Τρίτη 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

At least eight people "were killed and about a hundred injured, including 40 seriously, during the collision between two trains this morning in the spa town of Bad Bavaria 'Aimplingk, according to a new report that police said.

Germany: Collision with train 150 injured - At least eight dead

At least eight people "were killed and about a hundred injured, including 40 seriously, during the collision between two trains this morning in the spa town of Bad Bavaria 'Aimplingk, according to a new report that police said.

"Currently, there are 8 dead" and "40 seriously injured," said Martin Winkler, a spokesman for police in Rosenheim, talking about a hundred wounded whole.

Earlier the police had referred to "many dead" and "about 100 wounded" while another spokesperson spoke of "eight soavara injured and many lighter"

Mindestens acht Menschen "getötet und über hundert verletzt, 40, Ernst, während der Kollision zweier Züge an diesem Morgen in der Kurstadt Bad Bayern 'Aimplingk, nach einem neuen Bericht, dass die Polizei sagte.

Deutschland: Kollision mit Zug 150 Verletzte - Mindestens acht Tote

Mindestens acht Menschen "getötet und über hundert verletzt, 40, Ernst, während der Kollision zweier Züge an diesem Morgen in der Kurstadt Bad Bayern 'Aimplingk, nach einem neuen Bericht, dass die Polizei sagte.

"Derzeit gibt es 8 Tote" und "40 schwer verletzt", so Martin Winkler, ein Sprecher der Polizei in Rosenheim, etwa hundert verwundet ganze Gespräch.

Zuvor hatte die Polizei auf "viele Tote" und "über 100 verwundet" bezeichnet, während ein anderer Sprecher der Speiche "acht soavara verletzt und viele leichtere".

Au moins huit personnes "ont été tuées et une centaine blessées, dont 40 grièvement, lors de la collision entre deux trains ce matin dans la ville thermale de Bad Bavaria» Aimplingk, selon un nouveau rapport qui a indiqué la police.

Allemagne: collision avec un train de 150 blessés - Au moins huit morts

Au moins huit personnes "ont été tuées et une centaine blessées, dont 40 grièvement, lors de la collision entre deux trains ce matin dans la ville thermale de Bad Bavaria» Aimplingk, selon un nouveau rapport qui a indiqué la police.

"Actuellement, il y a 8 morts" et "40 blessés graves", a déclaré Martin Winkler, un porte-parole de la police de Rosenheim, parler ensemble blessé cents.

Plus tôt, la police avait parlé de «nombreux morts» et «environ 100 blessés", tandis qu'un autre porte-parole a parlé de "huit soavara blessés et beaucoup plus léger".

Δευτέρα 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

The American of the United States Foreign Minister John Kerry said today that it may be possible to reopen talks within the next few weeks to end the armed conflict in Yemen.

The American of the United States Foreign Minister John Kerry said today that it may be possible to reopen talks within the next few weeks to end the armed conflict in Yemen.

"Within the next week may be possible to try to hold productive discussions on how we can drive this conflict to an end," said Kerry told reporters at the State Department after meeting with the Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al Tzoumpeir .

The head of American diplomacy did not give more details, confining himself to say that he discussed with his counterpart on the armed conflict in Syria and Yemen.

Merkel: Ankara i Berlin będą wnioskować o pomoc NATO dla uchodźców

Merkel: Ankara i Berlin będą wnioskować o pomoc NATO dla uchodźców

Około 30.000 cywilów zebrali się dziś w zamkniętej granicy tureckiej, po Syryjczyków uciekło z domów, aby zapisać się od firmy, która rozpoczęła się tydzień temu przez siły rządowe w okolicach miasta Aleppo, powiedział premier Turcji Ahmet Davutoglu z.

"Prawie 30.000 Syryjczycy są obecnie koncentruje się w obszarze, w pobliżu granicy z Turcją," powiedział Davutoglu powiedział dziennikarzom po spotkaniu w Ankarze z kanclerz Niemiec Angelą Merkel.

"Oczywiście, jak zawsze, będzie spełniać potrzeby naszych braci ściągacza i przyjmuję je w razie potrzeby", powiedział islamosyntiritikos premier, podkreślając, że rosyjskie naloty nie powinny być tolerowane przez myśl, że Turcja będzie przyjmować uchodźców ,

Jednak Davutoglu ostrzegł, że jego kraj otrzymał 2,7 mln Syryjczyków nie podniesie sobie "cały ciężar" z przyjmowania uchodźców ściągacza. "Nikt nie powinien myśleć, że po Turcji przyjmuje uchodźców i ponosi tę odpowiedzialność, musi podnieść zupełnie sam ciężar" od daty otrzymania.

