Παρασκευή 4 Μαρτίου 2016

Refugee: Instructions for assisting Diavata

Refugee: Instructions for assisting Diavata

Appeal to those who wish to provide basic necessities for the refugees to provide the relevant municipalities or their military station of the Third Army Corps addressed the representative of the Interior Ministry, temporarily in charge of the Centre for Migration Refugees in Diavata, Sakis Papathemelis.

He, in his statements to ANA-MPA, emphasizes volunteering in the world and underlines the tremendous assistance from municipalities and associations related initiatives.
However, it points out that the species can not be concentrated in the Centre Relocation Diavaton facilities there as there are large storage capacities. For this reason, emphasizes the need to meet the world's call to collect food and relief items to the municipalities (that then transported to the warehouse 9 port) or in the military station of the Third Army Corps, which makes an organization and classification.

For the better, after all, and more coordinated aid concentration publishes list of products (bulk and packaged) which are necessary to meet the food needs of refugees, the rations of the army.

This list includes, packed Arabic bread, pasta, beans, rice, potatoes, cans cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, bread only in individual portions, fruit (apples, bananas, pears), life milk, sauce for spaghetti, croissants, sandwiches ( not containing meat), juices, nuts in packages of two, canned tuna, stuffed packaged, disposable cups and packaging for food.

As regards products frozen or fresh, it clarified that the delivery will be done the same day because of the sensitivity of the product.

The only products that fall into this category is the chicken into four pieces (breast and thigh), frozen fish fillet and cheese in bowl - triangle.

In this context, it is stated that instead offers individuals to species such as bread and sandwich more useful is the massive supply of these types of ovens and even a number that meets the needs of the Centre-fed (stably estimated two thousand people).

Disclosed that besides the municipalities have announced the merger of relief items, these species are concentrated in the military station of Corps C which runs every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8 am to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm and Saturday from 8 am to 2 pm.

The entrance to the military station is on the side of Gregorios Lambrakis street and further information to interested parties at 2310 894 480.

Also the Relocation Diavaton Center publishes list of items needed for use by unaccompanied children.

The list includes bags for the collection of children's things, books to create a library (which, however, will be the following Arabic language, Farsi, Urdu, any Kurdish dialect and in plain English), magazines with various themes (for example of nature, hobbies, sports, vehicles), balls (basketball, football and volleyball), small football homes to create two small courts, two Play Station consoles will be linked to televisions.
Also, two table tennis net is several rackets and balls, table football, DVD player devices, DVD movies that are suitable for children and have subtitles in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and Kurdish dialects, yarn and hanks in bright colors creating distinctive bracelets for children, colored paper A4 and language learning material, mostly English and German. Useful items requested are also maps world or European for the walls, two clothes dryers, potted plants, decorations and posters for the walls.

The items for infants and young children and voluntary help in the management of children's free time will be coordinated by the Deputy Mayor for Social Policy of the Municipality of Thessaloniki.

Portaingéilis MP ... tháinig amach as a chuid éadaí

Portaingéilis MP ... tháinig amach as a chuid éadaí

Criticising an ceartas lofa sa Phortaingéil agus go háirithe an gearrtha tuarastal bhFeisirí, d'athdhearbhaigh Jose Manuel Coelho na iantirrisi literally ag teacht amach as a chuid éadaí.

Ag deireadh fhág sí gan ach cuid éadaí agus a hata. Na héadaí eile láimh do chathaoirleach Parlaiminte Trankouada Jose Gomes, a fionraí an gcruinniú iomlánach agus treoir an MP a fhágáil ar an seomra. Dhiúltaigh sé ar dtús, ach ar deireadh roghnaigh an bParlaimint caife a bhí le feiceáil ... kapelomenos!

Portoghese MP ... è venuto fuori dei suoi vestiti

Portoghese MP ... è venuto fuori dei suoi vestiti

Criticando la giustizia marcio in Portogallo e in particolare il taglio degli stipendi dei deputati, Jose Manuel Coelho ha ribadito le iantirrisi letteralmente in uscita dei suoi vestiti.

