Σάββατο 31 Οκτωβρίου 2015

By posting on his Twitter the Islamic State in Egypt argues that shot down Russian aircraft crashed today in the Sinai Peninsula, a few minutes after takeoff from the airport in Sharm el Sheikh.

By posting on his Twitter the Islamic State in Egypt argues that shot down Russian aircraft crashed today in the Sinai Peninsula, a few minutes after takeoff from the airport in Sharm el Sheikh.

"The soldiers of the Caliphate managed to shoot down a Russian aircraft in the province of Sinai, carrying more than 220 Russian crusaders who were all killed," said the message of the jihadist organization allegedly proceeded to take this step in "retaliation" for the Russian intervention in Syria.

The assumption of responsibility by the branch of IK in Egypt broadcast and istopotos Aamaq which is used as a semi-official "agency" jihadists.

Al publicar en su Twitter el Estado Islámico en Egipto argumenta que derribado avión ruso se estrelló hoy en la península del Sinaí, a pocos minutos después de despegar del aeropuerto de Sharm el Sheikh.

Al publicar en su Twitter el Estado Islámico en Egipto argumenta que derribado avión ruso se estrelló hoy en la península del Sinaí, a pocos minutos después de despegar del aeropuerto de Sharm el Sheikh.

"Los soldados del Califato lograron derribar un avión ruso en la provincia de Sinaí, que lleva más de 220 cruzados rusos que estaban todos muertos", dijo el mensaje de la organización yihadista supuestamente procedió a dar este paso en "represalia" por la intervención rusa en Siria.

La asunción de responsabilidad por parte de la rama de los conocimientos indígenas en la emisión Egipto y istopotos Aamaq que se utiliza como un semi-oficiales "agencia" yihadistas.

Colombia investigó cinco generales de ejecuciones extrajudiciales

Colombia investigó cinco generales de ejecuciones extrajudiciales

Cinco generales colombianos, entre ellos uno activo, se les pidió el pasado viernes a comparecer ante el Ministerio Público, que quiere entrevistarlos acerca de su posible participación en las ejecuciones extrajudiciales de civiles en el período 2006-2007, dijo una fuente judicial.

Los generales Leonardo Gomes goza amantes Antonio, Hernández Pérez Molina, Justo Eliseo Peña y Emir José Barrios invitado a comparecer ante el fiscal para responder a preguntas sobre la posible implicación en los casos que se han dado a conocer como "falsos positivos" ( resultados "falsos positivos", en la terminología de la ciencia).

Estos casos civiles fueron asesinados por los soldados, quienes los presentan luego como rebeldes para asegurar licencias, bonificaciones o promociones.

Entre estos cinco oficiales de alto rango, sólo el general Barrios sigue activo, de acuerdo con fuentes en el ejército.
Tras el interrogatorio, que se espera para comenzar 10 de noviembre, el fiscal decidirá si ante la justicia o no, según la Agencia de Prensa de Atenas informó.

Cientos de soldados ya han sido condenados en Colombia por haber declarado falsamente que los civiles eran guerrilleros muertos en combate.

Cerca de 20 otros generales se enfrentan a las encuestas de tiempo actuales para actos similares.

Según la organización de defensa de los derechos humanos Human Rights Watch (HRW), más de 4.000 civiles fueron asesinados por los militares en Colombia 2.002-2.008.

La guerra civil en Colombia, que ha durado más de 50 años y que involucró a organizaciones guerrilleras izquierdistas, paramilitares de extrema derecha y el ejército ha matado al menos a 220.000 personas, mientras que decenas de miles de personas han desaparecido y seis millones han sido desplazados.

Colombia researched five generals of extrajudicial killings

Colombia researched five generals of extrajudicial killings

Five Colombians generals, including one active, were asked last Friday to appear before the public prosecutor, who wants to interview them about their possible involvement in extrajudicial killings of civilians in 2006-2007, said a judicial source.

The generals Leonardo Gomes enjoys Antonio lovers, Hernandez Perez Molina, Justo Eliseo Peña and Emir Jose Barrios invited to appear before the prosecutor to answer questions about the possible involvement in cases that have become known as the "falsos positivos" ( "false positive" results, in the terminology of science).

These cases civilians were killed by soldiers, who presented them then as rebels to secure licenses, bonuses or promotions.

Among these five senior officers, only General Barrios is still active, according to sources in the army.
After their interrogation, expected to begin November 10, the prosecutor will decide whether brought to justice or not, as the Athens Press Agency reported.

Hundreds of soldiers have already been convicted in Colombia because they had falsely stated that civilians were guerrillas killed in combat.

About 20 others generals face the current time surveys for similar acts.

According to the organization defending human rights Human Rights Watch (HRW), over 4,000 civilians were murdered by the military in Colombia from 2002 to 2008.

