Παρασκευή 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Perjantai 04 joulukuu 2015
 Kypros: A. Davutoglu nimeltään "kansalaisuus" varten 26500 uudisasukkaat miehitetyillä

Myöntäminen "kansalaisuus" ja ns turkkilaisen Pohjois-Kyproksen tasavalta "TRNC" varten 26500 turkkilaisille siirtolaisille pyysi kyproksenturkkilaisten johtaja Mustafa Akinci, Turkin pääministeri Ahmet Davutoglu vierailunsa aikana, tiistaina Kyproksen miehitetyllä.

Mukaan kyproksenturkkilaisen sanomalehden "Afrika" Mustafa Akinci kuulemma kieltäytyi sanoen, että jako uuden "kansallisuuksien" vaarantaisi neuvottelut Kyproksen kysymyksessä.

Sanomalehti muistuttaa, että tällä hetkellä on luettelo 10000 ihmistä odottamassa myöntämisestä "kansalaisuus" ja Davutoglu pyyntö kysyä vielä enemmän "rikkoi kameli."

Cipro: A. Davutoglu chiamato 'cittadinanza' per 26.500 coloni in occupata

Venerdì 4 Dicembre, 2015
 Cipro: A. Davutoglu chiamato 'cittadinanza' per 26.500 coloni in occupata

Concessione "cittadinanza" della cosiddetta Repubblica Turca di Cipro del Nord "TRNC" per 26.500 coloni turchi ha chiesto il leader turco-cipriota Mustafa Akinci, il primo ministro turco, Ahmet Davutoglu, durante la sua visita, il Martedì nella parte occupata di Cipro.

Secondo il quotidiano turco-cipriota "Afrika" Mustafa Akinci riferito rifiutò, dicendo che l'assegnazione di nuovi "nazionalità" metterebbe a repentaglio i negoziati sulla questione di Cipro.

Il quotidiano sottolinea che attualmente non vi è una lista di 10.000 persone in attesa per la concessione di "cittadinanza" e la richiesta Davutoglu a chiedere ancora di più ", ha rotto il cammello".

Chipre: A. Davutoglu llama "ciudadanía" para los 26.500 colonos en los territorios ocupados

Viernes, 04 de diciembre 2015
 Chipre: A. Davutoglu llama "ciudadanía" para los 26.500 colonos en los territorios ocupados

La concesión de la "ciudadanía" de la llamada República Turca del Norte de Chipre "RTNC" de 26.500 colonos turcos preguntó el líder turcochipriota Mustafa Akinci, el primer ministro turco, Ahmet Davutoglu, durante su visita, el martes en la parte ocupada de Chipre.

Según el diario turcochipriota "Afrika" Mustafa Akinci se negó, diciendo que la asignación de nuevos "nacionalidades" pondría en peligro las negociaciones sobre la cuestión de Chipre.

El diario señala que actualmente hay una lista de 10.000 personas en espera de la concesión de la "ciudadanía" y la solicitud Davutoglu a pedir aún más "colmó el vaso".

Cyprus: A. Davutoglu called 'citizenship' for 26,500 settlers in the occupied

Friday, December 04, 2015
 Cyprus: A. Davutoglu called 'citizenship' for 26,500 settlers in the occupied

Granting "citizenship" of the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus "TRNC" for 26,500 Turkish settlers asked the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu during his visit, on Tuesday in the occupied part of Cyprus.

According to the Turkish Cypriot newspaper "Afrika" Mustafa Akinci reportedly refused, saying that the allocation of new "nationalities" would jeopardize the negotiations on the Cyprus issue.

The newspaper points out that currently there is a list of 10,000 people waiting for granting "citizenship" and Davutoglu request to ask even more "broke the camel."

Zypern: A. Davutoglu als "Unionsbürgerschaft" für 26.500 Siedler in den besetzten

Freitag,, 4. Dezember 2015
 Zypern: A. Davutoglu als "Unionsbürgerschaft" für 26.500 Siedler in den besetzten

Die Gewährung von "Bürgerschaft" der so genannten Türkischen Republik Nordzypern "Türkische Republik Nordzypern" für 26.500 türkischen Siedler, fragte der türkisch-zyprischen Führer Mustafa Akinci, der türkische Ministerpräsident Ahmet Davutoglu bei seinem Besuch, am Dienstag im besetzten Teil Zyperns.

