Τρίτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2015

N.Tousk: Taken decisions not to be implemented

N.Tousk: Taken decisions not to be implemented
The crises and challenges as the European Union are facing right now, is probably the largest we have seen in decades, "he said before the plenary of the European Parliament, the President of the Council Donald Tusk, with the opportunity to discuss the conclusions of the meeting of Summit refugee on 15 October.
"I'm worried," he added, "because I have the impression that promises were made and decisions were taken not to be applied."
According to the President of the Council, the current challenges facing Europe "would alter the EU as it has up to now been built, or even destroy some achievements, such as free movement through Schengen".
"They could cause tectonic changes in the EU's political scene will not be positive. This means that we are going through difficult circumstances in which difficult decisions required in unity and solidarity. Together we can face the crisis, I do not want another alternative, "he said.

Syria: A severe attack of the Islamic State in town - stronghold of government forces

Syria: A severe attack of the Islamic State in town - stronghold of government forces
The jihadists of the Islamic State promoted today to the periphery of a city that is considered a key stronghold of the Syrian regime in the north of Syria, Syrian non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch said.
Συρία: Σφοδρή επίθεση του Ισλαμικού Κράτους σε πόλη – προπύργιο των κυβερνητικών δυνάμεωνSyria: A severe attack of the Islamic State in town - stronghold of government dynameonOi men IK penetrated in the northeast suburbs of Safirech, a city located in the southeast of Aleppo. "The IK broke the defensive lines of the regime in Safirech, one of the most important military strongholds of the regime in the southern province of Aleppo," said the director of the Observatory, Rami Abdel Rahman.
The Syrian regime controls many large stores of weapons inside the city. The IR and government forces clash with great vehemence on the outskirts of Safirech.
The jihadists, with their announcement posted on the Internet, also argue that "the first lines of defense of the regime fell" and that have captured several districts within the city.
A military source confirmed to AFP that the army lost control of some areas' after the attack Dae "(pp Arabic acronym for the Islamic State).
The province of Aleppo is controlled almost entirely by the Front Al Nosra, the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda, and Islamist allies. Recently, the military regime attempted to regain some areas and broke the siege imposed by the IK military airport Koueires, to the west of this province.
But the attack on Safirech "put the regime on the defensive, and had gone on the offensive," said Rami Abdel Rahman.
In 2012 the US Congress received information according to which nerve gas and mustard gas were produced in Safirech in other parts of Syria. After the attack with chemicals in East Gouta, which killed hundreds of people in August 2013, Damascus agreed to declare all chemical weapons possessed and deliver them for destruction.

Turkey: businesses are expanded by jihadist groups - 71 arrests

Turkey: businesses are expanded by jihadist groups - 71 arrests
Turkey: businesses are expanded in jihadists groups - 71 syllipseisEvdominta a people believed to belong to the Islamic State (EK) today arrested by Turkish police in raids carried out in Istanbul and other cities.
As reported local news agency Dogan, the army said it arrested 17 militants trying to cross to Syria.
Yesterday, the police launched a series of operations against groups of IK, including a raid on more than a dozen homes in Diyarbakir (south-east), in which seven militants were killed and 12 more were arrested.
Τουρκία: Εντείνονται οι επιχειρήσεις κατά τζιχαντιστικών ομάδων – 71 συλλήψειςTurkish police intensified its operations against the jihadist that organization after the double suicide attack that occurred on October 10 in Ankara with victims of 102 people before march for peace of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Peoples (HDP) and other parties, as well as organizations the Left.
"With yesterday's business we prevented an attack greater than that in Ankara. Seizures multiple devices and materials used to manufacture bombs. Senior executives of the Turkish unit of IK were killed during the operation, "said the security official told Reuters.
"A suicide bomber had strapped explosives to his body also was killed in the company before giving the opportunity to attack the security personnel," the official said.
Today, 21 people, including seven children, were arrested in simultaneous raids on houses in Istanbul, Dogan news agency reported the news. Thirty people were arrested in the city of Konya (Iconium) in central Turkey, and another 20 in Kocaeli, an industrial district east of Istanbul, told the Dogan.
In a separate development, the Turkish army said that 17 people who attempted to cross illegally to Syria were arrested in the province of Elmpeili Keeley.

