Σάββατο 28 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Macedonia: 18 policemen wounded in incidents involving migrants

Macedonia: 18 policemen wounded in incidents involving migrants

The Ministry of Interior of Macedonia (where he is the country's police) announced that 18 police officers were injured in today's attacks on immigrants at Greece's borders with FYROM, at the height of the buffer zone between Idomeni and Gevgelija.

Two of the wounded have injuries to his head, while the rest is in better shape.

The injured policemen were taken to the Gevgelija Health Centre.

According to Macedonian police, the incidents caused by immigrants who threw stones at police in an attempt to break the police cordon and enter the territory of FYROM.

Admission nearly 1,000 people in France was prevented after the reintroduction of border controls, imposed in order to enhance the security of the climate conference (COP21) and to minimize the "terrorist" risk, today announced Interior Minister Bernard Kaznev

Allowed entry to 1,000 people
Admission nearly 1,000 people in France was prevented after the reintroduction of border controls, imposed in order to enhance the security of the climate conference (COP21) and to minimize the "terrorist" risk, today announced Interior Minister Bernard Kaznev.
After returned checks, on November 13, "nearly 1,000 people were prevented from entering the national territory because of the risk which these people may represent for public order and security in our country," the minister said during a visit in Strasbourg, in the east of the country, according to the Athens agency.
In all, "nearly 15,000 policemen, gendarmes and customs officers are mobilized across our borders, especially the northern border," explained the minister, who visited a checkpoint at the Franco-German border.
The purpose of these checks is "under both the organization of COP21, but also much increased level of terrorist threat we face, to address the security of the French and get the necessary arrests" the minister added.
France reintroduced exceptionally checks at borders Friday, November 13th in a series of measures to strengthen security in the face of global climate conference, the COP21, starting Monday its work in Paris in the presence of some 150 heads of state and governments.
A few hours later, jihadists made the most deadly attacks in the country's history, causing 130 deaths and the government, which declared a state of emergency, to extend those investigations "for as long as there is a terrorist threat."
This measure is in contradiction with the principle of free movement within the Schengen area, but European rules provide for emergency situations where controls can be reset.

Admisión a casi 1.000 personas en Francia fue impedida después de la reintroducción de los controles fronterizos, impuesta con el fin de mejorar la seguridad de la conferencia sobre el clima (COP21) y minimizar el "terrorista" de riesgo, anunció hoy el ministro del Interior Bernard Kaznev.

Permitido la entrada a 1.000 personas
Admisión a casi 1.000 personas en Francia fue impedida después de la reintroducción de los controles fronterizos, impuesta con el fin de mejorar la seguridad de la conferencia sobre el clima (COP21) y minimizar el "terrorista" de riesgo, anunció hoy el ministro del Interior Bernard Kaznev.
Después de cheques devueltos, el 13 de noviembre ", cerca de 1.000 personas se les impidió entrar en el territorio nacional, debido al riesgo que estas personas pueden representar para el orden público y la seguridad en nuestro país", dijo el ministro durante una visita en Estrasburgo, en el este del país, según la agencia de Atenas.
En total, "cerca de 15.000 policías, gendarmes y agentes de aduanas se movilizan a través de nuestras fronteras, especialmente en la frontera norte", explicó el ministro, quien visitó un puesto de control en la frontera franco-alemana.
El objetivo de estos controles es "tanto bajo la organización de la COP21, pero también mucho mayor nivel de amenaza terrorista que enfrentamos, para hacer frente a la seguridad de los franceses y obtener los arrestos necesarios", agregó el ministro.
Francia volvió a introducir controles en las fronteras excepcionalmente Viernes, 13 de noviembre en una serie de medidas para reforzar la seguridad de cara a conferencia sobre el clima global, la COP21, a partir del lunes su trabajo en París, en la presencia de unos 150 jefes de Estado y gobiernos.
Unas horas más tarde, los yihadistas hicieron los ataques más mortíferos en la historia del país, causando 130 muertes y el gobierno, que declaró el estado de emergencia, para extender esas investigaciones "por el tiempo que existe una amenaza terrorista".
Esta medida está en contradicción con el principio de libre circulación en el espacio Schengen, pero la normativa europea prevé situaciones de emergencia donde se pueden restablecer los controles.