Alla fine ha lasciato solo con la sua biancheria intima e il suo cappello. I restanti abiti consegnato al presidente del Parlamento Trankouada Jose Gomes, che ha sospeso la riunione plenaria e ha incaricato il parlamentare di lasciare la stanza. Inizialmente ha rifiutato, ma alla fine ha scelto il Parlamento di caffè che è apparso ... kapelomenos!

Portuguese MP ... came out of his clothes

Portuguese MP ... came out of his clothes

Criticising the rotten justice in Portugal and especially the cut of Members' salaries, Jose Manuel Coelho reaffirmed the iantirrisi literally coming out of his clothes.

At the end she left with only her underwear and his hat. The remaining clothes handed to the chairman of Parliament Trankouada Jose Gomes, who suspended the plenary meeting and instructed the MP to leave the room. He initially refused, but finally chose the Parliament of coffee which appeared ... kapelomenos!

Portugiesisch MP ... kam aus seiner Kleidung

Portugiesisch MP ... kam aus seiner Kleidung

Kritik an den faulen Gerechtigkeit in Portugal und vor allem der Schnitt der Mitglieder Gehälter bekräftigte Jose Manuel Coelho die iantirrisi wahrsten Sinne des Wortes aus seiner Kleidung kommen.

Am Ende verließ sie mit nur ihre Unterwäsche und seinen Hut. Die übrigen Kleidung an den Vorsitzenden des Parlaments Trankouada Jose Gomes geben, der das Plenum suspendiert und beauftragte den MP den Raum zu verlassen. Er weigerte sich zunächst, aber schließlich entschied sich das Parlament von Kaffee, erschien ... kapelomenos!

Portugais MP ... est sorti de ses vêtements

Portugais MP ... est sorti de ses vêtements

Critiquant la justice pourrie au Portugal et surtout la coupe des salaires des députés, José Manuel Coelho a réaffirmé les iantirrisi venir littéralement hors de ses vêtements.

A la fin elle a quitté avec seulement ses sous-vêtements et son chapeau. Les vêtements restants remis au président du Parlement Trankouada Jose Gomes, qui a suspendu la séance plénière et a chargé le député de quitter la salle. Il a d'abord refusé, mais a finalement choisi le Parlement du café qui est apparu ... kapelomenos!

Une voiture piégée attaque dans le sud-Turquie, deux policiers morts

Une voiture piégée attaque dans le sud-Turquie, deux policiers morts

Attaque avec une voiture piégée et roquettes faite aujourd'hui militants kurdes ont tué deux policiers et blessé 35 personnes dans la province de Mardin en Turquie du sud, est devenu connu par les sources des services de sécurité.

L'attaque a eu lieu vers 6.00 heures du matin par des combattants du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan interdit (PKK) dans la ville Nousaimpin près de la frontière syrienne. Jusqu'à présent, il n'a pas été la responsabilité. Le cessez-le feu entre le PKK et l'Etat turc est effondré Juillet dernier, entraînant des attaques contre les forces de sécurité à se développer, au milieu de la violence dans le pays sud-est, où des centaines de personnes ont perdu leur vie.

Autobombenangriff im Südosten der Türkei, zwei Polizei tot

Autobombenangriff im Südosten der Türkei, zwei Polizei tot

Angriff mit einer Autobombe und Rakete, die heute kurdische Kämpfer getötet zwei Polizisten und verletzt 35 Menschen in der Provinz Mardin im Südosten der Türkei, wurde von den Sicherheitsdiensten Quellen bekannt.

Der Angriff ereignete sich bei etwa 6.00 Uhr morgens durch Kämpfer der verbotenen Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (PKK) in Nousaimpin Stadt in der Nähe der syrischen Grenze. Bisher war es nicht Verantwortlichkeit gewesen. Der Waffenstillstand zwischen der PKK und dem türkischen Staat kollabierte im vergangenen Juli in Angriffe auf Sicherheitskräfte führt inmitten von Gewalt zu wachsen, im Südosten von Land, in dem Hunderte von Menschen ihr Leben verloren haben.