Ze swojej strony, Angela Merkel powiedziała, że ​​Ankara i Berlin będzie dążyć w tym tygodniu podczas spotkania w NATO, aby pomóc Sojuszowi zwalczania handlarzy wzdłuż granicy tureckiej

Merkel: Ankara y Berlín van a solicitar ayuda de la OTAN para los refugiados

Merkel: Ankara y Berlín van a solicitar ayuda de la OTAN para los refugiados

Alrededor de 30.000 civiles han reunido hoy en la frontera turca cerrada, después de que los sirios han huido de sus hogares para salvarse de la empresa que comenzó hace una semana las fuerzas del gobierno en torno a la ciudad de Alepo, dijo el Primer Ministro de Turquía, Ahmet Davutoglu.

"Casi 30.000 sirios ahora se concentran en un área cerca de la frontera con Turquía", dijo Davutoglu dijo a la prensa después de su reunión en Ankara con la canciller de Alemania, Angela Merkel.

"Obviamente, como siempre, va a satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros hermanos del extractor y aceptarlos cuando sea necesario", dijo islamosyntiritikos primer ministro, subrayando que los ataques aéreos rusos no deben ser tolerados por la idea de que Turquía aceptará los refugiados .

Sin embargo, Davutoglu advirtió que su país ha recibido 2,7 millones de sirios no se levante a sí mismo "peso" de la recepción de refugiados extractor. "Nadie debe pensar que, después de que Turquía acepta los refugiados y asume esta responsabilidad, debe plantear solo la carga" de la receptora.

Por su parte, Angela Merkel, dijo que Ankara y Berlín buscarán esta semana durante una reunión en la OTAN para ayudar a la alianza para luchar contra los traficantes a lo largo de la frontera con Turquía

Merkel: Ankara i Berlin będą wnioskować o pomoc NATO dla uchodźców

Merkel: Ankara i Berlin będą wnioskować o pomoc NATO dla uchodźców

Około 30.000 cywilów zebrali się dziś w zamkniętej granicy tureckiej, po Syryjczyków uciekło z domów, aby zapisać się od firmy, która rozpoczęła się tydzień temu przez siły rządowe w okolicach miasta Aleppo, powiedział premier Turcji Ahmet Davutoglu z.

"Prawie 30.000 Syryjczycy są obecnie koncentruje się w obszarze, w pobliżu granicy z Turcją," powiedział Davutoglu powiedział dziennikarzom po spotkaniu w Ankarze z kanclerz Niemiec Angelą Merkel.

"Oczywiście, jak zawsze, będzie spełniać potrzeby naszych braci ściągacza i przyjmuję je w razie potrzeby", powiedział islamosyntiritikos premier, podkreślając, że rosyjskie naloty nie powinny być tolerowane przez myśl, że Turcja będzie przyjmować uchodźców ,

Jednak Davutoglu ostrzegł, że jego kraj otrzymał 2,7 mln Syryjczyków nie podniesie sobie "cały ciężar" z przyjmowania uchodźców ściągacza. "Nikt nie powinien myśleć, że po Turcji przyjmuje uchodźców i ponosi tę odpowiedzialność, musi podnieść zupełnie sam ciężar" od daty otrzymania.

Ze swojej strony, Angela Merkel powiedziała, że ​​Ankara i Berlin będzie dążyć w tym tygodniu podczas spotkania w NATO, aby pomóc Sojuszowi zwalczania handlarzy wzdłuż granicy tureckiej

Merkel: Ankara und Berlin fordern die NATO um Hilfe für Flüchtlinge

Merkel: Ankara und Berlin fordern die NATO um Hilfe für Flüchtlinge

Über 30.000 Zivilisten heute in der geschlossenen türkischen Grenze versammelt haben, nachdem die Syrer auf der Flucht selbst aus dem Geschäft zu speichern, die vor einer Woche die Regierungstruppen in der Nähe von Aleppo begann, sagte der Ministerpräsident der Türkei Ahmet Davutoglu.

"Fast 30.000 Syrer sind jetzt in einem Gebiet in der Nähe der Grenze mit der Türkei konzentriert", sagte Davutoglu Reportern nach seinem Treffen in Ankara mit Kanzler von Deutschland Angela Merkel gesagt.