Özellikle Türkiye'deki Kürtlerin terör üreten bir siyasi suikast, Tahir Elche, kentin Barosu başkanı öldürüldü Diyarbakır'da, 11 am oluştu. Takip Çatışmalar sırasında, bir polis memurunun hayatını kaybettiği ve on kişi yaralandı. Saldırgan kaçtı.

Özellikle Türkiye'deki Kürtlerin terör üreten bir siyasi suikast, Tahir Elche, kentin Barosu başkanı öldürüldü Diyarbakır'da, 11 am oluştu. Takip Çatışmalar sırasında, bir polis memurunun hayatını kaybettiği ve on kişi yaralandı. Saldırgan kaçtı.

Basın açıklaması, diğer meslektaşları, DHA sakallı olan özel Türk haber ajansının haberine göre aktör ile birlikte Elche yaptığı sırasında, yani Elche kafasına bir kurşun kabul kalabalığın içine vurdu. Yarı resmi haber ajansı "Doğu" PKK tarafından bu eylem olduğunu savundu.

Türk TV kanalı CNN Türk'te bir yayın sırasında, geçen Ekim unutmayın, Elche demişti: "PKK, bir terör örgütüdür. Bazı eylemler, terör silahlı bir siyasi örgüte olmasına rağmen. " Beş gün sonra terör örgütü destekleme suçlamasıyla getirmişti. Mahkeme ona savcı 7.5 yıl hapis cezası istenen hangi değil profylakisteo deneme bulundu.

Türk cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan öldürülmesi söyledi "dedi, bu olay terörle mücadele kararlılığımız ne kadar haklı gösterdi."

Ertuğrul Kiourktsou halklarının Kürt yanlısı Demokratik Partisi Milletvekili olduğu "resmi cinayet" söz "derin devlet tarafından işlenen." Kiourktsou ayrıca "Diğer suikastlar ile takip edilebilir." Dedi

Political assassination reproducing terror, especially among Turkey's Kurds occurred at 11 am in Diyarbakir, where Tahir was killed Elche, president of the Bar Association of the city. During the clashes that followed, they killed a policeman and injured eleven people. The assailant escaped.

Political assassination reproducing terror, especially among Turkey's Kurds occurred at 11 am in Diyarbakir, where Tahir was killed Elche, president of the Bar Association of the city. During the clashes that followed, they killed a policeman and injured eleven people. The assailant escaped.

During press release did Elche along with other colleagues, the actor who according to private Turkish news agency DHA was bearded, shot into the crowd so to accept the Elche a bullet in the head. The semi-official news agency "East" argued that this action by the PKK.

Note that last October, during a broadcast in Turkish TV channel CNN Turk, the Elche had said: "The PKK is a terrorist organization. Although some actions are terrorist, to an armed political organization. " After five days had brought on charges of supporting a terrorist organization. The court found him not profylakisteo trial in which the prosecutor requested a prison sentence of 7.5 years.

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the killing said that "this event showed how right is our determination to tackle terrorism."

The MP of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Party of Ertugrul Kiourktsou peoples spoke of "official murder" that "committed by the deep state." The Kiourktsou also said "can be followed by other assassinations."

Armes yougoslaves utilisés dans les attaques terroristes à Paris

Armes yougoslaves utilisés dans les attaques terroristes à Paris

Le directeur de l'industrie de l'armement "Zastava" à Kragujevac, Milo Brzakovits confirmé que certains des Kalachnikov celle utilisée par les auteurs des attentats terroristes à Paris le 13 Novembre a été la construction yougoslave.

"La vérification des numéros de série de vol de sept à huit armes que les terroristes ont utilisé qui a construit à Kragujevac," dit la déclaration des Brzakovits. Il affirme qu'il est la version yougoslave de AK-47 armes à feu automatiques soviétiques (Kalachnikov) utilisés par l'armée yougoslave. Milo Brzakovits indique également qu'un grand nombre de ces armes après l'éclatement de la Yougoslavie est venu sous les forces armées des nouveaux Etats ont été fondées.