Car bomb attack in southeastern Turkey, two police dead

Car bomb attack in southeastern Turkey, two police dead

Attack with a car bomb and rocket made today Kurdish militants killed two policemen and injured 35 people in the province of Mardin in southeastern Turkey, became known by the security services sources.

The attack occurred at around 6.00 in the morning by fighters of outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Nousaimpin town near the Syrian border. So far it has not been accountability. The ceasefire between the PKK and the Turkish state collapsed last July, resulting in attacks on security forces to grow, in the midst of violence in southeastern country where hundreds of people have lost their lives.

Die türkischen Kriegsschiff übergeben ein zweites Mal durch den Kanal von Korinth

Die türkischen Kriegsschiff übergeben ein zweites Mal durch den Kanal von Korinth

«TCG Hasan Pasa» mit der NATO-Flag auf, Spaziergänge zwischen den korinthischen und den Saronischen Golf.

Die Reaktionen Bewohner durch den Durchgang am Donnerstag der türkischen Zerstörer Isthmus verursacht, vor allem nach der provozierenden Haltung, dass die Türkei in den letzten Tagen hat sich erfüllt, mit der anhaltenden Kontroverse über die Größe unseres Hoheitsgewässer und das Verbot der Passage von NATO-Truppen, aus seinen Hoheitsgewässern, ein Verbot, das die Hände von Menschenhändlern Türken und erhöht das Flüchtlingsproblem löst.

navire de guerre turc a adopté une seconde fois par le canal de Corinthe

navire de guerre turc a adopté une seconde fois par le canal de Corinthe

Pour «TCG Hasan Paşa» avec le drapeau de l'OTAN, les promenades entre le corinthien et le golfe Saronique.

Réactions résidents causés par le passage jeudi destroyer turc isthme, en particulier après l'attitude provocatrice que la Turquie a rempli les derniers jours, la controverse continue sur l'ampleur de nos eaux territoriales et de l'interdiction du passage des forces de l'OTAN, de ses eaux territoriales, une interdiction qui résout les mains des trafiquants Turcs et augmente le problème des réfugiés.

Turkish warship passed a second time through the Corinth Canal

Turkish warship passed a second time through the Corinth Canal

To «TCG Hasan Paşa» with the NATO flag, walks between the Corinthian and the Saronic Gulf.

Reactions residents caused by the passage Thursday the Isthmus Turkish destroyer, particularly after the provocative attitude that Turkey has fulfilled the last days, with the continuing controversy about the magnitude of our territorial waters and prohibition of the passage of NATO forces, from its territorial waters, a ban which solves the hands of traffickers Turks and increases the refugee problem.

Πέμπτη 3 Μαρτίου 2016

Skopje: Demonstrations of thousands of Albanians against cross construction

Skopje: Demonstrations of thousands of Albanians against cross construction

 Several thousand Albanians marched yesterday afternoon in two municipalities in Skopje - who largely inhabited by Albanian population - to express their opposition to the metal cross building energy part of the municipality of Butel Skopje.

Several of the protesters tore down the fence at the point where he began to construct the cross and erected tents where they will remain until the decision on the construction of the cross withdrawn as reported.

The demonstration organized by sygkyvernon Albanian party DUI Ali Ahmeti, which sygkyverna with VMRO DPMNE party of Nikola Gruevski, and the first lines were leaders of that party.

The construction of the metal cross, the amount of which will amount to 55 meters, it has caused strong protests Macedonian Albanians, who make up about 20% of the Macedonian capital's population.

The Albanians of Macedonia, who in their great majority are Muslim by religion, characterize as a challenge for them to build the cross and ask the city council of Butel reconsider the decision to build the cross.

The cross that was constructed last Saturday, amid Albanian reactions. Indeed, after the inauguration ceremony for the construction of the cross, he was beaten by a group of Albanians an alderman of the municipality of Butel, who was the initiator of the construction of the cross.

Media Skopje, noted that the occasion for the manufacture of this cross the municipality Butel was the placement, recently, a metallic double-headed eagle in the area of ​​the adjacent municipality of Cair, which is inhabited mostly by Alvanous.I placement biceps eagle, which is the worldwide symbol of the Albanian world, had caused discomfort and reactions of the Slavic population in the region.