Τετάρτη 28 Οκτωβρίου 2015

USA:. Over 5 millioner barn har en forelder i fengsel

USA:. Over 5 millioner barn har en forelder i fengsel

Mer enn 5 millioner barn i USA - et tall som representerer nesten 7% av befolkningen av barn i landet - har minst en forelder i fengsel, et tall langt høyere enn tidligere anslag, ifølge en undersøkelse som ble offentliggjort tirsdag.

Etterforskningen av den ideelle organisasjonen Barne Trender på effektene av fengslingen av en forelder til barn, publisert, mens president Barack Obama har satt en prioritet i sin andre presidentperiode reform av rettssystemet ytelse.

Antallet fem millioner blant barn opp til 18 år som hadde på et tidspunkt en forelder som bodde sammen med dem når førte til fengsel. Tallene er basert på en undersøkelse gjennomført i 2011-12 ved Helsedepartementet og Sosial- USA.

En undersøkelse av 2007 barn som hadde en forelder i fengsel setter pris på det relative antallet til 1,7 millioner, eller 2% rente. Denne beregningen var foreldre som bodde i samme hus med sine barn, sier gruppen.

Ifølge undersøkelsen, den svarte, fattige og barn som bor i distriktene er mer sannsynlig å ha en av foreldrene som bodde sammen med dem før kjørt til fengselet. Svarte barn er dobbelt så sannsynlig som hvite å ha en forelder i fengsel.

Andre studier viser sammenhenger mellom fengslingen av den overordnede med barnets helsetilstand, atferdsproblemer, dårlig skoleprestasjoner og presentasjon av fysiske og psykiske problemer i voksen alder av barn, ifølge undersøkelsen.

Virkningen kan reduseres ved å forbedre kommunikasjonen mellom barnet og foreldrene, dempe stigma av fengsel og skape en mer vennlig miljø når du besøker barn i fengsler, bemerket organisasjonen.

USA:. Più di 5 milioni di bambini hanno un genitore in carcere

USA:. Più di 5 milioni di bambini hanno un genitore in carcere

Più di 5 milioni di bambini negli Stati Uniti - una cifra che rappresenta quasi il 7% della popolazione di bambini nel paese - hanno almeno un genitore in carcere, una cifra molto superiore a quella stima precedente, secondo un sondaggio che è stato pubblicato Martedì.

L'indagine della organizzazione no-profit Trends bambini sugli effetti della detenzione di un genitore per i bambini, ha pubblicato, mentre il presidente Barack Obama ha fissato una priorità nel suo secondo mandato presidenziale di riforma del sistema di giustizia penale prestazioni.

Il numero di cinque milioni tra i bambini fino a 18 anni che aveva ad un certo punto un genitore che ha vissuto con loro quando ha portato in prigione. I numeri sono basati su un sondaggio condotto nel 2011-12 da parte del Ministero della Sanità e della previdenza sociale degli Stati Uniti.

Un sondaggio di 2007 bambini che aveva un genitore in carcere apprezzano il numero relativo al tasso di 1,7 milioni o il 2%. Questo calcolo includeva genitori che vivevano nella stessa casa con i loro figli, il gruppo ha detto.

Secondo l'indagine, il nero, i poveri ei bambini che vivono nelle zone rurali sono più probabilità di avere un genitore che viveva con loro prima guidati in prigione. I bambini neri sono il doppio di probabilità dei bianchi di avere un genitore in carcere.

Altri studi mostrano correlazioni tra la detenzione del genitore con lo stato di salute del bambino, problemi comportamentali, scarso rendimento scolastico e la presentazione di problemi di salute fisica e mentale in età adulta dei figli, secondo il sondaggio.

L'impatto può essere ridotto migliorando la comunicazione tra il bambino e il genitore, attenuare lo stigma di reclusione e creare un ambiente più accogliente durante la visita i bambini in carcere, ha osservato l'organizzazione.