"Natürlich, wie immer, die Bedürfnisse unserer Abzieher Brüder treffen und sie akzeptieren, wenn nötig", sagte islamosyntiritikos Premierminister und betonte, dass die russischen Luftangriffe sollte nicht von dem Gedanken hingenommen werden, dass die Türkei Flüchtlinge akzeptiert .

Davutoglu warnte jedoch, dass sein Land 2,7 erhalten hat Millionen Syrer selbst Zieher "volle Gewicht" der Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen nicht heben. "Niemand sollte denken, dass, nachdem die Türkei Flüchtlinge akzeptiert und übernimmt diese Verantwortung muss alleine die Last heben" zu empfangen.

Für seinen Teil, sagte Merkel, dass Ankara und Berlin wird diese Woche bei einem Treffen im NATO versuchen, die Allianz zu helfen Händler entlang der türkischen Grenze zu bekämpfen

Merkel: Ankara and Berlin will request NATO assistance for refugee

Merkel: Ankara and Berlin will request NATO assistance for refugee

About 30,000 civilians have gathered today in the closed Turkish border, after the Syrians have fled their homes to save themselves from the business that began a week ago the government forces around the city of Aleppo, said the Prime Minister of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu.

"Almost 30,000 Syrians are now concentrated in an area near the border with Turkey," said Davutoglu told reporters after his meeting in Ankara with Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel.

"Obviously, as always, will meet the needs of our puller brothers and accept them when necessary," said islamosyntiritikos prime minister, stressing that the Russian air raids should not be tolerated by the idea that Turkey will accept refugees .

However, Davutoglu warned that his country has received 2.7 million Syrians will not lift itself "full weight" of the reception of refugees puller. "No one should think that, after Turkey accepts refugees and assumes this responsibility, must raise all alone the burden" of receiving.

For its part, Angela Merkel said that Ankara and Berlin will seek this week during a meeting at NATO to help the alliance to combat traffickers along the Turkish border

Merkel: Ankara et Berlin vont demander l'aide de l'OTAN pour réfugiés

Merkel: Ankara et Berlin vont demander l'aide de l'OTAN pour réfugiés

Environ 30.000 civils se sont réunis aujourd'hui à la frontière turque fermée, après que les Syriens ont fui leurs maisons pour se sauver de l'entreprise qui a commencé il y a une semaine, les forces gouvernementales autour de la ville d'Alep, a déclaré le Premier ministre de la Turquie, Ahmet Davutoglu.

"Près de 30.000 Syriens sont maintenant concentrées dans une zone près de la frontière avec la Turquie", a déclaré Davutoglu a déclaré aux journalistes après sa rencontre à Ankara avec la chancelière d'Allemagne, Angela Merkel.

"De toute évidence, comme toujours, de répondre aux besoins de nos frères de traction et les accepter si nécessaire", a déclaré islamosyntiritikos Premier ministre, soulignant que les raids aériens russes ne devraient pas être tolérées par l'idée que la Turquie acceptera réfugiés .

Cependant, Davutoglu a averti que son pays a reçu 2,7 millions de Syriens ne sera pas se lever "poids" de l'accueil des réfugiés extracteur. "Personne ne devrait penser que, après que la Turquie accepte réfugiés et assume cette responsabilité, doit lever tout seul le fardeau» de la réception.

Pour sa part, Angela Merkel a déclaré que Ankara et Berlin chercheront cette semaine lors d'une réunion à l'OTAN pour aider l'alliance pour lutter contre les trafiquants le long de la frontière turque

Athena In Athens moved from Friday the struggle of farmers, such as farmers' representatives decided unanimously by 68 blocks participating in the nationwide meeting of Nice.

In Athens moved from Friday the struggle of farmers, such as farmers' representatives decided unanimously by 68 blocks participating in the nationwide meeting of Nice.

On Friday with tractors and buses farmers will move to Athens and "camp" in the Constitution, at least two days, depending on weather conditions.

At the same time from Monday to go further escalation of protests by increasing the numbers of hours blocking roads in coordinated roadblocks.

They also decided not to attend the meeting Tuesday in the House who has called the Minister of Rural Development under the House Institution Committee meeting.

As mentioned, even the roadblocks farmers who did not participate in Sunday's meeting in Nice will not take place, according to the information in the unaltered state; meeting Tuesday.