Nach Angaben der türkisch-zypriotischen Zeitung "Afrika" Mustafa Akinci Berichten zufolge weigerte sich und sagte, dass die Zuteilung der neuen "Nationalitäten" würden die Verhandlungen über die Zypernfrage zu gefährden.

Die Zeitung erinnert daran, dass derzeit gibt es eine Liste von 10.000 Menschen warten auf die Gewährung von "Bürgerschaft" und Davutoglu Anfrage noch mehr fragen "brach das Kamel."

Chypre: A. Davutoglu a appelé «citoyenneté» pour 26.500 colons dans les territoires occupés

Vendredi, 04 Décembre, ici à 2015
 Chypre: A. Davutoglu a appelé «citoyenneté» pour 26.500 colons dans les territoires occupés

Octroi de la «citoyenneté» de la République turque dite de Chypre du Nord "RTCN" pour 26.500 colons turcs a demandé le dirigeant chypriote turc Mustafa Akinci Premier ministre turc, Ahmet Davutoglu, lors de sa visite, mardi dans la partie occupée de Chypre.

Selon le journal chypriote turc "Afrika" Mustafa Akinci aurait refusé, disant que l'attribution de nouveaux «nationalités» mettrait en péril les négociations sur la question chypriote.

Le journal souligne que pour le moment il ya une liste de 10.000 personnes en attente pour l'octroi de "citoyenneté" et demande Davutoglu pour demander encore plus "déborder le vase."
Föstudagur desember 4, 2015

Signal "frá Rússlandi til Bangkok fyrir hugsanlegum árásum á ISIS

Thailand tilkynnti í dag að það var upplýst af Rússlandi um hættuna á árásum jihad stofnun íslamska ríki gegn skotmörkum rússneska hagsmuni, með verkefni til Yfirráðasvæði Konungsríkisins tíu unghæna bardagamenn í upphafi ferðamannatímann í landinu, sem fær á hverju ári milljónir ferðamanna meðal margra Rússa.

"Nú er þetta aðeins upplýsingaskipti" sem var send með rússneska Federal Security Service FSB (fyrrverandi KGB) og er stjórnað, "sagði talsmaður lögreglunnar Songkpol Ouatanasai blaðamannafundi í Bangkok.

The talsmaður staðfesti áreiðanleika innra skjal Thai lögreglu, dagsett 27. nóvember og merkt "trúnaðarmál" og "brýn" að í gærkvöldi kom í ljós eftir dagblaði Khaosod.

"The FSB varar okkur um mögulega árás á rússneska hagsmuni IK markmið í Tælandi," segir háttsettur liðsforingi í sérstöku lögreglu þjónustu í tengslum við merki sem berast frá Moskvu.

Á jól og áramót, sem hæst ferðamannatímann í Tælandi, koma rússneska ferðamenn með fullt sáttmála í landinu og eru ráðast á ströndum, sérstaklega í Pattaya, tvær klukkustundir leið frá Bangkok.

Þar, samkvæmt innri skjal Thai lögreglu, heimsótti tvö af tíu Sýrlendinga sem hafa tengsl við IK og að sögn kom í Tælandi frá 15 til 31. október 2015 ". Hinir fóru að sögn til Bangkok og Phuket, annar mjög vinsæll ferðamannastaður, samkvæmt Aþenu auglýsingastofu.

Busy ferðamannastaður og miðstöð fyrir fyrirtæki og alþjóðastofnunum Thailand er "miða ríkur umhverfi," segir Anthony Davis, sem er sérfræðingur um öryggismál frá IHS-Jane er byggt í Bangkok.

Hingað til, Thailand hafði ekki orðið fyrir áhrifum af alþjóðlegum Íslamista hryðjuverkastarfsemi, sérstaklega með IR. Múslima aðskilnaðarsinnar skæruliðar sinna vopnuð aðskilnaðarsinna uppreisn í suðurenda landsins, en ekkert að gera með alþjóðlegri hryðjuverkastarfsemi hefur verið lögð áhersla.
Friday, July IV, MMXV

Signum "ex Russia ad Bangkok possibilis impetus JO

Thailandia nuntiata hodie quod Iuba certior factus a Russia de periculo excursionibus jihadist organizationem islamica State super peltas Russian rerum consilia suscipiunt, cum hoc munere usque ad terminos regni decem puller pugnatores ad principium Visitor urbis temporum in regione, quae accipit per singulos annos fit millions of tourists inter multa Rutenorum.

