Κυριακή 25 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Zmęczony wojny i kryzysu gospodarczego, Ukraińcy głosują dziś w wyborach lokalnych, które są testem dla prozachodniego prezydenta Piotra Porosenko ale które mogą zwiększać prorosyjskiej opozycji w kilku newralgicznych obszarach znaczenie.

Zmęczony wojny i kryzysu gospodarczego, Ukraińcy głosują dziś w wyborach lokalnych, które są testem dla prozachodniego prezydenta Piotra Porosenko ale które mogą zwiększać prorosyjskiej opozycji w kilku newralgicznych obszarach znaczenie.

Lokale wyborcze otwarte w godzinach 08.00 i zamknięte o godzinie 20.00 (GMT). Wyniki będą znane na kilka dni, ze względu na wysoce złożone balloting. Krajowe instytuty Ankieta nie otrzymują exit poll.

Wybory do rad gmin burmistrzów i odbędzie się na wschodnich obszarach separatystycznych kontrolowanych przez rebeliantów, gdzie konflikt pomiędzy pro-rosyjskich wojsk ukraińskich i bojowników zginęło już ponad 8000 osób w 18 miesięcy. Wskazanie kruchego rozejmu: władze Ukrainy postanowił ze względów bezpieczeństwa nie zorganizuje wybory w 122 miastach, które kontrolują i są na pierwszej linii frontu.

Уморен от войни и икономическа криза, украинците гласуват днес в местните избори, които са своеобразен тест за прозападен президент Петър Порошенко, но които могат да усилят про-руската опозиция в няколко чувствителни области от значение.

Уморен от войни и икономическа криза, украинците гласуват днес в местните избори, които са своеобразен тест за прозападен президент Петър Порошенко, но които могат да усилят про-руската опозиция в няколко чувствителни области от значение.

Избирателните секции отвориха в 08.00 и затвори на 20.00 (GMT). Резултатите няма да бъдат известни в продължение на няколко дни, като се има предвид изключително сложна гласуването. Националните институти анкетата не получават екзит пола.

Ще се проведат избори за кметове на общинските съвети и на сепаратистките източните райони, контролирани от бунтовниците, където конфликтът между проруските бунтовниците и украински войски са убили повече от 8000 души в 18 месеца. Указание за необходимостта от крехкото примирие: украинските власти решиха от съображения за сигурност да не организират избори в 122 населени места, които контролират и са на предна линия.

Уморни од рата и економске кризе, Украјинци гласају данас на локалним изборима, који су тест за прозападни председник Петер Поросенко али то може да повећа про-руски опозицију у неколико осетљивих подручја од посебне важности.

Уморни од рата и економске кризе, Украјинци гласају данас на локалним изборима, који су тест за прозападни председник Петер Поросенко али то може да повећа про-руски опозицију у неколико осетљивих подручја од посебне важности.

Бирачка мјеста отворена у 08.00, а затварају у 20.00 (ГМТ). Резултати неће бити познат за неколико дана, с обзиром на веома сложен гласање. Национални институти анкете не примају излазну анкету.

Избори за градоначелнике и опћинских вијећа ће се одржати у сепаратистичким источним подручјима под контролом побуњеника, где је сукоб између про-руских и украјинских милитаната трупе су убиле више од 8.000 људи у 18 месеци. Указивање на крхке примирја: украјинске власти су одлучиле из безбедносних разлога не организује изборе у 122 градова које контролишу и које су на линији фронта.

Tired of war and economic crisis, the Ukrainians are voting today in local elections, which are a test for the pro-Western President Peter Porosenko but that may enhance the pro-Russian opposition in several

Tired of war and economic crisis, the Ukrainians are voting today in local elections, which are a test for the pro-Western President Peter Porosenko but that may enhance the pro-Russian opposition in several sensitive areas of importance. Polling stations opened at 08.00 and closed at 20.00 (GMT). The results will not be known for several days, given the highly complex balloting. The national poll institutes receive no exit poll.

The elections for mayors and municipal councils will be held on separatist eastern areas controlled by the rebels, where the conflict between the pro-Russian militants and Ukrainian troops have killed more than 8,000 people in 18 months. Indication of the fragile ceasefire: the Ukrainian authorities decided for safety reasons not to organize elections in 122 cities that control and are in the front line.

Σάββατο 24 Οκτωβρίου 2015

The EU "wants" refugee reception center in Athens

 The EU "wants" refugee reception center in Athens

Transferring the first reception centers for refugees (Hotspots) from Lesvos and Kos into a great center to be created in the former Olympic site in Athens and operates under the management agency FRONTEX and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees wishes European Commission, according to the German magazine «Der Spiegel».

The report, however, noted that the Greek Government has already expressed its reservations.

Merkel wants to mini summit in Brussels Sunday to achieve a substantial improvement of the work of Hotspots. Chancellor seeks the distribution of refugees within EU be done directly from these preliminary reception centers. Among other things designed to share information leaflets in Arabic so that refugees gain confidence in the EU mechanism, reports Spiegel.

At the same time notes that Greece is indeed already the coordinate registration of refugees and fingerprinting, but most of the 4,000 refugees arriving daily in the Greek islands not applying for asylum - out of fear or do you deported or whether sent to a European country which do not want to live.

The main problem, however, according to the magazine, is that the Greek islands can not cope with the influx of refugees and why the European Commission wants to postpone the initial reception of refugees from overburdened municipalities Lesvos and Kos to the mainland.