No more roaming charges within the EU by June 2017

No more roaming charges within the EU by June 2017
The definitive abolition of roaming charges within the European Union, by June 2017, adopted today by the plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
No more roaming charges within the EU by June 2017Ola roaming charges for calls, send text messages and use the Internet via mobile phone (mobile internet) abroad within the EU will be banned from June 15, 2017.
Τέλος στις χρεώσεις περιαγωγής εντός της ΕΕ από τον Ιούνιο 2017They will put in place clear rules on the right of access to the internet.
"The end of roaming charges was something we all waited a long time, ordinary people, new businesses and SMEs and all the bodies," said rapporteur Pilar del Castillo (EPP, Spain). "Thanks to this agreement, making Europe the only region in the world to legally ensure open access to the internet and net neutrality. The principle of net neutrality will be applied directly to all 28 Member States. It will also ensure that we have a two-tier internet ", added the rapporteur.
From April 30, 2016 additional roaming charges should not exceed:
• 0.05 euros per minute for voice calls
• 0,02 euros for text messages (SMS), and
• 0,05 per megabyte for using internet via mobile phone
The upper limit for charges of incoming voice calls will be determined later in the year and is expected to be substantially lower than for outgoing calls.
Any significant deviation will entitle the consumer to take corrective measures, such as the termination of the contract or receive compensation. National regulatory authorities will be responsible and will determine whether this deviation constitutes a breach of the contract or not.

It is in good condition the EU, Member States lag behind when it should be run

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

 It is in good condition the EU, Member States lag behind when it should be run

Concerns over a European Union that is "not in good condition" expressed with particular intensity today before the plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. "Last week, the refugee way of the Balkans saw refugees to pass through the frozen rivers, hardship and cold, and soon you will see them in the snow," he said opening his speech.

She launched "blame" in Member States that do not implement their commitments, causing delays in the implementation of EU decisions, and showing not able to talk to each other about common problems. Proof, he said, that had to take the initiative by the European Commission for organizing the meeting Sunday with the Balkan countries.

"Should the member states to discuss naturally together, multilaterally and bilaterally. (...) To give information to the public issue that concerns them. Such a debate like this Sunday there should be an exception and did not need our own initiative. This shows that the EU is not in good condition, "he said and added:" Europe is not built to be fighting each other, but to cooperate with each other. "

The center-right Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho presented the composition of the minority government to President Cavaco Silva

Tuesday, October 27, 2015
The center-right Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho presented the composition of the minority government to President Cavaco Silva

The center-right Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho today presented the Head of State Aníbal Cavaco Silva synthesis whose minority government he leads. According to a statement by the Presidency of the Republic, the new government will take office Friday. But the left, which has a majority in Parliament, has announced its intention to bring down the government just presented its program, which is expected to occur no later than ten days after taking office.

The Passos Coelho got mandate to form a government Thursday after the coalition won a number of votes in the elections on October 4, but lost its majority in Parliament in favor of left-wing parties.

Turkiet: pågående massarresteringar av misstänkta medlemmar av IK

Turkiet: pågående massarresteringar av misstänkta medlemmar av IK

Sjuttio-en personer tros tillhöra den islamiska republiken (IR) greps i dag av den turkiska polisen i razzior genomförs i Istanbul och andra städer, rapporterade lokala nyhetsbyrån Dogan, medan armén sade att det greps 17 militanta försökte ta sig över Syrien.

Igår lanserade polisen en serie operationer mot grupper av IK, inklusive en räd mot mer än ett dussin hem i Diyarbakir (sydöstra), där sju militanter dödades och 12 mer greps.

Turkiska polisen intensifierat sin verksamhet mot jihadist denna organisation efter den dubbla självmordsattack som inträffade den 10 oktober i Ankara med offren för 102 personer före mars för fred i de pro-kurdiska Demokratiska folk (HDP) och andra parter, liksom organisationer vänster.

"Med gårdagens verksamhet förhindrade en attack större än i Ankara. Kramper flera enheter och material som används för att tillverka bomber. Chefer i den turkiska enhet IK dödades under operationen", sade säkerhetstjänsteman till Reuters.

"En självmordsbombare hade fastspänd sprängämnen på hans kropp också dödades i bolaget innan de ger möjlighet att angripa säkerhetspersonal", den tjänsteman sade, eftersom den atenska Press Agency.