Yugoslavian weapons used in terrorist attacks in Paris

Yugoslavian weapons used in terrorist attacks in Paris

The director of the arms industry "Zastava" in Kragujevac, Milo Brzakovits confirmed that some of the Kalashnikov that used by the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13 was the Yugoslav construction.

"The verification of serial numbers flying seven to eight weapons that terrorists have used that built in Kragujevac," says the statement of the Brzakovits. It states that it is the Yugoslav version of AK-47 Soviet automatic firearms (Kalashnikov) used by the Yugoslav army. Milo Brzakovits also states that a large number of these weapons after the breakup of Yugoslavia came under armed forces of the new states were founded.

Three killed in rocket attack at the UN camp in Mali

Three killed in rocket attack at the UN camp in Mali

Two UN soldiers from Guinea and a civilian were killed and fourteen wounded in a rocket attack carried out against the camp of the UN Mission in Mali, in Kidal in northeastern country, announced the mission and local official.

"Our camp in Kidal was attacked early this morning by terrorists. They used rockets," who killed "two peacekeepers from Guinea" and a "citizen who participated in the mission with works contract," said UN spokesman and confirmed local source.

Another source of the UN spoke of "injured fourteen" of which three are in serious condition. "One was injured in the abdomen, the other two legs."

The perpetrators of this attack "enemies of peace," said alderman in Kidal.

Τουρκία: Σύσταση υπουργείου Εξωτερικών στους πολίτες να μην επισκέπτονται τη Ρωσία

Τουρκία: Σύσταση υπουργείου Εξωτερικών στους πολίτες να μην επισκέπτονται τη Ρωσία

Το τουρκικό υπουργείο Εξωτερικών συνέστησε σήμερα στους πολίτες της χώρας να αναβάλουν όλα τα μη επείγοντα ταξίδια τους στη Ρωσία, μία ακόμη κίνηση σε μια κλιμακούμενη αντιπαράθεση ανάμεσα στη Μόσχα και στην Άγκυρα έπειτα από την κατάρριψη ενός ρωσικού μαχητικού.

Turkey: Recommendation Foreign Ministry to the citizens not to visit Russia

Turkey: Recommendation Foreign Ministry to the citizens not to visit Russia

The Turkish foreign ministry today recommended to its citizens to defer all non-urgent travel to Russia, another move in an escalating confrontation between Moscow and Ankara after the shooting down of a Russian fighter.

Παρασκευή 27 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Shultz durante Schaeuble para refugiados

Shultz durante Schaeuble para refugiados
Compartir la responsabilidad de la interrupción de Europa sobre el tema de la crisis de los refugiados acusar al ministro de Finanzas alemán, Wolfgang Schaeuble, Presidente del Parlamento Europeo, Martin Schulz, ya que considera que la actitud actual de algunos Estados miembros de la Unión Europea en relación con el comportamiento de Alemania durante la crisis económica.

"Ahora tenemos el proyecto de ley", dice el señor Schulz en una entrevista con la revista Der Spiegel que se publicará mañana y se refiere al "tiempo de recompensa 'en Bruselas.

"La actitud dura de algunos gobiernos europeos a la crisis de los refugiados no se dirige tanto contra" Angela Merkel o Sigmar Gabriel, frente a algunas personas específicas en Vilchelmstrase (pp. Cuando el Ministerio alemán de Finanzas), "dice el Sr. Shultz y describe Wolfgang Schaeuble como "bandera roja" para muchos.

Algunos de Alemania ejerció presión para persuadir a otros a aprender del modelo alemán, continúa el Presidente del Parlamento Europeo y, en referencia a Francia, señala que apoya la petición del presidente francés, Francois Hollande una mayor flexibilidad en relación con el Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento. "El presidente de Francia, tiene después de los atentados en París completamente diferentes problemas. Francia necesita más policías, fuerzas de seguridad, los esfuerzos de integración (de inmigrantes) ", dijo Martin Schulz, pero especifica que las condiciones seguirán siendo de aplicación. "Pero cuando alguien insiste sólo en su interpretación, aparece rápidamente como director", concluye