So there should be a former Olympic site in Athens, a huge center for 40-50,000 people, which will be managed by officials of FRONTEX, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Καλή Κυριακή

n emergency municipalities Acharnon Agion Agion - Kamaterou and Going Green

n emergency municipalities Acharnon Agion Agion - Kamaterou and Going Green

In a state of Emergency declared today municipalities Acharnon Agion Agion - Kamaterou and Haidari, the Region of Attica, upon authorization by the General Secretariat for Civil Protection and actions of the Region of Attica Rena Douro and the Authorised Regional Director for Civil Protection issues Ioanna Poppet. This decision is necessary in order to tackle the unfavorable situation created due to the extreme weather conditions that affected the specific municipalities, Thursday. This declaration will be valid for three months and coordination assigned to municipalities Acharnon Agion Agion - Kamaterou and Haidari.

Voted the bill for the media

Voted the bill for the media

Majority voted tonight on the set and in his articles (following in principle enactment Friday) of the Ministry of State for the media bill, titled "Licensing content providers terrestrial digital television broadcast free-to etc. provisions ".

The articles of the bill 2,3,4,9,11,12, 13,14,16,17,18, 21 to 43 and 55 (35 in total) passed on a recorded vote, which requested the Southwest.

With enlarged majority - well except the ruling majority, voted in favor of the Democratic coalition and the River - "passed" Articles 11, 12, 14 and 16.

Articles 11 and 12 are regulated matters relating to the procedure and terms of notice of licenses by the ESR. Article 14 relates to the terms of licenses issued and Article 16 relates to the establishment of a public limited company related to ERT.

The remaining articles, voted with 154 votes of SYRIZA and of ANEL (absent if the. Environment Minister C. Tsironis) and in Article 21 were added and the votes of the river. Also Articles 41 and 42 received an extra vote, than the ruling majority (Katerina Markou from the River).

In particular, the roll call vote:

- ND voted "not at all"

- The Golden Dawn voted "not at all" and said "present" in Articles 4, 12, 13 and 16.

- The Democratic coalition voted "not at all" except Articles 11,12,14 and 16 which voted.

- The Communist Party, voted "not at all" and said "present" in Articles 16, 18, 21, 41, 42, 43

- The River, voted "not at all" except Articles 11,12,14,16 and 21, which are voted. The MP Katerina Markou also voted in Articles 41 and 42.

- The Centre Union, voted "not at all" except Articles 2, 11 and 13.

Voted amendment of the Ministry of Education to recruit deputies

Also voted on by all parties (except the Center Union, declared "present") amendment of the Minister of Education, Girlfriend Nikos, which opens the way for the recruitment of 1000 to 2000 deputy teachers, more than 19,500 recruitments already They launched to address gaps in schools.


                                                                     GOOD  MORNING

Ēģipte: Murder islāmistu vēlēšanu kandidāts

Ēģipte: Murder islāmistu vēlēšanu kandidāts

Gunmen nogalināti sestdien kandidēt parlamenta vēlēšanās, kas piederēja islāmistu persona uzskatīja, pro-valdības, ziemeļu Sinaja, apgabalā, kur džihādisti darbojas.

Mustafa Abdel Rahman, kandidāts no ultra-konservatīvu Salafist Al-Nur partijas, kas tiek uzskatīts pro-valdība, tika nogalināts ar diviem gunmen klāja motocikla, tās darīja zināmu policijas amatpersonas.

Pārstāvis puse apstiprināja savu nāvi AFP

Egiptas: Žmogžudystė islamistų kandidatas rinkimuose

Egiptas: Žmogžudystė islamistų kandidatas rinkimuose

Kariūnai žuvo šeštadienį į parlamento rinkimus, kurie priklausė islamistų partija laikoma pro vyriausybė, šiaurinėje Sinajaus, rajone, kur džihadistus veikti kandidatą.

Mustafa Abdel Rahman, kandidatas ultra konservatyvios Salafistų "Al-Nur šaliai, kuri yra laikoma PRO-vyriausybės, buvo nužudytas dviejų kariūnai laive motociklo, jie padarė žinomas policijos pareigūnams.

Asmens atstovas patvirtino jo mirties AFP.

Egipat: Ubistvo islamističke izbora kandidata

Egipat: Ubistvo islamističke izbora kandidata

Naoružani napadači ubili subotu kandidat na parlamentarnim izborima, koji su pripadali islamistička stranka smatra provladinih, u sjevernom Sinaju, područje gdje džihadista raditi.

Mustafa Abdel Rahman, kandidat ultrakonzervativnog Selefijska Al-Nur stranka, koja se smatra pro-vladine, ubili su dva napadači na brodu motocikla, napravili su poznati policijskim službenicima.

Predstavnik stranke potvrdio njegovu smrt AFP.

Mısır: Cinayet İslamcı seçim aday

Mısır: Cinayet İslamcı seçim aday

Silahlı kişiler Perşembe saat İslamcı bir parti kuzey Sina, mücahitler faaliyet bir alanda pro-hükümet olarak kabul aitti parlamento seçimlerinde, bir aday öldürdü.

Mustafa Abdel Rahman, hükümet yanlısı olarak kabul edilir ultra muhafazakâr Selefi El Nur partisi adayı, bir motosiklet gemiye silahlı iki kişinin öldürüldüğü, polis yetkilileri duyurmaktadır.

Partinin Temsilcisi AFP ölümü doğruladı.