Idag, 21 personer, däribland sju barn, greps i samtidiga räder mot hus i Istanbul, rapporterade Dogan nyhetsbyrån nyheterna. Trettio personer greps i staden Konya (Ikonium) i centrala Turkiet, och ytterligare 20 i Kocaeli, ett industriområde öster om Istanbul, berättade Dogan.

I en separat utveckling, sade den turkiska armén att 17 personer som försökte ta sig över illegalt till Syrien greps i provinsen Elmpeili Keeley.

Turquía: detenciones masivas en curso de presuntos miembros de IK

Turquía: detenciones masivas en curso de presuntos miembros de IK

Setenta y un personas que se cree que pertenecen a la República Islámica (IR) fueron detenidos hoy por la policía turca en redadas llevadas a cabo en Estambul y otras ciudades, informó la agencia local de noticias Dogan, mientras que el ejército dijo que arrestó a 17 militantes tratando de cruzar la Siria.

Ayer, la policía puso en marcha una serie de operaciones contra grupos de IK, incluyendo una redada en más de una docena de casas en Diyarbakir (sudeste), en el que siete militantes murieron y 12 más fueron detenidos.

La policía turca intensificaron sus operaciones en contra de la organización yihadista que después del ataque suicida doble que se produjo el 10 de octubre en Ankara con las víctimas de 102 personas antes de marcha por la paz de los pueblos pro-kurdo Democráticos (HDP) y otras partes, así como las organizaciones la izquierda.

"Con los negocios de ayer impidió un ataque mayor que en Ankara. Las convulsiones múltiples dispositivos y materiales utilizados para la fabricación de bombas. Los ejecutivos de la unidad turca de IK fueron asesinados durante la operación", dijo el funcionario de seguridad dijo a Reuters.

"Un atacante suicida había atado explosivos a su cuerpo también fue asesinado en la empresa antes de dar la oportunidad de atacar al personal de seguridad", dijo el funcionario, según la agencia de prensa ateniense.

Hoy en día, 21 personas, entre ellas siete niños, fueron arrestados en redadas simultáneas en casas en Estambul, la agencia de noticias Dogan informó la noticia. Treinta personas fueron detenidas en la ciudad de Konya (Iconio) en el centro de Turquía, y otros 20 en Kocaeli, un distrito al este industrial de Estambul, dijo al Dogan.

En un desarrollo separado, el ejército turco dijo que 17 personas que intentaban cruzar ilegalmente a Siria fueron detenidos en la provincia de Elmpeili Keeley.

Turchia: arresti di massa in corso di membri sospetti di IK

Turchia: arresti di massa in corso di membri sospetti di IK

Settantuno persone ritenute appartenere alla Repubblica islamica (IR) sono stati arrestati oggi dalla polizia turca in raid compiuti a Istanbul e in altre città, ha riferito l'agenzia di stampa locale Dogan, mentre l'esercito ha detto che ha arrestato 17 militanti tentativo di attraversare il Siria.

Ieri, la polizia ha lanciato una serie di operazioni contro i gruppi di IK, compreso un raid contro più di una dozzina di case a Diyarbakir (sud-est), in cui sette militanti sono stati uccisi e altri 12 sono stati arrestati.

La polizia turca intensificato le sue operazioni contro il jihadista che organizzazione dopo l'attacco doppio suicidio che si è verificato il 10 ottobre ad Ankara con le vittime di 102 persone prima marcia per la pace dei Popoli pro-curdi Democratiche (HDP) e le altre parti, così come le organizzazioni la sinistra.

"Con le imprese di ieri ha impedito un attacco superiore a quella ad Ankara. Sequestri più dispositivi ed i materiali utilizzati per la fabbricazione di bombe. I dirigenti del gruppo turco di IK sono stati uccisi durante l'operazione", ha detto il funzionario della sicurezza ha detto a Reuters.

"Un attentatore suicida si era legato esplosivo al suo corpo anche è stato ucciso in compagnia prima di dare l'opportunità di attaccare il personale di sicurezza", ha detto il funzionario, come l'agenzia di stampa ateniese.

Oggi, 21 persone, tra cui sette bambini, sono stati arrestati in raid simultanei sulle case a Istanbul, l'agenzia di stampa Dogan ha riportato la notizia. Trenta persone sono state arrestate nella città di Konya (Iconio) nella Turchia centrale, e un altro 20 a Kocaeli, un distretto industriale ad est di Istanbul, ha detto al Dogan.