The civil war in Colombia, which has lasted over 50 years and which involved leftist guerrilla organizations, extreme right-wing paramilitaries and the army has killed at least 220,000 people, while tens of thousands of people have disappeared and six million have been displaced.

Britain: Survey deliberate delays in ambulance missions

Britain: Survey deliberate delays in ambulance missions

Research conducted in Britain for 25 people to death after revealing he deliberately delayed sending ambulance to patients who may be facing a life threatening situation and used the helpline for non-emergencies, according to British media.

Earlier this week, the Telegraph newspaper wrote that the British National Health Service conducts research for an ambulance service which unilaterally decided to delay sending ambulances for patients ring up the center for non-emergency 111.

These are expected to send ambulances in all circumstances characterized as "life-threatening" a patient, even if they refer through the assistance center 111 within eight minutes.

The research at least 25 deaths after "unilateral" function from the service South East Coast Ambulance a response delay system calls to the line 111, the waiting time in some life-threatening patient cases reaching up to 18 minutes wrote yesterday the Telegraph.

This is not the first time in recent months that the service 111 under fire.

In July, British media revealed that the agency refused to send an ambulance to incidents, even when the callers said they have symptoms that may be suggestive of a heart attack, according to the Athens agency.

Those who handle the calls allegedly forced not to send ambulances to patients some times a day because of a lack of paramedic.

This service also allegedly can not meet due to lack of sufficient qualified staff.

Appeal Hollande "not rise walls or fences within Europe

Appeal Hollande "not rise walls or fences within Europe
French President Francois Hollande called today "do not rise walls or fences within Europe" after his meeting in Paris with Chancellor of Austria Werner Faymann.
We should not "we raise walls or fences within Europe but simply to ensure our borders" stressed the head of the French State to statements made on the side of the Austrian Chancellor.
From his part, Faiman said that "only the common answers by Europe 'may provide a solution.
"To one wants to promote refugees towards the neighbor does not constitute a response to Europe 'pointed response to Berlin, namely, the German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere, who had criticized strongly in Vienna for the" wrong "behavior , arguing that Austria sends thousands of people in Germany disorganized.
At the same time, as announced by the German Ministry of the Interior, Germany and Austria decided tiIntensity in kastaniesn Friday to limit the passage of migrants and enable them to go through five crossing points along their common border in order to better control the mass influx of refugees .
"We want to achieve a smooth process," explained AFP one ministry spokesman, adding that the measure will enter into force immediately, but providing more details on the crossings.
Berlin and Vienna had agreed in September to leave their borders open to refugees, a decision had intensified the flow of refugees, men, women and children who fled their countries to escape war or poverty.
Border controls resumed in mid-September, but the immigrants could enter Germany from anywhere.

Intensity in kastanies

Intensity in kastanies

Volume was recorded in Chestnut Ebro when about 500 youths involved in the mobilization of the Coordinating Against Fence Evros in their attempt to cross the border and reach the fence repulsed by police who had lined up in front of the gates of the frontier crossing, which used tear gas.

Young arrived on Chestnut from Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities by buses and cars and their basic demands to drop the fence and enter freely refugees and give entry permits to immigrants.

Coordinating Against Fence participating individuals and collectives, the Movement United against Racism, the Antiracist Initiative of Thessaloniki, the Antiauthoritarian Movement of Thessaloniki, the Free Social Space School, Social Space for Freedom Micropolis, a group of lawyers for the rights of refugees and migrants etc

By posting on his Twitter the Islamic State in Egypt argues that shot down Russian aircraft crashed today in the Sinai Peninsula, a few minutes after takeoff from the airport in Sharm el Sheikh.

By posting on his Twitter the Islamic State in Egypt argues that shot down Russian aircraft crashed today in the Sinai Peninsula, a few minutes after takeoff from the airport in Sharm el Sheikh.

"The soldiers of the Caliphate managed to shoot down a Russian aircraft in the province of Sinai, carrying more than 220 Russian crusaders who were all killed," said the message of the jihadist organization allegedly proceeded to take this step in "retaliation" for the Russian intervention in Syria.

The assumption of responsibility by the branch of IK in Egypt broadcast and istopotos Aamaq which is used as a semi-official "agency" jihadists.

The allegations that the Russian passenger jet that crashed in Egypt shot down by terrorists "can not be considered accurate," said Transport Minister of Russia Maxim Sokolov talking to the agency Interfax.

"Now, in various media, there is information that the Russian passenger (...) allegedly shot down by anti-aircraft rocket fired by terrorists. This information can not be considered accurate," reportedly said the minister, according to the agency .

"We are in close contact with our Egyptian colleagues and the aviation authorities of this country. We currently do not have any information confirming these hints," he continued.