USA:. Plus de 5 millions d'enfants ont un parent en prison

USA:. Plus de 5 millions d'enfants ont un parent en prison

Plus de 5 millions d'enfants aux Etats-Unis - un chiffre qui représente près de 7% de la population des enfants dans le pays - ont au moins un parent en prison, un chiffre beaucoup plus élevé que l'estimation antérieure, selon un sondage qui a été publié mardi.

L'enquête de l'organisation à but non lucratif Child Trends sur les effets de l'emprisonnement d'un parent pour les enfants, publié, tandis que le président Barack Obama a mis une priorité dans son deuxième mandat présidentiel de la réforme de la performance du système de justice pénale.

Le nombre de cinq millions chez les enfants jusqu'à 18 ans qui avait à un certain moment un parent qui vivait avec eux quand conduit en prison. Les chiffres sont basés sur une enquête menée en 2011-12 par le ministère de la Santé et des Affaires sociales des Etats-Unis.

Une enquête de 2007 enfants qui ont un parent en prison apprécier le nombre par rapport au taux de 1,7 million ou 2%. Ce calcul comprenait les parents qui vivaient dans la même maison avec leurs enfants, a indiqué le groupe.

Selon l'enquête, le noir, les pauvres et les enfants vivant dans les zones rurales sont plus susceptibles d'avoir un parent qui a vécu avec eux avant conduit en prison. Les enfants noirs sont deux fois plus susceptibles que les Blancs d'avoir un parent en prison.

D'autres études montrent des corrélations entre l'emprisonnement du parent avec le statut de l'enfant de la santé, des problèmes de comportement, de mauvais résultats scolaires et la présentation des problèmes de santé physique et mentale à l'âge adulte des enfants, selon l'enquête.

L'impact peut être réduit en améliorant la communication entre l'enfant et le parent, l'atténuation de la stigmatisation de l'emprisonnement et de la création d'un environnement plus favorable lors de la visite des enfants dans les prisons, a noté l'organisation.

USA:. Über 5 Millionen Kinder haben ein Elternteil im Gefängnis

USA:. Über 5 Millionen Kinder haben ein Elternteil im Gefängnis

Mehr als 5 Millionen Kinder in den Vereinigten Staaten - eine Zahl, die fast 7% der Bevölkerung von Kindern im Land entspricht - haben mindestens ein Elternteil im Gefängnis, eine Zahl viel höher als frühere Schätzung, laut einer, die veröffentlicht wurde Dienstag Umfrage.

Die Untersuchung der gemeinnützigen Organisation Child Trends über die Auswirkungen der Inhaftierung eines Elternteils, um Kinder, veröffentlicht, während Präsident Barack Obama hat eine Priorität in seiner zweiten Amtszeit die Reform der Strafjustiz Leistung eingestellt.

Die Zahl von fünf Millionen bei Kindern bis zum Alter von 18 Jahren, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt ein Elternteil, der mit ihnen lebte, als ins Gefängnis geführt hatte. Die Zahlen basieren auf einer Erhebung in 2011-12 durch das Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales der Vereinigten Staaten durchgeführt wurden.

Eine Umfrage 2007 Kinder, die ein Elternteil im Gefängnis musste schätzen die relative Zahl auf 1,7 Mio. oder 2% bewertet. Diese Berechnung einbezogen Eltern, die im gleichen Haus mit ihren Kindern wohnte, sagte die Gruppe.

Laut der Umfrage, die schwarze, die Armen und die in ländlichen Gebieten leben Kinder sind eher zu einem Elternteil, die mit ihnen gelebt, bevor ins Gefängnis gefahren haben. Schwarze Kinder sind doppelt so häufig wie Weiße, ein Elternteil im Gefängnis haben.

Andere Studien zeigen Zusammenhänge zwischen der Inhaftierung des Elternteils mit den Gesundheitszustand des Kindes, Verhaltensauffälligkeiten, schlechten Schulleistungen und Präsentation der physischen und psychischen Problemen im Erwachsenenalter der Kinder, nach der Umfrage.

Die Auswirkungen können durch die Verbesserung der Kommunikation zwischen dem Kind und dem Elternteil, mildern das Stigma der Haft und die Schaffung einer freundlichen Umgebung bei einem Besuch Kinder in Gefängnissen reduziert werden, stellte die Organisation.