Regarding the common framework requests formulated focuses on the following areas:

Taxable 12,000 euros per person. In this issue "backed" the blockade Nice which had put postulated 30,000 tax free but not 'individual', 'family' to be a common component in the formulation of requests.
Ask withdrawal of the pension and tax and elimination of fiscal measures taken so far for the industry, as well as living documents.
Untaxed oil and abolition of VAT for agricultural tools and supplies
Set of red loans as not seized houses.
Do not apply the tax on wine and raki.
Tempi were closed again at 6 Sunday afternoon for 24 hours.

Lamia: Closed two hubs

In the two is "cut" by Greece, as farmers of Fthiotida have closed two hubs of the Athens-Lamia road, at the 210th km in Anthili and 200th km on Bralos node.

Hundreds of trucks are concentrated in the city of Lamia, as are chock filled with trucks are several sites has ensured the police. It is characteristic that large trucks have direction from Lamia to Athens can not go through the back lanes and immobilized in large rooms in the Lamia by police.

Over the past three hours playing a "hide and seek" among truck drivers and police, as the first attempt to escape and continue their way, but trapped in the old highway consistently created queues of several kilometers.

Police conducts private cars and buses from the old provincial network, using a small street in the Damastas region communicating with the road Lamia-Amfissa. Buses because it is impossible to pass by that way, directed at the old Lamia-Amfissa network as there is no other way out. From these two streets and heading towards Amfissa always evolving substantially traffic for cars and buses.

Before little tails kilometers by car and buses came very close to blockade of farmers in Bralos node, the 200th kilometer, where virtually closed all accesses from the farmers with tractors.

Periodically farmers are in Bralos node opens a small passage to extricate cars have direction from Athens to Lamia and remain on the highway. These diverted to the road Lamia-Amfissa and then through country roads heading towards Lamia. However in terms of large trucks moving in the direction from Amfissa to Lamia, immobilized at the height of Gravia, which created queues of trucks.

It is significant that the two blocks in Anthili the 210th km and in Bralos node in the 200th km of the Athens-Lamia, since farmers simultaneously closing both the highway and the side streets that Greece 'cut' in the two as there is no way for them to move cars only some small and deserted country roads of which are driven only private

In blockade of farmers located at 210th km of the highway at the height of Anthili, farmers have been closed and the side streets without being able to let in private car. The transit is only allowed on buses through street.

The proposals from the blockade of Mikrothives

Theirs framework proposals for the insurance, tax and production costs have published farmers blockade of Mikrothives, who did not participate in the meeting in Nice.


Modification of the economic criteria for the definition of "professional farmer" to N.3874 / 2010 of 35% of agricultural income proportion in the total personal income of at least 51%.
Maintain OGA in standalone pillar main farmers' insurance.
Vertical administrative and economic discrimination OGA two funds. A) Insurance Farmers Fund which will join the "hobby farmers" and OGA pensioners that occurred after the introduction of additional security. B) welfare Insurance Fund which will join all the other categories of insured today OGA.
Conservation seven classes of insurance that exist today for their "hobby farmers" with the insurance contribution rates prevailing today.
Return the matching contributions in the TAA by those insured or pensioners of other Main Insurance Institutions will still have income from agriculture, either directly as insurance TAA contributions either through increased income tax rate for agricultural activity in excess of 13% applicable to 'professionals farmers ". The amount corresponding to the excess of the 13% rate is attributed to the TAA.
Apply three years 2016-2019 of that system and conducting an actuarial study after three years on the economic viability of the pension fund TAA and take corrective measures if proved necessary.

Modification of the economic criteria for the definition of "professional farmer" to N.3874 / 2010 of 35% of agricultural income proportion in the total personal income of at least 51%.
Application of Law. 4172/2013 to those who meet this criterion after its amendment on taxation of agricultural income and simultaneous removal of Valavani amendment in Law. 4328 Article 2 paragraph 1. That is, taxation of 'professional farmers' with 13% in net profit arising as a result of the accounting-data records and 27.5% tax advance for the following year without any addition payments.
The provisions of the draft for any others gradually increasing rates apply to other categories of farmers.
The confirmation of fulfillment of the economic criterion is to tax the previous year, or an attestation of KEPPYEL when filing the tax return, or the information submitted to this year directly from KEPPYO Finance Ministry.
Production cost

Reduction of VAT on agricultural supplies for everyone.
modern system development for reduced oil consumption tax "professional farmers", using indicators of consumption, per crop per acre.
For the same category of 'professional farmers' reducing electricity price for agricultural use.
Strict control by the state in the practices developed at the expense of farmers in the stores and in marketing; movement of agricultural products.
Annual timing of-payments aid, which will be kept by MADF Organizations. (ELGA-OPEKEPE)
Immediate notice of RDP 2014-2020 measures for the implementation of reduction actions of the cost of farms.
Direct integration of the procedures for determining the definitive individual rights and complete payment of the Single Payment 2015.
The image on roadblocks

Farmers have not progressed to indefinitely block, it is possible to do so in the next few hours, as according to the Athens agency, can at 12 noon to ending the 24-hour blockade began many Saturday, but ultimately ruled him " transform 'in 48 hours or many days.