Egyptian officials who spoke at Sputnik agency also reported that the first image of the point of the crash, exclude the possibility of sabotage in the plane.

Dead and 224 people on board the Airbus - Mourning in Russia

"Many dead", including 17 children, have been found by rescuers in the area where it crashed this morning, the Russian passenger plane was performing a flight from Sharm el Sheikh to St Petersburg, announced the head of the Civil Aviation Authority Egyptian Mahmoud Al Zeinati.

- The black boxes will "illuminate" the causes of the crash

 The Airbus A321 took off at 5.51 (local time and GMT) carrying 217 passengers and 7-member crew and crashed 23 minutes later.

- "All the passengers on board are dead"

The debris found in a mountainous, isolated region in northern Sinai. According to the Egyptian authorities the crash killed "many people" including children. The 214 passengers were Russians and the remaining three Ukrainians. Of the 217 passengers, the 138 were women, 62 men and 17 children.

The causes of the accident have not been clarified so far.

- Overwhelmed relatives of the fatal Airbus passenger

Hopes of finding survivors anapterothikan when sources through the rescuers said they heard voices trapped occupants from a part of the Russian airliner, according to agency Reuters.

"There is another part of the aircraft, with passengers inside, and rescuers are still trying to get to it. We hope to find survivors, especially because groans were heard from inside," said the official who requested anonymity.

- Studies of the Russian authorities in the offices of the airline

However, an Egyptian officer said that the aircraft broke in two and have been identified so far at least 5 dead children and passengers dead, still strapped to the zones in their seats. Later confirmed that all 224 people on board the Airbus is dead, announced the Egyptian Prime Minister's office.

According to security sources, the rescuers have also found the black box of the aircraft containing the data of the flight.

- Research in the fuel tanks of fatal Airbus

From Moscow, the Kremlin's press office announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin declared on 1 November a national day of mourning. Earlier the Russian president expressed his condolences to the relatives of victims of the air tragedy and ordered sending Rosos rescuers in the area.

The aircraft A321 crashed in central Sinai shortly after takeoff from Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, in the Red Sea, to Russia, said sources of the Egyptian aviation.

- Helping Israel in Egypt

The survivors and the bodies of the dead will be transported by plane in Cairo, the Egyptian official added security.

Meanwhile, the Egyptian prosecutors ordered an investigation into the cause of the crash of the aircraft. The Advocate General Nabil Shantek asked a group of prosecutors to move the spot and investigate the wreckage.

Egyptian security sources noted that while there is no indication that the plane was shot down. Islamic militants are active in some areas of the Sinai.

In the region of North Sinai, has declared a state of emergency and hospitals were ordered to be on hand to welcome the victims said on its website, the newspaper Al-Ahram.

Votado en principio, n / p para recapitalizar - E. Tsakalotos: Quitamos el corte de pelo de los depósitos

Votado en principio, n / p para recapitalizar - E. Tsakalotos: Quitamos el corte de pelo de los depósitos

Luz verde recibida por la comisión parlamentaria competente el proyecto de ley sobre la recapitalización de los bancos con un amplio consenso de los partidos de la oposición que, sin embargo expresan reacciones al procedimiento de urgencia.

Ya la mañana del sábado comenzó con los ponentes de las partes en la Casa del Parlamento, el debate se ha pasado a la noche, mientras que el domingo se emitirá una decisión ministerial que incluirá detalles de la recapitalización.

"Hemos eliminado el riesgo de los depósitos del cortacésped. La recapitalización se hará sin un corte de pelo ", dijo el ministro de Finanzas Euclid Tsakalotos subrayando que existe en el proyecto de ley, el pronóstico para la evaluación objetiva de los gobernadores de los bancos y la selección de los miembros del Comité FSF que participan representantes del Ministerio de Finanzas y el Banco de Grecia . "Los juzgados insuficientes eliminará" aclaró pidiendo a los partidos de la oposición a aceptar sus responsabilidades para la gestión bancaria - según - estaban vinculados a los partidos políticos, con canales y equipos de fútbol.

En su discurso, el Ministro de Finanzas, solicitando la aprobación del proyecto, señaló que "el gobierno ha trabajado muy duro esta semana. El lunes, el que va a abrir los mercados, ha aprobado el proyecto de ley sea aprobado y la Ley del Consejo de Ministros para que podamos ser optimistas de que el proceso va a ir muy bien ", dijo el ministro.

Sr. Tsakalotos señalar que el mero hecho de que el Banco Europeo de Reconstrucción y Desarrollo está involucrado da una "fuerte señal" al mercado y muestra que hay interés de los inversores.