In uno sviluppo separato, l'esercito turco ha detto che 17 persone che tentavano di attraversare illegalmente in Siria sono stati arrestati nella provincia di Elmpeili Keeley.

Turkey: ongoing mass arrests of suspected members of IK

Turkey: ongoing mass arrests of suspected members of IK

Seventy-one people believed to belong to the Islamic Republic (IR) were arrested today by the Turkish police in raids carried out in Istanbul and other cities, reported local news agency Dogan, while the army said it arrested 17 militants trying to cross the Syria.

Yesterday, the police launched a series of operations against groups of IK, including a raid on more than a dozen homes in Diyarbakir (south-east), in which seven militants were killed and 12 more were arrested.

Turkish police intensified its operations against the jihadist that organization after the double suicide attack that occurred on October 10 in Ankara with victims of 102 people before march for peace of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Peoples (HDP) and other parties, as well as organizations the Left.

"With yesterday's business prevented an attack greater than that in Ankara. Seizures multiple devices and materials used to manufacture bombs. Executives of the Turkish unit of IK were killed during the operation," said the security official told Reuters.

"A suicide bomber had strapped explosives to his body also was killed in the company before giving the opportunity to attack the security personnel," the official said, as the Athenian Press Agency.

Today, 21 people, including seven children, were arrested in simultaneous raids on houses in Istanbul, Dogan news agency reported the news. Thirty people were arrested in the city of Konya (Iconium) in central Turkey, and another 20 in Kocaeli, an industrial district east of Istanbul, told the Dogan.

In a separate development, the Turkish army said that 17 people who attempted to cross illegally to Syria were arrested in the province of Elmpeili Keeley.

Türkei: laufende Massenverhaftungen von mutmaßlichen Mitgliedern IK

Türkei: laufende Massenverhaftungen von mutmaßlichen Mitgliedern IK

Einundsiebzig Menschen geglaubt, um in die Islamische Republik (IR) gehören, wurden heute von der türkischen Polizei bei Razzien in Istanbul und anderen Städten durchgeführt verhaftet, berichteten lokale Nachrichtenagentur Dogan, während die Armee sagte, es festgenommen 17 Militanten versuchen, das Kreuz Syrien.

Gestern startete die Polizei eine Reihe von Operationen gegen Gruppen von IK, einschließlich einem Überfall auf mehr als ein Dutzend Häuser in Diyarbakir (Süd-Ost), in dem sieben Kämpfer wurden getötet und 12 weitere wurden festgenommen.

Türkische Polizei intensiviert seine Aktivitäten gegen den Dschihad-Organisation, dass nach dem Doppelselbstmordanschlag, der am 10. Oktober in Ankara mit Opfern von 102 Personen vor dem Marsch für den Frieden der pro-kurdischen Demokratischen Völker (HDP) und anderen Parteien eingetreten ist, sowie Organisationen links.

"Mit der gestrigen Geschäfts verhindert einen Angriff größer als die in Ankara. Krampfanfälle mehrere Geräte und Materialien verwendet werden, um Bomben herzustellen. Führungskräfte der türkischen Einheit IK wurden während der Operation getötet", sagte der Sicherheitsbeamter gegenüber Reuters.

"Ein Selbstmordattentäter hatte Sprengstoff um seinen Körper auch in der Firma, bevor er die Möglichkeit, die Sicherheitspersonal Angriff getötet schnallt", sagte der Beamte, als die Athener Nachrichtenagentur.

Heute, 21 Menschen, darunter sieben Kinder, wurden in gleichzeitigen Angriffen auf Häuser in Istanbul festgenommen, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Dogan die Nachrichten. Dreißig Personen wurden in der Stadt Konya (Ikonion) im Zentrum der Türkei festgenommen, und weitere 20 in Kocaeli, einem Industriegebiet östlich von Istanbul, sagte der Dogan.

In einer separaten Entwicklung, sagte die türkische Armee, dass 17 Menschen, die illegal nach Syrien zu überqueren versucht wurden in der Provinz Elmpeili Keeley verhaftet.