"In statu isto est modo notitia commutationem" quod traducitur per Russian foederati securitatis servitio FSB (ex-KGB) et in quibus continendis plagae, "inquit vigilum prolocutor Songkpol Ouatanasai torcular colloquium in Bangkok.

Pro multitudine uerba facit confirmavit authenticitatem interno documentum de Thai vigilum, XXVII mensis Novembris datas et metatus "secretum" et "imminente" quod heri vesperi revelabitur Khaosod loci newspaper.

"The FSB nos admonet de possibili adversus Russian commodis IK peltas in Thailandia," inquit, a senior ministro specialium vigilum ministerium in relatione ad signum a Moscow.

In festis annoque, apicem VIATOR tempore Thailandia Russiae peregrinatores pervenit in regionem et monendo litoribus plenis carta praesertim Pattaya, ex duabus horis Bangkok.

Ibi secundum sensum internum documentum de Thai vigilum visitavit duarum adduxit Syrum, qui habent connexiones cum IK reportedly et venisset in Thailandia ab XV ad XXXI Octobris MMXV ". Alii dicebatur abiit ad Bangkok et Phuket, praevalidam aliam urbem popularis Visitor urbis destinatio secundum opera Athenis.

Medium urbis destinatio et negotiis occupatus Consociationum Thailandia est "target mauris dives," inquit Antonius Davis, Jane, an ex analyst IHS securitatem rebus in Bangkok.

Ad date, non afficiuntur externis Thailandia Islamistae terrorem praesertim IR. Muslim separatists clandestinos deducerent armati separatist rebellasset sub eodem in australi usque Bersabee, sed nihil ad cum international terrorumque illuminata.

Putin cuts each bridge with Turkey


Putin cuts each bridge with Turkey

Turkey will regret more than once for the shooting down of our aircraft. " Shrapnel in Ankara Vladimir Putin unleashed the established Comprehensive material speech before the Russian parliamentarians.

The Kremlin did not make it back to the confrontation with the Turks and warns that it will not surpass the incident to the Syrian border. At the same time, without result took place the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the two countries in Belgrade. "We have not heard anything new," he said Sergei Lavrov.

"Obviously Allah decided to punish the clique in power in Turkey, making her crazy," said Vladimir Putin said: "We will not engage in military blustering with Turkey. But anyone who believes that he committed this terrible war crime, this murder against our people will only spared measures concerning the tomatoes or restrictions in other sectors, making a bitter mistake. "

Erdogan: Unethical categories Russia

However, the Russian president made it clear that the Kremlin's wrath directed against certain persons and not against the Turkish people. "We have many friends in Turkey. They need to know that not equate and Separate from the present Turkish leadership, which has full responsibility for the deaths of our soldiers in Syria. "

Meanwhile, after the meeting he had yesterday with his Turkish counterpart Melvout Tsavousogou, Russian Foreign Minister said that he heard nothing new from the Turkish side for the shooting down of Russian bomber by the Turkish aviation.

"We met with the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, following persistent request, without hearing anything new," said Sergei Lavrof.I meeting was held in Belgrade, on the sidelines of the Meeting of Foreign Ministers of countries - members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

On the side of the Cavusoglu said that it would be unrealistic to expect that all the problems in relations with Russia would be resolved with a meeting alone, but it is important to maintain open channels of communication.

"The intention on both sides to avoid any escalation of tension in bilateral relations. I am confident that common sense will prevail over emotion, "he said. Meanwhile, Cavusoglu said that Turkey so far has no plans to take measures in retaliation for Russian trade and economic sanctions.

Eight countries have suspended imports of poultry from France, after detection of the H5N1 virus

Friday, December 04, 2015
Eight countries have suspended imports of poultry from France, after detection of the H5N1 virus

Eight countries, including Japan, Morocco suspended poultry imports from France after he detected the deadly H5N1 virus (bird flu) in the southwestern part of the country, home to poultry producers and foie gras, the Agriculture Ministry said yesterday. The highly contagious virus has killed 22 of the 32 chickens on a family farm in the area Perigkor, said the authorities on 25 November. It is the first outbreak in eight years to break out in France, the largest agricultural producer in the European Union.

Several cases have been found in the last two weeks in other farms in the Dordogne region, for the first time since 2007.