La recapitalización de los bancos estaba obligado por las circunstancias, dijo tomar la palabra el ministro de Economía Giorgos Stathakis.
"Parece que la crítica paradójica de-préstamos rojos", continuó el Sr. Stathakis y subrayó que la evolución 2010 hasta 2014 muestra que el negocio rojo y vivienda alcanzaron 10% en 2010 al 39,9% en 2.015.

El ministro de Economía sostuvo que el proyecto de ley es uno de los tres centros de coordinación para un retorno al crecimiento y predijo que "la necesidad de recapitalizar los bancos será anunciado el sábado y será más bajo que el fin del mundo previsto".

Recordemos que el sábado que se anunciarán los resultados de las pruebas de estrés de los cuatro bancos sistémicos y la SSM (Mecanismo de Supervisión Individual del BCE) anunciará dos escenarios para la recapitalización.

Los partidos de oposición criticaron la demora de presentación, como procedimiento de urgencia sobre el proyecto de ley, y se situaron en puntos del proyecto de ley como la composición del control de supervisión del sistema bancario.

El Voridis makis desde el suroeste, atribuido a la política del gobierno que llevó a la necesidad de recapitalizar y no préstamos rojos.

"Somos conscientes de la necesidad de recapitalización de los bancos, no va a jugar con los depósitos del pueblo griego votará el principio de reserva de todos los artículos a los que se colocarán en el plenario", concluyó. Voridis.

Responsabilidades políticas SYRIZA atribuidas y el altavoz experto de la coalición republicano, Giannis Maniatis, quien expresó su oposición a la concesión de una mayoría del órgano de supervisión de la operación de los bancos en las instituciones.

Sobre la cuestión del control de los bancos se ha mencionado el orador experto del río, Charis Theocharis diciendo que la mayoría de la Comisión 6, los tres (incluido el Presidente) se indican con la UE, el BCE y el MEDE.

El corolario de la crisis capitalista caracterizó a la recapitalización de los bancos el orador experto del KKE, Nikos Karathanasopoulos, quien dijo que el Partido Comunista ha presentado un proyecto de ley para drástico deterioro de la deuda de los hogares y el proyecto de ley para la integración de los empleados de los bancos cooperativos en el Banco Nacional después de su fusión.

El experto orador de ANEL, Kostas Katsikis señaló que después de que los ahorradores de recapitalización no estarán en riesgo de deterioro de sus depósitos, los bancos podrán otorgar nuevos préstamos y garantizar la transparencia en la gestión de las instituciones bancarias.

"El pueblo griego ha pedido a pagar en 2008, 203 mil millones. Euros en fallidos, los bancos en quiebra, los banqueros que constantemente fallan y destruyen el pueblo griego y quedan impunes", dijo Elias Panagiotarea por la Golden Dawn.

"Hemos colocado más de 200 millones de euros. En un barril que no tiene fondo porque se asocia con el desarrollo", dijo por su parte el centrista altavoz Unión particular Dimitrios Kavadellas.

Ypeerpsifisan en el principio de la factura SYRIZA los Griegos Independientes, la Nueva República, la coalición demócrata y Centro Unión, mientras que el río, se reservó su posición Sábado en el Pleno, cuando el proyecto de ley aprobado por el procedimiento de urgencia. La Golden Dawn y el Partido Comunista votaron en contra.

Votato in linea di principio n / p per ricapitalizzare - E. Tsakalotos: Abbiamo rimosso il taglio di capelli di depositi

Votato in linea di principio n / p per ricapitalizzare - E. Tsakalotos: Abbiamo rimosso il taglio di capelli di depositi

Via libera ricevuto dalla Commissione parlamentare adeguato il disegno di legge sulla ricapitalizzazione delle banche con ampio consenso dei partiti di opposizione, che però hanno espresso reazioni alla procedura d'urgenza.

Già Sabato mattina è iniziata con i relatori delle parti nella Camera del Parlamento, il dibattito è stato trasmesso fino a notte, mentre Domenica sarà emessa una decisione ministeriale che includerà dettagli della ricapitalizzazione.

"Abbiamo rimosso il rischio di depositi rasaerba. La ricapitalizzazione avverrà senza un taglio di capelli ", ha detto il ministro delle Finanze Euclide Tsakalotos sottolineando che vi è nel disegno di legge le previsioni per la valutazione oggettiva dei governatori delle banche e selezione dei membri del Comitato FSF che coinvolge i rappresentanti del Ministero delle Finanze e la Banca di Grecia . "Coloro giudicato insufficiente rimuoverà" chiarito chiedendo ai partiti di opposizione di assumersi le proprie responsabilità per la gestione della banca - come sostenuto - erano legate ai partiti politici, con canali e squadre di calcio.