It remains closed for the seventh day in the office of Rampart on the border between Greece and Bulgaria and tail forming lorries and trucks longer than 30 km.

This blockade, with the power of the tractors exceed 1,400, it is one of the most strongly.

Meanwhile, the blockade at the customs office of Camping, the Greek-Bulgarian border, opened at 12 noon, when the 24-hour blockade ended, but closed again at 15:00.

Occupied by the Via Egnatia in node of Kerdyllia, the blockade be counted in more than 800 tractors, and by early afternoon released the old national road Thessaloniki-Kavala.

In the prefecture of Kilkis have erected two roadblocks customs of Evzoni on the border between Greece and Skopje and Dojran, Greece's borders with FYROM.

In the first hand, continues Sunday exclusion (12: 00-15: 00 and 19: 00-22: 00), while the second followed the 24-hour blockade at 12:00 opened the office and will close again 19: 00-22: 00, when it will meet the participants in the blockade. Both blocks in total are more than 800 tractors.

In toll Malgaron, where more than 800 tractors that are lined up, the blockade began Saturday at 12:00 and will continue "until Monday," said the Athens Agency farmer Halastra Achilles Humpback, head of the coordinating .

To indefinitely block located on the sixth day of the node Niseliou on Egnatia Thessaloniki -Veroias road. In roadblock power counts more than 750 tractors.

At junction of Kouloura (Imathia), on Egnatia Thessaloniki-Veria daily becomes symbolic exclusion of an hour in the afternoon from 16:00, while recalled that the force to blockade exceeds 400 tractors.

In Pella, the decision taken at the county level is the following: in Edessa and Amynteo exclusion becomes 12: 00-13: 00 and 19: 00-21: 00 pm, while in Melissi, Mavrovouni Messimeri and Arnissa Chain closed 17: 30-20: 30.

In the prefecture of Thessaloniki have erected blockades total capacity of over 600 tractors Derveni (12: 00-18: 00 closed) in Thermi overpass on Moudanion in "green lights" and the blockade on the intersection of state airport (12: 00-16: 00 closed). The other two blocks will be closed in consultation and alternately.

At 12 noon ended the 24-hour blockade to blockade in Halkidona, with strength in the region to more than 550 tractors.

In Halkidiki, they have set up four checkpoints in node Gomati Ierissos, Nea Moudania, Nea Kallikratia and Polygyros, with about 600 total tractor, while involving more than 80 beekeepers.

Only two hours (12: 00-14: 00) left open the EO Antirio-Ioannina in Kefalovrysos node Etoloakarnania, since the farmers decided several hours of new blockade of the road, from 14:00 noon to 10:00 Monday morning.

However, apart from the intersection of Kefalovrysos will continue Sunday as long blockades of highways in Etoloakarnania, Achaia and Ilia.

Specifically, in Aitoloakarnania, farmers blocked the national Amfilochias-Lefkas highway, from 11:00 to 17:00 at the height of St. Nicholas node.

Farmers of Nafpaktia, blocked the national road Antirio-Itea (12: 00-15: 00) at junction of Xiropigado, the perimeter of Lepanto.

Still, farmers from the region of Messolonghi, would exclude national Antirio-Ioannina Street between 17:00 and 20:00 in the Evinos River bridge.

Achaia, farmers will exclude EO Patras-Pyrgos from 16:00 to 22:00 at junction of Kato Achaia.

Also, farmers Aigialeia expected to close EO Patras-Athens, from 19:00 at night until 10:00 pm, at the height of Aegio.

Ilia, farmers blocked the EO Patras-Pyrgos, from 12:00 noon to 20:00 at the nodes of KOURTESI and Marathias.

Farmers from the Tower area closed in the afternoon, the node St. George.

Harden their attitude peasants of the Peloponnese with closure and the old highway and Myloi Lerna, Argolida and Kalamaki Corinth, while the afternoon will be closed and the Eurotas bridge.


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