the battlefield, regular attacks tackling the cars driving, vehicle maintenance, technical support weapon systems, but and neutralize bombs and landmines.

"Sometime the educational support will end. We are here to help them to build something that will have to manage on their own, "adds Chang.

However, the US military know that their mission is made more difficult by corruption among the Afghan officers which adversely affects the confidence and morale of the soldiers. "When you do not know someone senior officer all the benefits go to the soldiers who know him," complements Afghan soldier.

US troops deployed in Afghanistan as part of the company "Resolute Support" and stressing that Afghan officers have been replaced in order to eliminate cases of theft of military equipment.

General Nicholson for his part, refused to comment on issues related to the US military presence in Afghanistan, and prepares the report and the proposals for political and military leadership of the US.

However, it is estimated that will require the greatest possible (possible) flexibility available forces and means, with emphasis on providing air support to Afghan forces.

NATO concluded the conduct of military operations in late 2014 leaving Afghanistan a small percentage of the military power that retained, which had reached a point in time at 130,000 soldiers.

However, increasing the US military presence depends directly on electoral developments in the US. If American forces in Afghanistan reduced to the lowest level, then we will initiate the change of the nature of warfare. American soldiers will be forced de facto limit the educational work and turn to the organization and implementation of special operations that require small and flexible number of soldiers.