Nel suo discorso il ministro delle Finanze, chiedendo per il passaggio del disegno di legge, ha osservato che "il governo ha lavorato molto duramente questa settimana. Lunedi ', che aprirà i mercati, ha superato sarà adottato il progetto di legge e la legge del Consiglio dei Ministri in modo che possiamo essere ottimisti che il processo andrà molto bene ", ha detto il ministro.

Mr. Tsakalotos osservato che il semplice fatto che la Banca europea per la ricostruzione e lo sviluppo è coinvolto dà un "segnale forte" per il mercato e dimostra che non vi è l'interesse degli investitori.

La ricapitalizzazione delle banche è stato richiesto dalle circostanze, ha detto prendendo la parola il ministro dell'Economia, Giorgos Stathakis.
"Sembra critica paradossale di rosso-prestiti", ha continuato Stathakis e ha sottolineato che l'evoluzione 2010-2014 mostra che il business rosso e abitazioni hanno raggiunto il 10% nel 2010 al 39,9% nel 2015.

Il ministro dell'Economia ha sostenuto che il disegno di legge è uno dei tre punti focali per un ritorno alla crescita e ha previsto che "la necessità di ricapitalizzare le banche saranno annunciati Sabato e sarà inferiore il giorno del giudizio previsto".

Ricordiamo che il Sabato che saranno annunciati i risultati degli stress test delle quattro banche sistemiche e la SSM (meccanismo unico di vigilanza della BCE) annuncerà due scenari per la ricapitalizzazione.

I partiti di opposizione hanno criticato il ritardo di archiviazione, come procedura d'urgenza sul disegno di legge, e si attestano a punti del disegno di legge, come la composizione del controllo di supervisione del sistema bancario.

Il Voridis Makis da sud-ovest, attribuita alla politica del governo che ha portato alla necessità di ricapitalizzare e non prestiti rossi.

"Comprendiamo la necessità di ricapitalizzazione delle banche, non giocherà con i depositi del popolo greco voterà riserva principio su tutti gli articoli per i quali saranno messi in seduta plenaria", ha concluso. Voridis.

Responsabilità politiche attribuite SYRIZA e l'oratore esperto della coalizione repubblicana, Yannis Maniatis, che ha espresso la sua opposizione alla concessione di un maggior parte del corpo di vigilanza del funzionamento delle banche nei confronti delle istituzioni.

Sulla questione del controllo delle banche di cui l'oratore esperto del fiume, Charis Theocharis dicendo che la maggior parte dei 6 Commissione, i tre (tra cui il Presidente) sono indicati dalla UE, la BCE e l'ESM.

Il corollario di crisi capitalista caratterizzato la ricapitalizzazione delle banche del diffusore esperto del KKE, Nikos Karathanasopoulos, che ha detto che il Partito Comunista ha presentato un disegno di legge per drasticamente compromissione di indebitamento delle famiglie e disegno di legge per l'integrazione del personale di banche cooperative presso la Banca nazionale dopo la loro fusione.

L'oratore esperto di ANEL, Kostas Katsikis ha osservato che dopo i risparmiatori di ricapitalizzazione non saranno a rischio di compromissione dei loro depositi, le banche saranno in grado di concedere nuovi prestiti e garantire la trasparenza nella gestione degli istituti bancari.

"Il popolo greco è stato chiesto di pagare nel 2008, 203 miliardi. Di euro nel falliti, banche in fallimento, i banchieri che costantemente non riescono e distruggono il popolo greco e impuniti", ha dichiarato Elias Panagiotarea dalla Golden Dawn.

"Abbiamo messo più di 200 miliardi di euro. In un barile che non ha fondo perché è associato con lo sviluppo", ha detto da parte sua il centrista altoparlante dell'Unione particolare Dimitrios Kavadellas.

Ypeerpsifisan sul principio del disegno di legge SYRIZA i Greci Indipendenti, la Nuova Repubblica, la coalizione democratica e Centro dell'Unione, mentre il fiume, riservato la propria posizione in plenaria Sabato, quando la legge è stata approvata con procedura d'urgenza. La Golden Dawn e il Partito comunista hanno votato contro.

Votado no princípio n / p para recapitalizar - E. Tsakalotos: Nós removemos o corte de cabelo de depósitos

Votado no princípio n / p para recapitalizar - E. Tsakalotos: Nós removemos o corte de cabelo de depósitos

Luz verde recebida pela comissão parlamentar competente o projeto de lei sobre a recapitalização dos bancos com amplo consenso dos partidos da oposição que, contudo, expressas reações ao processo de urgência.

Já manhã de sábado começou com os relatores dos partidos na Câmara do Parlamento, o debate tem sido passado até a noite, enquanto domingo será emitida uma decisão ministerial que incluirá os detalhes da recapitalização.