EE.UU.:. Más de 5 millones de niños tienen un padre en la cárcel

EE.UU.:. Más de 5 millones de niños tienen un padre en la cárcel

Más de 5 millones de niños en los Estados Unidos - una cifra que representa casi el 7% de la población de niños en el país - tienen al menos un padre en la cárcel, una cifra muy superior a la estimación anterior, según un sondeo publicado el martes.

La investigación de la organización sin fines de lucro Child Trends sobre los efectos del encarcelamiento de uno de sus padres a hijos, publicó, mientras que el presidente Barack Obama ha establecido una prioridad en su segundo mandato presidencial de reforma del funcionamiento del sistema de justicia penal.

El número de cinco millones de niños de hasta 18 años de edad que tenía en algún momento un padre que vivía con ellos cuando llevó a la cárcel. Las cifras se basan en una encuesta realizada en 2011 a 12 por el Ministerio de Salud y Bienestar Social de los Estados Unidos.

Un estudio de 2007 niños que tenía un padre en la cárcel apreciar el número relativo a la tasa de 1,7 millones o 2%. Este cálculo incluye los padres que vivían en la misma casa con sus hijos, dijo el grupo.

Según la encuesta, el negro, los pobres y los niños que viven en las zonas rurales son más propensos a tener un padre que vivía con ellos antes conducido a la cárcel. Los niños negros tienen el doble de probabilidades que los blancos de tener un padre en la cárcel.

Otros estudios muestran correlaciones entre el encarcelamiento de los padres con el estado de la salud infantil, problemas de conducta, bajo rendimiento escolar y presentación de los problemas de salud físicos y mentales en la edad adulta de los niños, según la encuesta.

El impacto puede ser reducido mediante la mejora de la comunicación entre el niño y los padres, mitigando el estigma de la cárcel y la creación de un entorno más amigable al visitar niños en las cárceles, señaló la organización.

USA: Over 5 million. Children have a parent in prison

USA: Over 5 million. Children have a parent in prison

More than 5 million children in the United States - a figure that represents almost 7% of the population of children in the country - have at least one parent in prison, a figure much higher than earlier estimate, according to a survey that was published Tuesday.

The investigation of the nonprofit organization Child Trends on the effects of imprisonment of a parent to children, published, while President Barack Obama has set a priority in his second presidential term reform of the criminal justice system performance.

The number of five million among children up to age 18 who had at some point a parent who lived with them when led to jail. The numbers are based on a survey conducted in 2011-12 by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the United States.

A survey of 2007 children who had a parent in prison appreciate the relative number to 1.7 million or 2% rate. This calculation included parents who lived in the same house with their children, the group said.

According to the survey, the black, the poor and children living in rural areas are more likely to have one parent who lived with them before driven to prison. Black children are twice as likely as whites to have a parent in prison.

Other studies show correlations between the imprisonment of the parent with the child's health status, behavioral problems, poor school performance and presentation of physical and mental health problems in adulthood of children, according to the survey.

The impact can be reduced by improving communication between the child and the parent, mitigating the stigma of imprisonment and creating a more friendly environment when visiting children in prisons, noted the organization.

Τρίτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2015

N.Tousk: Taken decisions not to be implemented

N.Tousk: Taken decisions not to be implemented
The crises and challenges as the European Union are facing right now, is probably the largest we have seen in decades, "he said before the plenary of the European Parliament, the President of the Council Donald Tusk, with the opportunity to discuss the conclusions of the meeting of Summit refugee on 15 October.
"I'm worried," he added, "because I have the impression that promises were made and decisions were taken not to be applied."
According to the President of the Council, the current challenges facing Europe "would alter the EU as it has up to now been built, or even destroy some achievements, such as free movement through Schengen".
"They could cause tectonic changes in the EU's political scene will not be positive. This means that we are going through difficult circumstances in which difficult decisions required in unity and solidarity. Together we can face the crisis, I do not want another alternative, "he said.