An official at the ministry said that South Korea, China, Thailand, Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia also suspended imports. He did not give further details. The disease breaks out in a very important period for exports, especially for the French foie gras, which last year brought sales of about 2 billion. Euros in the wholesale market. Japan is the largest importer of foie gras from France.

Friday, December 04, 2015   Molotov bomb explosion caused the death of 18 people in a restaurant in Cairo, announced source of the Egyptian security services.

Friday, December 04, 2015

Molotov bomb explosion caused the death of 18 people in a restaurant in Cairo, announced source of the Egyptian security services.

Πέμπτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Ili lasis sian bebon kaj semis morton en Kalifornio

Ili lasis sian bebon kaj semis morton en Kalifornio

Merkrede matene 28an Sagent Rizvan Farouk kaj la 27-jaraĝa Tasfin Malik lasis sian bebon en aĝo de ses monatoj al sia patrino Faruq, dirante ke ili havis rendevuon kun kuracisto.

Per tagmezo, laŭ polico, la paro metas la taŭgan veston, ekipita kun fusiloj kaj invadis en festo, festo de publika sano servo oficistoj de la graflando de Sankta Bernardino, mortigante 14 homojn kaj vundante 17. La festa evento Estis halo de centro por homoj kun specialaj bezonoj en San Bernardino.

Antaŭ reĝi la suno kaj post interpafado kun la polico, ambaŭ mortis, lasante malantaŭ bebo ses monatoj, komunumo en funebron kaj tre malmulta pruvo pri iliaj motivoj por la masakro.

La Farouq, naskiĝis en Usono, laborante kiel eksperto por Sano por la graflando de Sankta Bernardino restoracioj kaj inspektita por eblaj malobservoj de higieno reguloj, konforme al la principoj kaj retejo dediĉita al la laboro de funkciuloj. Kiel parto de lia laboro, ankaŭ inspektis lagojn ĉe diversaj instalaĵoj, kiuj inkludas apartamentojn, kompleksaj residenciales kaj kluboj. Dosieroj supoze elfaris siajn devontigon ĝis tre lastatempe tiu pasinta julio.

Hieraŭ, ĉeestis la jaran festan renkontiĝon de oficistoj en servo, sed fine li foriris, revenante poste kun kanonoj kaj kun sia edzino Malik.

La policestro de Sankta Bernardino Jarrod Bergkouan diris la amasmortigo ĉi dum fuzio kolegoj estis sendube planis anticipe kaj notis ke la suspektatoj restigitaj cxe la loko de buĉado pluraj eksploda aparatoj.

Hulle het hul baba en gesaai dood in Kalifornië

Hulle het hul baba en gesaai dood in Kalifornië

Woensdagoggend, 28 Sagent Rizvan Farouk en die 27-jarige Tasfin Malik het hul baba ses maande na sy moeder Faruq ouderdomme, sê dat hulle het 'n afspraak met 'n dokter.

Teen die middag, volgens die polisie, die egpaar het die toepaslike klere, toegerus met gewere en binnegeval by 'n partytjie, 'n viering van die openbare gesondheidsdiens werknemers van die County van San Bernardino, moord 14 mense beseer 17. Die feestelike geleentheid Dit was 'n saal van 'n sentrum vir mense met spesiale behoeftes in San Bernardino.

Voordat regeer die son en na 'n skietgeveg met die polisie, was albei dood agtergelaat baba ses maande, 'n gemeenskap in rou en baie min bewyse ten opsigte van hul motiewe vir die moord.

Die Farouq, gebore in die VSA, werk as 'n kenner van Gesondheid vir die County van San Bernardino restaurante en geïnspekteer word vir moontlike oortredings van higiëne reëls, in ooreenstemming met die beginsels en 'n webwerf gewy aan die werk van staatsamptenare. As deel van sy werk, ook geïnspekteer swembaddens op verskillende fasiliteite, wat woonstelle, residensiële komplekse en klubs sluit. Lêers na bewering sy pligte tot onlangs die afgelope Julie.

Gister was teenwoordig by die jaarlikse feestelike byeenkoms van die werknemers in diens, maar uiteindelik het hy later terugkeer met gewere en saam met sy vrou Malik.

Die polisiehoof van San Bernardino Jarrod Bergkouan gesê die slagting dit tydens 'n samesmelting kollegas het beslis vooraf beplan en het opgemerk dat die verdagtes agter gelaat op die plek van slagting verskeie plofbare toestelle.