"Nós removemos o risco de os depósitos cortador. A recapitalização será feito sem um corte de cabelo ", disse o ministro das Finanças Euclid Tsakalotos Salientando que existe no projecto de lei a previsão para a avaliação objectiva dos governadores dos bancos e seleção de membros do Comité do FSF que envolve representantes do Ministério da Fazenda e do Banco da Grécia . "Aqueles considerado insuficiente irá remover" esclareceu pedindo aos partidos da oposição a aceitar suas responsabilidades para a administração do banco - como reivindicado - estavam ligados a partidos políticos, com canais e times de futebol.

Em seu discurso, o Ministro das Finanças, pedindo a aprovação do projeto, observou que "o governo tem trabalhado muito duro esta semana. Na segunda-feira, que vai abrir os mercados, já passou o projeto de lei será aprovado ea Lei do Conselho de Ministros para que possamos estar otimista de que o processo vai muito bem ", disse o ministro.

Mr. Tsakalotos observou que o simples facto de o Banco Europeu de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento está envolvida dá um "sinal forte" ao mercado e mostra que existe interesse dos investidores.

A recapitalização dos bancos foi exigida pelas circunstâncias, disse ele tomar a palavra ministro da Economia, Giorgos Stathakis.
"Parece crítica paradoxal de vermelho-empréstimos", continuou o Sr. Stathakis e sublinhou que a evolução 2010-2014 mostra que o negócio vermelho e habitação atingiu 10% em 2010 para 39,9% em 2015.

O ministro da Economia argumentou que o projeto de lei é um dos três pontos focais para o regresso ao crescimento e previu que "a necessidade de recapitalizar os bancos serão anunciados sábado e será menor do que o dia do juízo final previsto".

Lembre-se que no sábado para ser anunciou os resultados dos testes de estresse dos quatro bancos sistémicos e da SSM (Mecanismo Único de Supervisão do BCE) anunciará dois cenários para recapitalização.

Os partidos da oposição criticaram o atraso do depósito, como processo de urgência sobre o projeto, e situou-se em pontos do projecto de lei, como a composição do controle do sistema bancário de supervisão.

O voridis makis da Southwest, atribuída a política do governo que levou à necessidade de recapitalizar e não empréstimos vermelhas.

"Nós entendemos a necessidade de recapitalização dos bancos, não vai jogar com os depósitos do povo grego votará em princípio reserva em todos os artigos a que eles serão colocados em plenário", concluiu. Voridis.

Responsabilidades políticas atribuídas SYRIZA e do alto-falante especialista da coalizão republicana, Yannis Maniatis, que manifestou a sua oposição à concessão de uma maioria do corpo do funcionamento dos bancos nas instituições de supervisão.

Sobre a questão do controle dos bancos referiram o palestrante do rio, Charis Theocharis dizendo que a maior parte da Comissão 6, a três (incluindo o Presidente) são indicados pela União Europeia, o BCE eo ESM.

O corolário da crise capitalista caracterizada a recapitalização dos bancos o orador especialista do KKE, Nikos Karathanasopoulos, que disse que o Partido Comunista apresentou um projeto de lei para impairment drasticamente da dívida das famílias e conta para a integração do pessoal dos bancos cooperativos no Banco Nacional após a sua fusão.

O palestrante especialista da ANEL, Kostas Katsikis observou que após os protetores de recapitalização não vai estar em risco de comprometimento de seus depósitos, os bancos serão capazes de conceder novos empréstimos e assegurar a transparência na gestão das instituições bancárias.

"O povo grego foram convidados a pagar em 2008, 203.000 milhões. Euros em fracassados, bancos falidos, os banqueiros que constantemente falham e destruir o povo grego e impunes", disse Elias Panagiotarea pela Golden Dawn.

"Nós colocamos mais de 200 mil milhões de euros. Em um tambor que não tem fundo, porque está associada com o desenvolvimento", disse por sua vez o orador centrista União Particular Dimitrios Kavadellas.

Ypeerpsifisan no princípio do projeto de lei SYRIZA os gregos independentes, a Nova República, a coalizão democrata e Union Centre, enquanto o River, reservou a sua posição sábado, em sessão plenária, quando o projeto foi aprovado pelo processo de urgência. A Golden Dawn e do Partido Comunista votou contra.

Voted in principle n / p to recapitalize - E. Tsakalotos: We removed the haircut of deposits

Voted in principle n / p to recapitalize - E. Tsakalotos: We removed the haircut of deposits

Green light received by the appropriate Parliamentary Committee the bill on recapitalization of banks with broad consensus of the opposition parties which however expressed reactions to urgent procedure.

Already Saturday morning began with the rapporteurs of the parties in the House of Parliament, the debate has been passed till night, while Sunday will be issued a ministerial decision which will include details of the recapitalization.