Syria: A severe attack of the Islamic State in town - stronghold of government forces

Syria: A severe attack of the Islamic State in town - stronghold of government forces
The jihadists of the Islamic State promoted today to the periphery of a city that is considered a key stronghold of the Syrian regime in the north of Syria, Syrian non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch said.
Συρία: Σφοδρή επίθεση του Ισλαμικού Κράτους σε πόλη – προπύργιο των κυβερνητικών δυνάμεωνSyria: A severe attack of the Islamic State in town - stronghold of government dynameonOi men IK penetrated in the northeast suburbs of Safirech, a city located in the southeast of Aleppo. "The IK broke the defensive lines of the regime in Safirech, one of the most important military strongholds of the regime in the southern province of Aleppo," said the director of the Observatory, Rami Abdel Rahman.
The Syrian regime controls many large stores of weapons inside the city. The IR and government forces clash with great vehemence on the outskirts of Safirech.
The jihadists, with their announcement posted on the Internet, also argue that "the first lines of defense of the regime fell" and that have captured several districts within the city.
A military source confirmed to AFP that the army lost control of some areas' after the attack Dae "(pp Arabic acronym for the Islamic State).
The province of Aleppo is controlled almost entirely by the Front Al Nosra, the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda, and Islamist allies. Recently, the military regime attempted to regain some areas and broke the siege imposed by the IK military airport Koueires, to the west of this province.
But the attack on Safirech "put the regime on the defensive, and had gone on the offensive," said Rami Abdel Rahman.
In 2012 the US Congress received information according to which nerve gas and mustard gas were produced in Safirech in other parts of Syria. After the attack with chemicals in East Gouta, which killed hundreds of people in August 2013, Damascus agreed to declare all chemical weapons possessed and deliver them for destruction.

Turkey: businesses are expanded by jihadist groups - 71 arrests

Turkey: businesses are expanded by jihadist groups - 71 arrests
Turkey: businesses are expanded in jihadists groups - 71 syllipseisEvdominta a people believed to belong to the Islamic State (EK) today arrested by Turkish police in raids carried out in Istanbul and other cities.
As reported local news agency Dogan, the army said it arrested 17 militants trying to cross to Syria.
Yesterday, the police launched a series of operations against groups of IK, including a raid on more than a dozen homes in Diyarbakir (south-east), in which seven militants were killed and 12 more were arrested.
Τουρκία: Εντείνονται οι επιχειρήσεις κατά τζιχαντιστικών ομάδων – 71 συλλήψειςTurkish police intensified its operations against the jihadist that organization after the double suicide attack that occurred on October 10 in Ankara with victims of 102 people before march for peace of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Peoples (HDP) and other parties, as well as organizations the Left.
"With yesterday's business we prevented an attack greater than that in Ankara. Seizures multiple devices and materials used to manufacture bombs. Senior executives of the Turkish unit of IK were killed during the operation, "said the security official told Reuters.
"A suicide bomber had strapped explosives to his body also was killed in the company before giving the opportunity to attack the security personnel," the official said.
Today, 21 people, including seven children, were arrested in simultaneous raids on houses in Istanbul, Dogan news agency reported the news. Thirty people were arrested in the city of Konya (Iconium) in central Turkey, and another 20 in Kocaeli, an industrial district east of Istanbul, told the Dogan.
In a separate development, the Turkish army said that 17 people who attempted to cross illegally to Syria were arrested in the province of Elmpeili Keeley.

No more roaming charges within the EU by June 2017

No more roaming charges within the EU by June 2017
The definitive abolition of roaming charges within the European Union, by June 2017, adopted today by the plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
No more roaming charges within the EU by June 2017Ola roaming charges for calls, send text messages and use the Internet via mobile phone (mobile internet) abroad within the EU will be banned from June 15, 2017.
Τέλος στις χρεώσεις περιαγωγής εντός της ΕΕ από τον Ιούνιο 2017They will put in place clear rules on the right of access to the internet.
"The end of roaming charges was something we all waited a long time, ordinary people, new businesses and SMEs and all the bodies," said rapporteur Pilar del Castillo (EPP, Spain). "Thanks to this agreement, making Europe the only region in the world to legally ensure open access to the internet and net neutrality. The principle of net neutrality will be applied directly to all 28 Member States. It will also ensure that we have a two-tier internet ", added the rapporteur.
From April 30, 2016 additional roaming charges should not exceed:
• 0.05 euros per minute for voice calls
• 0,02 euros for text messages (SMS), and
• 0,05 per megabyte for using internet via mobile phone
The upper limit for charges of incoming voice calls will be determined later in the year and is expected to be substantially lower than for outgoing calls.
Any significant deviation will entitle the consumer to take corrective measures, such as the termination of the contract or receive compensation. National regulatory authorities will be responsible and will determine whether this deviation constitutes a breach of the contract or not.