Turquie: arrestations de masse en cours de membres présumés de IK

Turquie: arrestations de masse en cours de membres présumés de IK

Soixante et onze personnes soupçonnées d'appartenir à la République islamique (IR) ont été arrêtés aujourd'hui par la police turque lors de raids menés à Istanbul et d'autres villes, a rapporté l'agence de nouvelles locales Dogan, tandis que l'armée a dit qu'il a arrêté 17 militants essayant de traverser la Syrie.

Hier, la police a lancé une série d'opérations contre des groupes de IK, y compris un raid sur plus d'une douzaine de maisons à Diyarbakir (sud-est), dans lequel sept militants ont été tués et 12 autres ont été arrêtés.

La police turque a intensifié ses opérations contre le djihadiste cette organisation après la double attentat suicide qui a eu lieu le 10 Octobre à Ankara avec les victimes de 102 personnes avant mars pour la paix des peuples pro-démocratique kurde (HDP) et d'autres parties, ainsi que les organisations la gauche.

"Avec l'affaire d'hier a empêché une attaque plus grande que celle à Ankara. Saisies multiples dispositifs et les matériaux utilisés pour fabriquer des bombes. Les dirigeants de l'unité turque de IK ont été tués lors de l'opération", a déclaré le responsable de la sécurité a déclaré à Reuters.

"Un kamikaze avait attaché des explosifs sur son corps aussi a été tué dans l'entreprise avant de donner l'occasion d'attaquer le personnel de sécurité," le fonctionnaire dit, que l'Athénien Press Agency.

Aujourd'hui, 21 personnes, dont sept enfants, ont été arrêtés lors de raids simultanés sur des maisons à Istanbul, Dogan agence de nouvelles rapporté les nouvelles. Trente personnes ont été arrêtées dans la ville de Konya (Iconium) dans le centre de la Turquie, et un autre 20 à Kocaeli, une à l'est de la zone industrielle d'Istanbul, a déclaré à l'Dogan.

Dans un développement séparé, l'armée turque a déclaré que 17 personnes qui tentaient de franchir illégalement en Syrie ont été arrêtés dans la province de Elmpeili Keeley.

Il marketeer nero ..

Il marketeer nero ..

L'enorme coda. Persone in marcia lentamente, un passo alla volta, se questo è l'eternità ... Guardando gelide labbra da nessuna parte, secche e lingua per passeggiare asciugare su di loro, le mani in tasca ... Quando un cartone per antilio e quando una coperta grigia dell'UNHCR per riscaldare i corpi cipressi essiccata anno. E andare via ... Questi afghani lì sulla collina sopra il cancello del campo di Moria. Lefkogkriza, camminare a piedi nudi, i piedi nella polvere, la spazzatura, fango ... Scarpe stringa corda legata passata al collo non bagnato, non viziato, non si perde ...

E all'improvviso in quella coda. Uno, l'altro, il terzo, Lefousis corvi venditori ogni genere necessario. Necessario per sopravvivere proprio il momento successivo. Il marketing nere.

Scene più di 30 €, coperte venti, chip per tre euro a pacchetto, tre euro pane pagnotta, pesce in scatola tre euro, bottiglie d'acqua due euro ciascuno; Una tabella è scaricato e insieme e la merce. Le banane da un euro ciascuna, mele un euro per un "si vuole sopravvivere, a sopportare in coda, per ottenere la carta per andare in Germania? Si paga ... Qui, nella terra promessa nulla è gratuito ... si paga. "

Guardare da lontano e non ricevere un pass per un rappresentante di un'autorità che sarà controllarlo. Presto si scopre che non ha paura. "Io non mi nessuno nulla". In questa circostanza il luogo nessuno fa niente a nessuno.

Ti avvicini più vicino. Nulla di ciò che. Le Hawaii ... "batane rev qualcosa impermeabile piatto di plastica uno e mezzo di euro Yuri 'contro i 10 euro. "Sì, ma io tizio loro riporto qui. Non uscire di qualcosa? ».

Automobili agricole "furgoni" che ha caricato la merce dalla vicina grande supermercato tedesco interessi e vende fuori ai migranti in coda lì in chotspot di Moria. Attesa in linea, non possono fare altrimenti. Se lasciano per un attimo ha perso la serie di nuovo, un paio di giorni ...

La coda lì, il sole e la pioggia, il calvario degli afgani, la collina nella porta superiore del campo, che porta alla registrazione ... In questa circostanza Calvario società unica che mercato nero che spruzzano con nero grande euro indisturbata, società solidale.