"We removed the risk of the mower deposits. The recapitalization will be done without a haircut, "said Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos stressing that there is in the draft law the forecast for objective evaluation of governors of banks and selection of members of the FSF Committee which involves representatives of the Finance Ministry and the Bank of Greece . "Those judged insufficient will remove" clarified by asking the opposition parties to accept their responsibilities for bank management - as claimed - were linked to political parties, with channels and football teams.

In his speech the Minister of Finance, asking for passage of the bill, noted that "the government has worked very hard this week. On Monday, that will open up markets, has passed the draft law will be adopted and the Act of the Cabinet so we can be optimistic that the process will go very well ", said the minister.

Mr. Tsakalotos noted that the mere fact that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is involved gives a "strong signal" to the market and shows that there is investor interest.

The recapitalization of banks was required by the circumstances, he said taking the floor Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis.
"It seems paradoxical criticism of red-loans" continued Mr. Stathakis and stressed that the evolution from 2010 to 2014 shows that the red business and housing reached 10% in 2010 to 39.9% in 2015.

Economy Minister argued that the bill is one of the three focal points for a return to growth and predicted that "the need to recapitalize the banks will be announced Saturday and will be lower than the predicted doomsday".

Recall that on Saturday to be announced the results of stress tests of the four systemic banks and the SSM (Single Supervisory Mechanism of the ECB) will announce two scenarios for recapitalization.

Opposition parties criticized the filing delay, as urgent procedure on the bill, and stood at points of the draft law as the composition of the supervisory control of the banking system.

The makis voridis from the Southwest, attributed to government policy that led to the need to recapitalize and not red loans.

"We understand the need for recapitalization of banks, will not play with the deposits of the Greek people will vote on principle reserve on all the articles for which they will be placed in plenary" he concluded. Voridis.

SYRIZA political responsibilities attributed and the expert speaker of the Republican coalition, Yannis Maniatis, who expressed his opposition to the granting of a majority of the supervisory body of the operation of banks in the institutions.

On the issue of control of the banks mentioned the expert speaker of the river, Charis Theocharis saying that most of the 6 Commission, the three (including the Chairman) are indicated by the EU, the ECB and the ESM.

The corollary of capitalist crisis characterized the recapitalization of banks the expert speaker of KKE, Nikos Karathanasopoulos, who said that the Communist Party has filed a bill to drastically impairment of household debt and bill for the integration of the staff of cooperative banks at the National Bank after their merger.

The expert speaker of ANEL, Kostas Katsikis noted that after the recapitalization savers will not be at risk of impairment of their deposits, the banks will be able to grant new loans and ensuring transparency in the management of banking institutions.

"The Greek people have been asked to pay in 2008, 203 billion. Euros in failed, bankrupt banks, the bankers who constantly fail and destroy the Greek people and go unpunished," said Elias Panagiotarea by the Golden Dawn.

"We have placed over 200 bn. In a barrel that has no bottom because it is associated with the development," said for his part the Special Union speaker centrist Dimitrios Kavadellas.

Ypeerpsifisan on the principle of the bill SYRIZA the Independent Greeks, the New Republic, the Democratic coalition and Centre Union, while the River, reserved its position Saturday in plenary, when the bill passed by urgent procedure. The Golden Dawn and the Communist Party voted against.

Im Prinzip n / p abgestimmt zur Rekapitalisierung - E. Tsakalotos: Wir entfernten den Haarschnitt von Ablagerungen

Im Prinzip n / p abgestimmt zur Rekapitalisierung - E. Tsakalotos: Wir entfernten den Haarschnitt von Ablagerungen

Grünes Licht von der zuständigen parlamentarischen Ausschuss erhalten die Rechnung bei der Rekapitalisierung der Banken mit breiten Konsens der Oppositionsparteien, die jedoch zum Ausdruck Reaktionen auf die Dringlichkeit.

Bereits am Samstagmorgen begann mit den Berichterstattern der Parteien im Parlament, hat sich die Debatte bis zum Abend übergeben worden, während Sonntag wird eine ministerielle Entscheidung, die Einzelheiten über die Rekapitalisierung ausgegeben.

"Wir entfernen das Risiko des Mähers Einlagen. Die Rekapitalisierung ohne einen Haarschnitt durchgeführt werden ", sagte Finanzminister Euclid Tsakalotos betont, dass es in dem Gesetzentwurf die Prognose für objektive Bewertung der Gouverneure der Banken und der Auswahl der Mitglieder des FSF Ausschuss die Vertreter des Finanzministeriums und der Bank von Griechenland beinhaltet . "Diejenigen, als unzureichend beurteilt wird zu entfernen" klargestellt, indem er die Oppositionsparteien auf, ihrer Verantwortung für die Banksteuerung übernehmen - wie behauptet - wurden an die politischen Parteien verbunden sind, mit Kanälen und Fußballmannschaften.