It is in good condition the EU, Member States lag behind when it should be run

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

 It is in good condition the EU, Member States lag behind when it should be run

Concerns over a European Union that is "not in good condition" expressed with particular intensity today before the plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. "Last week, the refugee way of the Balkans saw refugees to pass through the frozen rivers, hardship and cold, and soon you will see them in the snow," he said opening his speech.

She launched "blame" in Member States that do not implement their commitments, causing delays in the implementation of EU decisions, and showing not able to talk to each other about common problems. Proof, he said, that had to take the initiative by the European Commission for organizing the meeting Sunday with the Balkan countries.

"Should the member states to discuss naturally together, multilaterally and bilaterally. (...) To give information to the public issue that concerns them. Such a debate like this Sunday there should be an exception and did not need our own initiative. This shows that the EU is not in good condition, "he said and added:" Europe is not built to be fighting each other, but to cooperate with each other. "

The center-right Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho presented the composition of the minority government to President Cavaco Silva

Tuesday, October 27, 2015
The center-right Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho presented the composition of the minority government to President Cavaco Silva

The center-right Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho today presented the Head of State Aníbal Cavaco Silva synthesis whose minority government he leads. According to a statement by the Presidency of the Republic, the new government will take office Friday. But the left, which has a majority in Parliament, has announced its intention to bring down the government just presented its program, which is expected to occur no later than ten days after taking office.

The Passos Coelho got mandate to form a government Thursday after the coalition won a number of votes in the elections on October 4, but lost its majority in Parliament in favor of left-wing parties.

Turkiet: pågående massarresteringar av misstänkta medlemmar av IK

Turkiet: pågående massarresteringar av misstänkta medlemmar av IK

Sjuttio-en personer tros tillhöra den islamiska republiken (IR) greps i dag av den turkiska polisen i razzior genomförs i Istanbul och andra städer, rapporterade lokala nyhetsbyrån Dogan, medan armén sade att det greps 17 militanta försökte ta sig över Syrien.

Igår lanserade polisen en serie operationer mot grupper av IK, inklusive en räd mot mer än ett dussin hem i Diyarbakir (sydöstra), där sju militanter dödades och 12 mer greps.

Turkiska polisen intensifierat sin verksamhet mot jihadist denna organisation efter den dubbla självmordsattack som inträffade den 10 oktober i Ankara med offren för 102 personer före mars för fred i de pro-kurdiska Demokratiska folk (HDP) och andra parter, liksom organisationer vänster.

"Med gårdagens verksamhet förhindrade en attack större än i Ankara. Kramper flera enheter och material som används för att tillverka bomber. Chefer i den turkiska enhet IK dödades under operationen", sade säkerhetstjänsteman till Reuters.

"En självmordsbombare hade fastspänd sprängämnen på hans kropp också dödades i bolaget innan de ger möjlighet att angripa säkerhetspersonal", den tjänsteman sade, eftersom den atenska Press Agency.

Idag, 21 personer, däribland sju barn, greps i samtidiga räder mot hus i Istanbul, rapporterade Dogan nyhetsbyrån nyheterna. Trettio personer greps i staden Konya (Ikonium) i centrala Turkiet, och ytterligare 20 i Kocaeli, ett industriområde öster om Istanbul, berättade Dogan.

I en separat utveckling, sade den turkiska armén att 17 personer som försökte ta sig över illegalt till Syrien greps i provinsen Elmpeili Keeley.