In seiner Rede der Finanzminister und bat um Durchgang der Rechnung, festgestellt, dass "die Regierung hat sehr hart in dieser Woche gearbeitet. Am Montag wird die Märkte öffnen, vergangen ist der Gesetzentwurf angenommen werden und das Gesetz des Kabinetts, so dass wir optimistisch, dass der Prozess wird sehr gut gehen ", sagte der Minister.

Mr. Tsakalotos beachten, dass die bloße Tatsache, dass die Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung beteiligt ist, gibt ein "starkes Signal" auf den Markt und zeigt, dass es das Interesse der Investoren.

Die Rekapitalisierung der Banken wurde durch die Umstände erforderlich ist, sagte er, das Wort ergreifen Wirtschaftsminister Giorgos Stathakis.
"Es scheint paradox Kritik an rot-Kredite", fuhr Mr. Stathakis und betonte, dass die Entwicklung von 2010 bis 2014 zeigt, dass die rote Geschäft und Wohn erreichte 10% im Jahr 2010 auf 39,9% in 2015.

Wirtschaftsminister argumentiert, dass der Gesetzentwurf ist eine der drei Schwerpunkte für eine Rückkehr zu Wachstum und sagte voraus, dass "die Notwendigkeit der Rekapitalisierung der Banken wird noch bekannt gegeben Samstag und wird niedriger sein als der vorhergesagten Weltuntergang sein."

Daran erinnern, dass am Samstag, um die Ergebnisse der Stresstests der vier systemischen Banken und der SSM (Single Überwachungsmechanismus der EZB) bekannt gegeben werden zwei Szenarien für die Rekapitalisierung zu verkünden.

Oppositionsparteien kritisierten die Einreichung Verzögerung, da die Dringlichkeit auf der Rechnung, und stellte sich an den Punkten des Gesetzentwurfs wie die Zusammensetzung des Kontroll des Bankensystems.

Das Makis Voridis aus dem Südwesten, die Regierungspolitik, die auf die Notwendigkeit, rot Darlehen zu rekapitalisieren und nicht geführt zurückzuführen.

"Wir verstehen die Notwendigkeit der Rekapitalisierung der Banken, nicht mit den Ablagerungen des griechischen Volkes spielen wird grundsätzlich Reserve abstimmen allen Artikeln, für die sie in der Plenarsitzung gesetzt werden", schloss er. Voridis.

SYRIZA politischen Verantwortung zugeschrieben, und der Fachmann Sprecher der republikanischen Koalition, Yannis Maniatis, der seine Opposition gegen die Gewährung von einer Mehrheit des Aufsichtsorgans des Betriebs von Banken in den Institutionen zum Ausdruck gebracht.

In der Frage der Kontrolle der Banken erwähnten den Experten Sprecher des Flusses, Charis Theocharis, dass die meisten der 6 Kommission, die drei (einschließlich des Vorsitzenden) werden von der EU, der EZB und dem ESM angegeben.

Die logische Folge der kapitalistischen Krise gekennzeichnet, dass die Rekapitalisierung der Banken der Experte Sprecher der KKE, Nikos Karathanasopoulos, der sagte, dass die Kommunistische Partei hat einen Gesetzentwurf eingereicht drastisch Beeinträchtigung der Verschuldung der privaten Haushalte und die Rechnung für die Integration der Mitarbeiter der Genossenschaftsbanken bei der Nationalbank nach ihrer Fusion.

Der Experte Sprecher ANEL, Kostas Katsikis darauf hingewiesen, dass nach der Rekapitalisierung Schoner wird nicht in Gefahr der Beeinträchtigung ihrer Einlagen zu sein, werden die Banken in der Lage, neue Kredite und die Transparenz bei der Verwaltung der Banken zu gewähren.

"Das griechische Volk gebeten worden, im Jahr 2008 gescheitert, bankrotten Banken zu bezahlen, 203 Milliarden. Euro, die Banker, die ständig scheitern und das griechische Volk zu zerstören und ungestraft bleiben", sagte Elias Panagiotarea von der Golden Dawn.

"Wir haben mehr als 200 Mrd. getätigt. In einem Fass, das keinen Boden, weil es mit der Entwicklung verbunden ist, hat", sagte seinerseits die besonderen Verbandes Lautsprecher zentristischen Dimitrios Kavadellas.

Ypeerpsifisan auf dem Prinzip der Rechnung SYRIZA die Unabhängigen Griechen, die Neue Republik, die Demokratische Koalition und Zentrum Union, während der Fluss, ihren Standpunkt vorbehielt Samstag im Plenum, wenn die Rechnung im Dringlichkeitsverfahren verabschiedet. Der Golden Dawn und die Kommunistische Partei stimmte dagegen.